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Rainbow Six Siege Operation Neon Dawn’s Story Trailer Is Brilliant

Earlier this week, Ubisoft released the latest story video for Rainbow Six Siege, which is all about Operation Neon Dawn. The expansion launched this week, and so far Aruni seems to be a great Operator, however, there’s now more to her than we originally knew. The first thing that Ubisoft pointed out about this Operator was her reliance on prosthetics. These were pitched as something she needed because of an accident when she was a child. The story trailer shows that this isn’t the case though. Watch it below, and pay particular attention to the car scene in which Aruni looks like she’s got two human arms.

I’m not saying that just because Aruni experienced an accident involving an explosive as a child that her prosthetics should be from that incident. It just sounds to me like that should be the case, or should have been up until now. With this new video, we can see that Aruni’s prosthetics are actually the result of an accident during her career. The bomb that exploded seems to have caused both her arm and leg to be amputated. She also has a hearing aid of sorts.

I think that this adds to Aruni’s story, though not as much as it could have. If she’d had a prosthetic from a young age, it would show that she’s carrying the cause she supports so vehemently with her. She wants to rid the world of explosions so that no one else has to suffer. Now though, it looks like that cause has landed her in a position that many people find themselves. When unexploded land mines go off, they can kill, or remove limbs at the very least. This is just a much more extreme example of what happens when bomb disposal goes a little awry.

I’m looking forward to seeing how Ubisoft expands upon Aruni’s lore moving through the future of Rainbow Six Siege. Future expansions may reveal how her cause has advanced, or what she’s doing in the background. She’s easily the most interesting character in the game for me, and I just want more of her at the forefront.

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