News PC Retro

Dino Crisis Is Being Updated For PC!

The original Dino Crisis is getting updated for PC! But unfortunately that news isn’t quite as amazing as you’d want it to be if you were hoping for a brand new game in the series. Whilst Capcom has filed new trademarks for Dino Crisis, I’m actually talking about a fan-made project that’s bringing the original Dino Crisis to modern day PCs with a slight visual upgrade to make it bearable. As someone who played a little of the original, but then got too scared and had to watch his mate play both games on the original PlayStation to completion, this news is great because it’ll let me wear my nostalgia goggles once again.


Dino Crisis On PC, But Better

You may or may not be aware that there’s an indie team working on bringing Dino Crisis to the Unreal 4 Engine, which in itself is pretty damn great. But thanks to the people at DSOGaming we now know about another Dino Crisis project that’s literally upgrading the original game for PC. The Project is called Dino Crisis Rebirth, and simply aims to take that original PC version of the PlayStation game and give it to modern day PC gamers. The game is being developed by Gemini, and is said to have a 2020 release window. The developers actually launched a new gameplay video for Dino Crisis Rebirth recently, check it out below to bask in its retro glory.

As you can see, the above video shows off how much that DirectX 9 renderer improves the game. Gemini say that they’ve used most of the original rendering tricks from the original version, but they’ve pushed them further, re-implemented some, and pushed the game’s performance. Now the game has no lag, even at the highest resolution, and texture filtering is now second to none, providing an incredibly smooth experience.

Mod Of Full Release?

It’s currently not known if Dino Crisis Rebirth is going to get released as a full game by itself, or a mod. It’s more likely that it’ll be a mod, because it looks like it’ll require a load of files from the original game. Capcom likely won’t take kindly to someone releasing one of their games for free, particularly when it looks like they’re developing a remake themselves. We’ll keep you updated on the project as a release date, or anything else, is announced.