Sony’s E3 press conference has now finished. Below you can read our quick notes of what happened.
As it happened
Here you will find our quick notes of what happens, as it happens.
Following an intro video, as usual, we kick off with Jack Tretton, President and CEO of Sony Entertainment America including Batman: Arkham Origins, Dead Nation and Killzone Mercenaries.
More than 85 titles will be released for PS Vita by the end of the year.
God of War HD 1 and 2 and Final Fantasy 10 will be available on the Vita soon.
Teh next Walking Dead episode, 400 days, will be available in the summer and a bundle of the original episodes and 400 will be available for Vita.
Trailer for The Last of Us is shown.
Followed by a trailer for The Puppeteer.
Then a video for Rain.
These PS3 trailers keep going with Beyond: Two Souls.
Then Gran Turismo 6.
The Last of Us is the highest rated game of 2012 and 2013 so far. This is on top of one of the already highest rated games in Uncharted 3.
Trailer for Batman: Asrkham Origins. Released 25th October.
Playstation will have exclusive Arkham Origin content.
On September 17th, an exclusive GTA5 bundle will be released.
Nearly 300 PS3 games will be out by the end of the year.
We lead into the PS4.
Andrew House takes to the stage, President and Group CEO at Sony Entertainment.
We see a video of what the PS4 looks like followed by one being brought on stage.
Michael Lynton, CEO of Sony Entertainment, is on stage for the first time.
He tells us how Sony Pictures and Sony Music will provide content for the PS4.
150,000+ movies and TV shows available on launch through Video Unlimited. 20million+ songs will be available through Music Unlimited.
PPV live events will also be available through PS4.
Shu Yoshida, President of Worldwide Studios, talks about the amount of studios Sony have to produce blockbuster titles and how they’ve been testing the PS4.
30 titles are in development including 20 to be released in the first year of PS4.
One of these new, exclusive titles is The Order 1886 which we’re shown a trailer for.
We’re shown some more footage of the four games announced back in February. Killzone: Shadow Fall, Drive Club, Infamous: Second Son and Knack.
Drive Club and Knack will be released at launch with Infamous: Second Son available in the first quarter of 2014.
A video of The Dark Sorcerer is played out on screen. The video is running in real time using the PS4 engine and has impressive facial technology. The full video will be available online later.
Adam Boyes, Vice President and Third Party Relations of SCE America, takes the stage to talk about some new games in the pipeline.
Amir Rao and Greg Kasavin from Super Giant Games join the stage. They introduce a game called Transistor.
Indie developers can self-publish their own content for PS4 and an indie section is added to the PS store.
Some of the new indie games coming are played on the several screens (real time). These games include Don’t Starve, Mercenary King, Octodad, Secret Ponchos, Rays. Outlast, Oddworld New and Tasty (Abe remake) and Galak Z.
Diablo 3 is coming to PS£ and PS$ and on PS3 it will have exclusive PS3 items such as Drakes amulet from Uncharted.
A video message is played from Tetsuya Nomura, director of Final Fantasy XIII Versus, he introduces us to a new trailer for the game.
We’re then shown a teaser trailer for Kingdom Hearts III.
We lead into Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag and we watch the first demo of the game be played.
Then we jump to Watch Dogs and a demo of that too.
Playstation owners will get an additional hour of gameplay and an exclusive outfit when Watch Dog launches.
Then comes a little comedy video of Lebron James talking to his realistic looking video game self that leads to footage of NGA 2K4
Then comes an announcement for Elder Scrolls fans with Elder Scrolls Online coming to PS4 in Spring 2014.
The beta for Elder Scrolls Online will come first to PS4.
A quick trailer for Mad Max is shown to us. Exclusive DLC will be available for PS4 also.
140 games are currently in development for PS4 with 100 of those being released in the first year. 40 of those are exclusive.
The crowd goes wild as we’re told there will be no restrictions on used games. We’re told once a user buys a game they can trade it in, lend it to a friend, sell it or keep it forever.
Perhaps as a little cheap shot, we’re also told that the PS4 does not need to be online to play offline games.
As an obvious cheap shot, we’re then told it wont stop working if you haven’t authenticated it within 24 hours.
Key features are reiterated such as being able to play games while downloading in the background and cross game chat.
PS Plus membership will carry over to PS4.
PS Plus members will get instant access to Drive Club PS Plus Edition on launch.
As in its current state, PS Plus members will get a free game every month. These will include Don’t Starve. Outlast and Secret Poncho that were shown earlier.
World first in the form of Destiny gameplay.
Through an exclusive partnership with Bungie and Activision, the PS4 world of Destiny will evolve and update over the years.
Through GaiKai cloud service will start in 2014 and begin in the US. GaiKai streams PS3 games to the console for instant play.
PS4 will be available for $399 / £349 this holiday season.