News Stadia

Trying Google Stadia ‘Completely Wins People Over’

Google Stadia is the upcoming game streaming platform that is going to release later this year. Google has started talking about the upcoming platform and has already talked about the internet requirements of the platform.

When Google Stadia launches later this year, it will be capable of running games at 4K 60 FPS but later on, 8K capabilities are promised. Google CEO Sundar Pichai talked about Google Stadia and he mentioned that the platform wins people over when they try it. The following is what he had to say in this regard:

I think we see genuine excitement because, I think, they see the opportunity for a shift, a point of inflection, but they realized the technical challenge of pulling something like this off. And so, but once they get their hands on with the technology and then they see the experience, I think, completely wins people over.

We have already seen Google Stadia in action and it will make downloading games a thing of the past. What we have to see now is whether or not there is going to be any kind of lag. Lag is going to be unacceptable in gaming and is going to spoil the immersion that is why people are skeptical about the experience and they should be.

Google Stadia

Companies in the past have tried to crack game streaming but have failed. Google is a bigger company and has the infrastructure and resources needed to crack game streaming. Pichai went on to mention the following:

And so we are having conversations across the Board and I think people are definitely engaging in a very committed way and they are investing in it and so it’s up to us to bring it all together and have a compelling service later this year and that’s what the team has had done working on.

Google has already talked about how creators and developers are taking an interested in Google Stadia and how this could be a major success in the future. At launch, the service is only going to be available in limited countries but the platform should be available in more regions in the coming months. You can expect Stadia to be available in the majority of the regions around the world by 2020. Pichai also mentioned the following:

But I think they want to see our commitment, which is what we demonstrate and they are working hard to make the investments on their side. And so it’s a big joint effort and it’s working well.

Let us know what you think about Google Stadia and whether or not this is something that you are excited about.