News PS4

GameStop Set to Give Away Madden NFL 16 with PS4 Console Purchases

Madden NFL 16

US retailer GameStop is set to bundle a free copy of Madden NFL 16 with every PS4 console purchase, according to recently released promotional materials.

According to the POS seen at several outlets (and pictured below), the EA Sports-published title, which launches in North America tomorrow across past and current gen consoles, will be available for free between August 25 and August 30 to any customer who purchases any new PlayStation 4 hardware package at selected stores.

The promotion looks to compete with the $399 Xbox One Madden NFL 16 bundle, which includes a 1TB console, a deluxe edition downloadable version of the game, and a year’s subscription to EA’s on-demand Access service.

Gamestop Madden 16