The team behind TimeSplitters fan project TS Rewind have today revealed new work-in-progress character and level assets from the upcoming game. Fan favourite Viola, who first appeared in… Continue reading
Day: 12 December 2014
The fast, electronic beats of the Mute City music race as Mario soars carefully through the air, narrowly dodging a thrown projectile… just barely latching his hand to… Continue reading
Metrocide, a top-down stealth-action game by Flat Earth Studios, began its journey at the Cyberpunk Game Jam in early 2014. The developers ultimately decided on turning it into… Continue reading
I’m going to be honest with you – I’m not all that familiar with Warhammer. I know there are giant buff humanoids and Orks that like fighting in… Continue reading
As we reported earlier in the week, over 100 gamers-cum-artists have taken part in an impressive collaborative project, creating a total of 200 pieces of art that tell… Continue reading
Square Enix have announced that both Final Fantasy VII and the Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster are to be released on the PS4. Both games are scheduled for… Continue reading
Since 2006, the PlayStation 3 has hosted an outstanding amount of games that have ranged from awe-inspiring to diabolically shocking. Here at Power Up Gaming, we aren’t interested… Continue reading