The third Expedition in No Man’s Sky starts off pretty simple. You’ve got all the stuff that you’d do in the game organically anyway to complete, so there’s… Continue reading
Day: 22 September 2021
Opinion PC PS4 PS5 Stadia Xbox One Xbox Series X|S
Hitman 3’s Featured Contracts From Screen Rant Are Brilliant
A couple of weeks ago, Screen Rant made three Featured Contracts for Hitman 3. I have to say that there are without a doubt the toughest ones I’ve… Continue reading
Opinion PC PS4 PS5 Stadia Xbox One Xbox Series X|S
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One Could Do With A Contracts Mode Like Hitman 3
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One comes out in November, and I’m very excited to get my hands on it. However, there’s one thing that I’ve not seen so far… Continue reading