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What I Want To See From The Resident Evil Showcase This Week

Resident Evil Village

Last week, Capcom revealed that on January 21 there is going to be a Resident Evil showcase event. This will be a digital event that is going to showcase a gameplay walkthrough of Resident Evil Village. This is our first look at the game in 2021. the game is set to launch this year, though we still don’t have a release date. This event is also going to cover something else about the Resident Evil franchise. What exactly that is, I have no idea. However, like many of you out there, I have a few requests for this event. Though one of them has already been met in that a true Resident Evil fan and influencer is hosting the event.

The Resident Evil Village gameplay walkthrough itself is where I have my first request. I know that asking to see specific parts of the game will lead to spoilers, but I don’t want that. What I want to see is this game running in VR. Resident Evil 7 is still one of the best PlayStation VR games out there, and I’d love to see this game running in the same way. That’s my only hope for the gameplay, because I want to get into the game as a fresh new experience.

Regarding the wider Resident Evil franchise, I’d first like to see some more love for Resident Evil Resistance. It’s the multiplayer element of Resident Evil 3 Remake, and it’s sorely lacking in my opinion. Capcom has added to it every now and then, but compared to other asymmetrical horror games out there, it’s had nothing. If Capcom wants to make the most of this game, they need to be treating it like Behaviour Interactive treats Dead by Daylight. More updates, more content, and tonnes of reasons to play all need to be on the way in 2021.

Finally, I’d also like to get some news about whatever the Resident Evil 4 Remake, if there is one, is going to be. Even a glimpse, or just confirmation of its existence, would be enough to keep me happy all year. Finally, I want a release date for Resident Evil Village too, just like everyone does at this point.