To start with please tell the readers a little about your background.
My name is Kathy, also known as Cosbabe, I’m a 24-year-old creative girl originally from Germany but actually living in the UK. I just graduated university as a graphic designer and I’m now working as a designer for an online gaming company.
What made you want to move to England?
Basically my partner and my job – both I do love! Furthermore, I really like the country itself and the way how people are. But I guess that’s quite normal since everything is more interesting than the stuff you know from home!
And what kind of games do the company you work for produce?
We both develop and publish client and browser-based games, multiplayer and online.
How long have you been cosplaying? Which costume was your first?
I started cosplaying back in early 2004 and continued till 2008 where I participated as part of Team Germany together with my cosplay partner at the World Cosplay Summit. It’s my personal highlight on the cosplay career ladder. After that, I took a long break with the thought of actually quitting, but then again I just couldn’t completely stop as I love being creative. So now, I am back since Summer 2012!
My first costume was Chii out of Chobits (right) which actually wasn’t made by myself. I got this one tailor-made as a present by my parents.
Who’s your favourite character to cosplay?
I don’t really have a specific character as my favourite, it’s rather a certain style or look that a character needs in order to appeal to me. However, I tend to go for the “sunshine type” – as my friends would describe it.
Do you make your own costumes?
The decision whether I will buy or make a costume always depends on the difficulty of the costume itself, as I’m not a skilled tailor. I don’t mind buying complete or certain parts, although I always like the costume-making part, especially when it comes to things that don’t involve sewing but rather some craftmanship!
Is there anybody you would like to cosplay that you haven’t or can’t?
One of my absolute cosplay dreams is Asuka out of Neon Genesis Evangelion (pictured on the right of the right-hand image). Sadly, I’m a huge perfectionist when it comes to the outcome of a costume and I know my tailoring skills aren’t as good as they need to be to meet my expectations for this one.
Have any of your cosplays ever gone wrong?
Ohhh yes…I used to be very lazy, I always started a new costume basically in the week of the convention, so sometimes costumes seemed to be a little rushed and not so high quality. My biggest “Ooops” is a try-out of a special figurine version of Asuka (right), where I just simply worked myself through it just for the sake of finishing it. Luckily, I could get rid of that habbit!
Have you been to many conventions?
I’ve actually been to alot of conventions – both anime/manga and gaming ones – mostly in Germany though. However, I am very excited to discover conventions and expos here in the UK, my very first one will be the MCM London Comic Con this October!
What game(s) are you playing at the moment?
Lately I haven’t had much time for playing games as I had to graduate uni, sort out my work and also move to the UK. But usually I love playing online games such MMORPGs – currently involved with Blade&Soul KR.
Also some random horror survival games whenever grinding/farming gets boring, such as Left4Dead, DayZ and so on, yes, that’s my favourite genre! In rare occasions I also enjoy playing on a console, although mostly whenever there are some newly hyped games such as the new Tomb Raider, The Last of Us or Lollipop Chainsaw.
What did you think of The Last of Us?
It was a thrill, especially if you think back to the old-fashioned way of having games where you just play through the levels and have a little cut scene at the end of each one. The Last of Us opened a new chapter for me. I really loved the way how you progressed the story – as if you are part of a cinematic movie with a big storyline.
How long have you been into games? What’s your first gaming memory?
My dad, little brother and I used to play loads of console games when I was younger. We’ve started with the classics such as Super Nintendo, N64 and PlayStation 1 and just played our way through the evolution of consoles, haha! At some point I wanted to try out some computer games, whereas my first one was CABAL Online (MMORPG) back in 2007/2008.
What’s your favourite game or gaming genre?
Definitely MMORPGs and horror games, if you haven’t noticed before!
Well thankyou for taking the time to answer our questions, that concludes our interview. You can follow Cosbabe on a number of social media sites using the links below.
Feel free to follow me, if you like my work – I don’t bite!