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Malding in Twitch Chat

Streamer Interactions and Engagement

Malding is a term commonly used in Twitch chat to describe someone who is becoming increasingly angry or frustrated, often associated with streamer Forsen as she pulls at his hair when angry. The term is thought to have come about after watching him get upset and pull at it during an angry stream session.

Malding is usually used in a humorous sense, but can also refer to someone who is truly angry or distressed. For example, viewers might call a streamer who loses their game angry and begins getting upset “malding.”

Why Is Malding Used in Twitch Chat?

Malding has many purposes in Twitch chat: it serves as an easy and effective way of describing someone who is growing angry; second, the term is often used satirically to add laughter; thirdly, malding has become part of Twitch culture and many viewers recognize its usage.

How to Deal With Malding on Twitch Chat

As a streamer, there are various strategies you can employ to manage malding in your chatroom. First, try ignoring it; if someone starts getting angry in chat, simply ignore their comments and focus on the game instead. Second, attempt to diffuse the situation by talking directly or making jokes; finally if necessary ban the person from taking part; they could no longer participate.

Is Malding Negative?

Malding depends on its context – if someone gets angry in a humorous manner it won’t necessarily be harmful; but when used for more disruptive and harmful purposes it could prove quite disruptive and harmful.

Malding in their chat is ultimately up to the streamer; therefore, if you are one, be aware of its existence in your chat. Malding may occur from time to time and knowing how to deal with it if it happens will help ensure an efficient workflow in your chatroom.

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