A year after it’s official announcement at Bethesda’s conference last year, we finally got a chance to see Dishonored 2 in action and many of the new powers… Continue reading
Day: 16 June 2016
Among the overwhelming tide of popular-gaming opinion, the original Watch Dogs is remembered with a pretty bitter aftertaste. After a hugely impressive debut demo back at E3 2012,… Continue reading
After the flaming nonsense that was the Ubisoft press conference, Sony delivered a powerhouse that was truly for the players. There were no awkward conversations; there was barely… Continue reading
Despite the lack of information surrounding the rumoured PlayStation Neo at Sony’s E3 press conference this year, it appears that the company is prepared to discuss high-level details…. Continue reading
Back when Infinity Ward and Activision unveiled Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, minor details went public on how players will be able to dogfight freely in space, accept… Continue reading