Simon, a four-coloured toy, made one of the first attempts to draw that line between sound and touch. In video games, this connection is something that’s been pushed,… Continue reading
Day: 24 March 2015
Press Start, the indie low (and I mean low) budget film by Ed Glaser and Kevin Folliard, brought to us by Dark Maze Studios, has a lot of… Continue reading
If you’re anything like me, when you think back to the holidays of childhood, you’ll fill your memory with the smell of the sea, the taste of fish… Continue reading
I Am Bread is Bossa Studios’ follow-up to indie smash hit Surgeon Simulator 2013. The game, in which you control a control a piece of bread in its… Continue reading
It might be time to admit that I am a terrible commander. I’m the Prince of Orange and deep space is my Waterloo. A hundred fighters, dozens of… Continue reading
“Golly, that’s a lot of blood.” Such was the phrase I uttered (complete with 1900s parlance) the first time I took a wrench to one of Trapped Dead:… Continue reading