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Diablo IV’s Ultra-Rare Uniques

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Diablo IV is all about discovering the perfect loot, and for some players the Holy Grail of loot is Ultra-Rare Unique items – items with immense power that will help turn their character into an invincible force in combat.

Diablo IV contains six Ultra-Rare Uniques:


A one-handed sword which deals Shadow damage and may reduce nearby enemy damage.

The Grandfather:

Two-handed sword which increases Critical Strike Damage.

Andariel’s Visage:

Helm with a chance of unleashing poison novas.

Harlequin Crest:

This helmet increases Damage Reduction while giving a boost of +4 to all skills.

Melted Heart of Selig:

An amulet which increases Maximum Resource while offering you the chance of draining resources when taking damage.

Ring of Starless Skies:

An aid which decreases the resource cost associated with Core Skills.

These rare items may never appear again in game, yet if found they can provide significant boosts to any character’s power level.

Ultra-Rare Uniques have generated heated debate among Diablo players. Some believe their rarity makes the game too grindy; others see their rarity as part of what makes them special and adds excitement and intrigue to Diablo.

Ultra-Rare Uniques may or may not be too rare depending on your own personal opinion, but one thing’s for certain – they represent some of the most powerful items in Diablo IV and will surely become highly sought-after commodities among players.

Where Can You Locate Ultra-Rare Uniques

Ultra-Rare Uniques can only be found by defeating enemies at level 85+. They may drop from chests, monsters or events; however their drop rate is incredibly low and you may need to farm long before one appears!

If you are hunting Ultra-Rare Uniques, here are a few steps you can take to increase your odds. First, ensure you are farming at maximum level; secondly, focus on farming areas known to produce bounty; thirdly use a build that optimizes finding rare items.

Ultra-Rare Uniques and their Future

At this early stage, it is too early to predict what lies in store for Ultra-Rare Uniques in Diablo IV, but Blizzard has stated their commitment to making them a valuable component of the game. Although they could potentially become less rare over time, Ultra-Rare Uniques may remain among some of the most sought-after items within Diablo IV.

Are You an Ultimate Diablo Fan who Enjoys Searching for Rare Uniques? Ultra-Rare Uniques could be an exciting challenge and may just give your character an edge that they need for battle! So, if you are searching for great loot in Diablo 3, look out for Ultra-Rare Uniques as they could make your character much stronger than ever! They should definitely be pursued.