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SCE Comments on Possibility of Upgraded ‘High Performance’ PS4

Sony is considering the inclusion of Ultra HD ‘4K’ Blu-ray support for the PS4, according to SCEJA executive vice president Masayasu Ito.

In an interview with Japanese gaming site 4Gamer, Ito weighed with his thoughts on the possibility of improving the performance of the the console going forward. He reportedly commented that although the current model of the PS4 doesn’t support Ultra HD Blu-rays, which are capable of displaying a resolution of up to 3840 x 2160 pixels, such support is “still under consideration”.

As 4K support would be dependent on upgraded hardware, the interviewer pushed the executive on whether or not this meant an upgraded, mid-cycle PS4 could be in the works.

While reinforcing the fact that no concrete plans are currently in place, Ito confirmed that Sony have had a few ideas to boost the capabilities of its console, including the release of a ‘high performance’ PS4 alongside the standard model. The console’s conventional x86 architecture would certainly make such a move easier than it would’ve been with the PS3’s Cell processor, Ito commented.

During the in-depth chat, the executive went on to reaffirm Sony’s position that the PS4 was its primary focus, with the PS Vita being a ‘legacy console’ with no further first-party games in development.