A few months ago, fellow Power Up Gaming writer Harry approached me with a question that made the entire universe smile down upon me with rainbows and happiness…. Continue reading
Day: 19 August 2015
A plethora of new information about Konami’s upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has been released today, via an online Q&A with some of the attendees… Continue reading
In all my years I can honestly say I’ve never played another game quite like Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen. From its tarot-reading introduction (which determines… Continue reading
So Many Me is the latest in a long string of platforming titles released this year, but manages to be unique enough to separate itself from the pack…. Continue reading
It’s time to fire up the DeLorean: Telltale Games’ trademark take on the iconic Back to the Future film franchise looks set to land on current gen consoles… Continue reading