Shovel Knight creators Yacht Club Games have confirmed to us, in an interview conducted earlier today, that the upcoming PSN versions of the game will incorporate ‘features that are special to the PlayStation brand’.
Developer David D’Angelo affirmed that the hit indie game’s PlayStation debut will indeed support cross-saving between console and Vita, with the team also exploring ‘Twitch integration, [Vita] rear touch pad support and more’.
Even better news is that PlayStation gamers will likely have their hands on Shovel Knight far sooner than we thought. While there is no ‘target date’ as of yet, D’Angelo said Yacht Club were hoping to release ‘early this year’.
Shovel Knight released in June last year to a bevy of nostalgic love. Our very own Austin Flynn named the 2D platformer his favourite release of 2014, and the title is already being touted as one of the greatest games of all time. PlayStation fans certainly have much to look forward to – not least a cameo from gaming’s palest mascot, God of War’s Kratos.
Our interview with the developer can be read its entirety here. Keep your browser camped directly on Power Up Gaming for all the latest Shovel Knight PlayStation news.