Assassin’s Creed Valhalla has had some pretty great post-launch content. The free events, coupled with the items you can earn from them, have provided a meaningful reason to return to the game, even if you’ve accomplished everything else. However, it needs more. Players are starting to complain about the items you can purchase with microtransactions because they’re reskins of other armor in the game or completely pointless. What this game needs are seasons, groups of content that players can purchase and work through at their own speed if they really want to. For everyone else, there could be a free track, pleasing both types of fans at this point.
Ubisoft has clearly thought about seasons for their single-player games. Watch Dogs: Legion has a season pass for its online mode. This is something players can work through just by playing solo, removing any need to actually work with others. You can earn everything without encountering another player if you really don’t want to. So this begs the question as to why Assassin’s Creed Valhalla doesn’t have something similar.
I can’t speak for everyone who plays the game, but I would pay up to £15 for a season pass for this game. I play it regularly enough and complete the challenges when they come up, that I would feel like I could work through 100 ranks of content. Ubisoft has no trouble adding missions to the game through Ubisoft Connect, so why not make those in-game missions that add experience to the season pass? This way, players can feel like they have something to work towards between major DLC and event drops.
A free path on the pass would also give everyone who doesn’t want to spend money a way to enjoy some extra content in the game and get some premium content at rank 100 through sheer effort alone. This is the type of game that players spend hundreds of hours in. Right now, there are too many gaps in content drops. Regular season passes would provide everyone with a reason to play every day, boosting concurrent player numbers and probably even revenue. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather have all the stuff in a season pass instead of spending £15 on a single armor pack.