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The Surge Of Mobile Gaming: How Has Mobile Gaming Been Improved In 2020?

Mobile gaming has already gone from strength to strength over the last decade and 2020 has been sure to continue this surge. In fact, mobile gaming is on track to achieve a blockbuster year that will beat console and PC gaming, which have previously been the key drivers of growth in the digital gaming sphere. Whether it was due to COVID-19 and lockdown this year or because of the sector being blown up in popularity in various markets across the globe, the first six months of the year has already been indicated that mobile gaming is taking a clear lead when it comes to shaping the gaming industry. In fact, there have been analysts predicting that the global mobile gaming market will actually increase its lead over console gaming and the PC gaming sector. So, how was mobile gaming been improved in 2020? Let’s take a closer look at why there has been a surge in mobile gaming.

Why Is Mobile Gaming So Popular?

There are a number of reasons why mobile gaming is so popular and has grown at the rate it has across the globe. Unlike the PC and console markets, games are more accessible on mobile, due to there being such a variety of free to download and play games. This means that it’s ideal for a wider audience than console and PC games. Mobile games are also quicker to download and can be played on the go, so people can enjoy a wide range of games all from their phone. From puzzles to adventure games, online casinos and even major titles, including Call of Duty and Fortnite, these can be played on the daily commute, relaxing at home or wherever you want to play. There is so much versatility with mobile gaming, as you don’t have to be plugged into a socket in a wall with a screen, unlike the PC or gaming console. Whether you want to challenge yourself while you wait for the bus or enjoy the benefits of playing mobile casinos, you have more freedom with mobile gaming, as you enjoy a high quality gaming experience from the device that fits into your pocket.

How Has Mobile Gaming Improved?

Technology in smart phones has meant that mobile gaming has been able to enhance. For example, speed, graphics and quality have all improved, making mobile gaming more appealing and accessible. What’s more, there are so many ways you can connect with others whilst using mobile gaming, so it doesn’t just have to be single player, there are multiplayer options too. Mobile phones once only had the ability to make a phone call on the go, followed by the renowned ‘snake’ and ‘tetras’, however games have been able to develop further, becoming more challenging and enjoyable to play.

As technology developed further for the iPhone and its competitors, mobile gaming was able to emerge, as more potential players were made available through different smart phones. Since then, mobile gaming has been able to showcase its accessibility and portability, as games are played on long journeys, in waiting rooms or in between meetings. Even those wouldn’t consider themselves to be gamers, are drawn to mobile gaming, which broadens its potential audience.

Games for mobile devices don’t need to be in any type of packaging, as they can be easily downloaded via either Wi-Fi or cellular networks. The Apple App Store, for example, opened in 2008 and many developed quickly realised its potential. Due to the ease in distribution of games and other apps, this led to a surge in simple to play and inexpensive games. What’s more, not only are these games either free or affordable to buy and download, with a few clicks, it can be deleted if you didn’t enjoy playing the game.

Is Mobile Gaming Here To Stay?

At the moment it looks as if mobile gaming is here to stay due to its accessibility, low cost and wide range of games that are suitable for all gamers and audiences. What’s more, it’s an impressive source of revenue for gamers, who are able to continue creating mobile games for as long as consumers demand them.

With coronavirus and lockdown still in everyone’s lives, mobile gaming will continue to keep audiences engaged and occupied, as people can play with friends from around the globe. During the pandemic many people have felt lonely, but with games that are easy to access and with no setting up, even new gamers can enjoy drawing pictures with friends in other counties or going on an adventure through mobile gaming with their neighbour. There are so many possibilities with mobile gaming, which is why this gaming market is sure to continue to climb in upcoming months and years.