Before its recent, critically acclaimed adaptation by HBO, The Last of Us was already considered a masterpiece in the gaming world.
The Last of Us is an action-adventure survival horror video game created by Naughty Dog in 2013. It follows Joel and Ellie, two survivors of a fungal pandemic that has devastated America as they traverse the country, encountering various challenges along the way such as infected humans and hostile survivors.
The Last of Us is considered one of the greatest games ever, thanks to its captivating storyline, beloved characters and thrilling gameplay. Today, we’ll take a closer look at 10 iconic moments in The Last of Us – and its 2020 – sequel, that have made it such a classic amongst gamers.
Be Warned: Spoilers abound!
1. Sarah’s Story
The game’s opening scene establishes the tone for the entire journey. We play the role Joel’s daughter, Sarah, as she awakens to a panicked phone call from her uncle before they attempt to flee the city. Unfortunately, chaos ensues and Sarah is tragically lost. This emotional scene sets the scene for Joel’s journey and keeps players on edge for what lies ahead.
2. Ellie’s Introduction
Joel is initially reluctant to be responsible for ‘transporting’ Ellie as human cargo across the country, but over time they form an unlikely bond. Ellie is a superbly written and acted character – her introduction marks the start of an unforgettable journey.
3. The Giraffe Scene
As Joel and Ellie traverse an abandoned zoo, they come across a group of giraffes. The scene is beautifully crafted, and Ellie reaching out to touch one of the animals serves as a poignant reminder of the beauty still present in this world.
4. The Winter Chapter
The Winter chapter marks a pivot in the game, both in terms of gameplay and narrative. It marks the first time players take control of Ellie, with sections playing differently from Joel’s sections. Furthermore, this chapter features an intense confrontation between Ellie and David – a cannibalistic survivor.
5. The Hospital Scene
At the game’s conclusion, Joel and Ellie travel to a hospital where researchers are working on discovering a cure for the infection. It’s an intense scene as players must make a crucial decision that has far-reaching repercussions for all characters involved.
6. The Ranch House Scene
Following the events at the hospital, Joel takes Ellie to a ranch where his brother Tommy lives. This scene provides a welcome respite after the intensity of the game’s climax, with Joel and Ellie sharing an intense conversation that serves as one of its most moving moments.
7. The Prologue of The Last of Us Part II
The prologue to The Last of Us Part II begins years before the events in its predecessor. Players take control of Joel during the early days of an outbreak, setting the scene for what will come later in the sequel.
8. The Museum Scene
In The Last of Us Part II, players control Ellie as she explores a museum with her friend Dina. This scene is beautifully crafted and offers an insight into life before the outbreak; additionally, it serves to showcase the game’s mechanics and level design.
9. The Confrontation with Abby
The Last of Us Part II follows Abby as she seeks revenge against Joel for his actions in the first game. Their confrontation is one of the game’s most intense and emotional scenes, setting the stage for what follows throughout its remaining chapters.
10. TLOU2’s Finale
The finale of The Last of Us Part II is a poignant moment that brings the game’s storyline full circle. It serves as a striking reminder of Ellie’s journey and an appropriate conclusion to one of video gaming’s most memorable franchises.
The Last of Us is full of exceptional moments, from intense combat battles to emotional story beats. The franchise is more than just a game; it’s an immersive experience that stays with players long after they’ve finished playing. Neil Druckmann’s storytelling and character development are among the finest in any medium, while its gameplay is both captivating and challenging.