LoLdle can be a very challenging game. The champions can be difficult to guess and it is all very much designed to test your best knowledge. If. as a result, you find yourself at loss for what today’s LoLdle answer could be, then look no further!
For those not familiar with LoLdle, it is a spin-off of the popular word-guessing game ‘Wordle’. The difference is that it is inspired by the popular MMO League of Legends. Instead of guessing a random word, your task is to guess the name of a champion from League of Legends. You simply start with typing in the name of a random character. Afterwards, you will be given clues as to the characteristics of the correct champion. A green tile means the characteristic is correct, an orange tile means a partial match and red means it is incorrect.
As of 2023, there are a total of 164 champions in League of Legends. As a result, guessing the correct one can be harder than you may realise.
In any case, this is your final chance to look away before today’s answer is revealed. If you are sure that you want to see it, then read on. Below, there is also a list of archived answers for any previous games you may have played.
LoLdle Answer Today – September 17, 2024
Today’s LoLdle answer is: K’Sante, Tryndamere, Tahm Kench (R), Xayah, Jarvan IV (Warring Kingdoms).
Previous LoLdle Answers: Our Archive
Find yesterday’s LoLdle answer and more in our archive below:
September 16: Elise, Illaoi, Olaf (Passive), Sejuani, Fiora (iG/Invictus Gaming).
September 15: Yorick, Kled, Zeri (Q), Zilean, Ekko (PROJECT: Ekko).
September 14: Aphelios, Yuumi, Warwick (Passive), Nocturne, Karma (Sun Goddess).
September 13: Volibear, Vel’Koz, Skarner (Passive), Olaf, Rek’Sai (Blackfrost).
September 12: Dr. Mundo, Taliyah, Master Yi (Q), Yorick, Ryze (Tribal).
September 11: Sett, Aurelion Sol, Taric (Q), Graves, Orianna (Dark Star).
September 10: Neeko, Garen, Gragas (W), Poppy, Zilean (Old Saint).
September 09: Singed, Samira, Kindred (Passive), Ezreal, LeBlanc (Default).
September 08: Draven, Xerath, Jayce (Passive), Elise, Naafiri (Soul Fighter)
September 07: Zeri, Urgot, Ornn (Passive), Yasuo, Jhin (High Noon).
September 06: Talon, Veigar, Annie (Q), Tryndamere, Master Yi (Project).
September 05: Ziggs, Lucian, Viktor (W), Evelynn, Skarner (Sandscourge)
September 04: Trundle, Lulu, Maokai (W), Xerath, Fizz (Little Devil)
September 03: Lissandra, Varus, Braum (Q), Syndra, Gangplank (Captain).
September 02: Shen, Ashe, Pyke (W), Miss Fortune, Shyvana (Ruined).
September 01: Ekko, Vladimir, Kalista (Passive), Nunu & Willump, Gnar (Gentleman)
August 31: Nami, Irelia, Jax (Passive), Fiora, Zoe (Star Guardian)
August 30: Jarvan IV, Yasuo, Diana (E), Aphelios, Tristana (Buccaneer)
August 29: Corki, Teemo, Shen (Passive), Karthus, Nautilus (Fright Night)
August 28: Zoe, Ivern, Riven (Passive), Tahm Kench, Neeko (Winter Wonder)
August 27: Renekton, Kalista, Camille (E), Tristana, Aurelion Sol (Default)
August 26: Kai’Sa, Vi, Xayah (R), Skarner, Briar (Default)
August 25: Thresh, Rammus, Shaco (W), Rumble, Seraphine (K/DA All Out)
August 24: Pyke, Darius, Samira (Passive), Shyvana, Lux (Lunar Empress)
August 23: Samira, Zoe, Kayn (Q), Talon, Yorick (Resistance)
August 22: Rumble, Katarina, Garen (Q), Akali, Braum (Crime City)
August 21: Alistar, Lillia, Zoe (Passive), Braum, Kayle (Judgement)
August 20: Teemo, Zyra, Kennen (E), Lillia, Urgot (Default).
August 19: Malphite, Volibear, Ryze (W), Leona, Elise (Super Galaxy)
August 18: Nilah, Bel’Veth, K’Sante (W), Jarvan IV, Dr. Mundo (Default).
August 17: Cassiopeia, Vex, Vladimir (W), Camille, Swain (Default).
August 16: Galio, Shyvana, Gangplank (W), Kennen, Ornn (Elderwood).
August 15: Xerath,Twisted Fate, Kai’Sa (R), Seraphine, Kled (Count Kledula).
August 14: Gnar, Kayle, Milio (E), Vi, Sion (Default).
August 13: Twisted Fate, Zeri, Rek’Sai (E), Kayle, Brand (Eternal Dragon).
August 12: Viktor, Kindred, Gnar (R), Ivern, Gwen (Default).
August 11: Tahm Kench, Yorick, Akali (Q), Kayn, Maokai (Totemic).
August 10: Riven, Xin Zhao, Kha’Zix (W), Singed, Cassiopeia (Spirit Blossom).
August 09: Kennen, Swain, Dr. Mundo (W), Aatrox, Katarina (High Command).
August 08: Ivern, Amumu, Shyvana (W), Varus, Cho’Gath (Loch Ness).
August 07: Azir, Vayne, Gwen (E), Lucian, Annie (Reverse)
August 06: Jayce, Mordekaiser, Swain (Q), Fiddlesticks, Renata Glasc (Default)
August 05: Ezreal, Sejuani, Naafiri (R), Udyr, Soraka (Dawnbringer)
August 04: Ahri, Aatrox, Viego (Q), Illaoi, Vex (Default)
August 03: Diana, Karma, Brand (W), Maokai, Milio (Faerie Court)
August 02: Ornn, Tristana,Veigar (W), Zyra, Zeri (Withered Rose)
August 01: Aurelion Sol, Azir, Pantheon (W), Kalista, Hwei (Default).
July 31: Kog’Maw, Alistar, Vel’Koz(E), Gragas, Nidalee (Bewitching)
July 30: Malzahar, Rakan, Ashe (E), Lissandra, Shen (Default)
July 29: Kayle, Fizz, Irelia (E), Rakan, Darius (Dreadnova)
July 28: Garen, Cho’Gath, Hwei (E), Kha’Zix, Smolder (Default)
July 27: Ashe, Viktor, Rammus (E), Ziggs, Syndra (Justicar).
July 26: Veigar, Jarvan IV, Graves (Passive), Ahri, Leona (Battle Academia)
July 25: Jhin, Pyke, Taliyah (Passive), Twitch, Twisted Fate (Pulsefire)
July 24: Seraphine, Kassadin, Elise (W), Zed, Taliyah (Default)
July 23: Shyvana, Gwen, Morgana (E), Twisted Fate, Diana (Dark Waters).
July 22: Gragas, K’Sante, Smolder (Q), Zeri, Wukong (Volcanic)
July 21: Warwick, Morgana, Nocturne (E), Janna, Samira (Space Groove)
July 20: Tryndamere, Kog’Maw, Aatrox (E), Veigar, Xerath (Runeborn)
July 19: Jax, LeBlanc, Singed (Passive), Diana, Rumble (Bilgerat)
July 18: Anivia, Brand, Akshan (E), Rengar, Pantheon (Full Metal)
July 17: Viego, Zilean, Heimerdinger (W), Hecarim, Karthus (Lightsbane)
July 16: Rell, Ornn, Quinn (Passive), Jhin, Camille (Coven)
July 15: Udyr, Caitlyn, Tryndamere (Passive), Ornn, Warwick (Firefang)
July 14: Renata Glasc, Jax, Ahri (E), Thresh, Evelynn (Shadow).
July 13: Jinx, Rengar, Evelynn (R), Qiyana, Azir (Default).
July 12: Akali, Ekko, Yasuo (W), Sett, Shaco (Default).
July 11: Nautilus, Xayah, Zyra (Passive), Mordekaiser, Quinn (Default)
July 10: Kha’Zix, Tahm Kench, Xin Zhao (R), Gnar, Viego (King)
July 09: Leona, Nautilus, Kayle (E), Dr. Mundo, Jayce (Arcane)
July 08: Lucian, Master Yi, Illaoi (W), Viego, Ziggs (Snow Day).
July 07: Graves, Jinx, Urgot (R), Ekko, Veigar (Baron Von)
July 06: Bel’Veth, Karthus, Trundle (E), Alistar, Tryndamere (Nightmare)
July 05: Urgot, Graves, Sett (Passive), Irelia, Ezreal (Frosted).
July 04: Vel’Koz, Poppy, Sona (W), Wukong, Talon (Default).
July 03: Rakan, Nami, Cho’Gath (W), Swain, Trundle (Lil’ Slugger).
July 02: Sion, Rumble, Lux (Passive), Trundle, Pyke (Sand Wraith)
July 01: Syndra, Ryze, Sivir (R), Taric, Draven (Mecha Kingdoms).
June 30: Lillia, Udyr, Azir (Passive), Jinx, Galio (Hextech).
June 29: Qiyana, Braum, Yorick (E), Rell, Kog’Maw (Lion Dance).
June 28: Rengar, Singed, Fizz (R), Galio, K’Sante (Default).
June 27: Sona, Pantheon, LeBlanc (W), Nasus, Rammus (Chrome).
June 26: Akshan, Sylas, Rengar (Q), Darius, Viktor (Default)
June 25: Karma, Ezreal, Lissandra (Q), Pyke, Sona (Arcade)
June 24: Morgana, Evelynn, Ekko (R), Anivia, Garen (Desert Trooper).
June 23: Lulu, Nocturne, Rumble (Q), Aurelion Sol, Qiyana (True Damage)
June 22: Taliyah, Kai’Sa, Bel’Veth (W), Ashe, Rakan (iG)
June 21: Janna, Skarner, Ezreal (W), Sylas, Kha’Zix (Championship)
June 20: Caitlyn, Seraphine, Draven (R), Heimerdinger, Hecarim (Cosmic Charger).
June 19: Katarina, Renekton, Nilah (W), Warwick, Kai’Sa (Bullet Angel)
June 18: Katarina, Renekton, Nilah (W), Warwick, Kai’Sa (Bullet Angel).
June 17: Fiddlesticks, Gragas, Syndra (W), Renekton, Riven (Battle Bunny Prime).
June 16: Aatrox, Sett, Blitzcrank (E), Senna, Zac (Special Weapon).
June 15: Senna, Ziggs, Rell (Q), LeBlance, Aatrox (Odyssey).
June 14: Master Yi, Viego, Zac (E), Gwen, Udyr (Black Belt).
June 13: Sylas,Lux, Twisted Fate (W), Morgana, Miss Fortune (Ruined).
June 12: Darius, Galio, Renata Glasc (Passive), Teemo, Nocturne (Eternum).
June 11: Swain, Anivia, Lucian (E), Karma, Ashe (High Noon).
June 10: Nidalee, Taric, Thresh (R), Samira, Olaf (Default).
June 9: Camille, Rell, Nidalee (W), Blitzcrank, Akali (K/DA)
June 8: Sejuani, Orianna, Udyr (E), Neeko, Nilah (Star Guardian).
June 7: Gangplank, Kayn, Yone (W), Garen, Senna (True Damage).
June 6: Elise, Talon, Xerath (E), Annie, Corki (Urfrider).
June 5: Hecarim, Yone, Warwick (W), Zac, Yuumi (Bewitching).
June 4: Rammus, Kled, Zilean (Q), Jax, Rell (Battle Queen).
June 3: Nocturne, Zed, Ivern (Q), Master Yi, Sejuani (Firecracker).
June 2: K’Sante, Draven, Malzahar (Passive), Milio, Nunu (Grungy).
June 1: Orianna, Elise, Leona (Passive), Ryze, Vel’Koz (Battlecast)
May 31: Neeko, Trundle, Vi (Q), Cassiopeia, Vladimir (Dark Waters).
May 30: Sett, Warwick, Galio (W), Malphite, Amumu (Hextech).
May 29: Zac, Sivir, Janna (R), Katarina, Singed (Resistance).
May 28: Annie, Illaoi, Sejuani (E), Draven, Zed (Default).
May 27: Kassadin, Nunu & Willump, Teemo (E), Viktor, Lillia (Nightbringer).
May 26: Vex, Vel’Koz, Corki (W), Quinn, Ekko (Default).
May 25: Ziggs, Cassiopeia, Poppy (Passive), Sona, Ryze (Pirate).
May 24: Soraka, Neeko, Kled (Passive), Nami, Lissandra (Coven).
May 23: Dr. Mundo, Riven, Kindred (W), Lux, Jarvan IV (Default).
May 22: Trundle, Senna, Renekton (Passive), Orianna, Fiddlesticks (Praetorian).
May 21: Draven, Samira, Twitch (W), Yuumi, Xayah (Brave Phoenix).
May 20: Wukong, Yuumi, Aphelios (R), Shen, Fizz (Fisherman).
May 19: Zyra, Leona, Shen (Passive), Fizz, Heimerdinger (Snowmerdinger)
May 18: Volibear, Malzahar, Katarina (Passive), Renata Glasc, Nasus (Battlecast).
May 17: LeBlanc, Shaco, Lillia (W), Nautilus, Bel’Veth (Default)
May 16: Corki, Kha’Zix, Master Yi (Passive), Azir, Nami (River Spirit).
May 15: Twitch, Garen, Shaco (Passive), Zoe, Karma (Sun Goddess).
May 14: Irelia, Fiddlesticks, Briar (E), Urgot, Zyra (Haunted).
May 13: Braum, Akali, Darius (Q), Lulu, Master Yi (Ionia)
May 12: Karthus, Thresh, Seraphine (W), Nidalee, Orianna (Dark Star)
May 11: Fiora, Ivern, Olaf (W), Kindred, Nautilus (Subterranean).
May 10: Singed, Varus, Vex (Q), Shaco, Lee Sin (Knockout).
May 09: Zilean, Veigar, Nautilus (R), Yone, Vayne (Vindicator).
May 08: Varus, Syndra, Taric (Passive), Brand, Graves (Sentinel).
May 07: Yone, Gangplank, Caitlyn (Q), Malzahar, Naafiri (Default).
May 06: Ekko, Fiora, Caitlyn (Q), Malzahar, Naafiri (Default).
May 05: Teemo, Camille, Gangplank (R), Sivir, Sion (Worldbreaker).
May 04: Lissandra, Dr. Mundo, Pyke (W), Jayce, Gangplank (Sultan)
May 03: Olaf, Kennen, Rek’Sai (Q), Naafiri, Taric (Default)
May 02: Skarner, Bel’Veth, Milio (E), Volibear, Ivern (Old Guard)
May 01: Kalista, Diana, Bard (E), Akshan, Fiora (Heartpiercer)
April 30: Taric, Lulu, Nami (W), Taliyah, Brand (Default)
April 29: Tahm Kench, Gnar, K’Sante (Passive), Vex, Skarner (Battlecast Alpha)
April 28: Brand, Lissandra, Maokai (E), Gangplank, Lulu (Cosmic Enchantress)
April 27: Vi, Teemo, Kayn (W), Vayne, Rengar (Mecha).
April 26: Yorick, Akshan, Vladimir (Q), Cho’Gath, Tahm Kench (Master Chef).
April 25: Zoe, Swain, Karma (Q), Kassadin, Morderkaiser (Lord).
April 24: Ivern, Shen, Fiora (E), Sion, Kayn(Default).
April 23: Pyke, Aatrox, Talon (Q), Vladimir, Illaoi (Default)
April 22: Shaco, Lee Sin, Viktor (Q), Vel’Koz, Xin Zhao (Dragonslayer).
April 21: Gnar, Alistar, Anivia (R), Soraka, Malphite (Obsidian).
April 20: Kog’Maw, Twisted Fate, Gragas (R), Rammus, Poppy (Scarlet Hammer).
April 19: Amumu, Renata Glasc, Qiyana (E), Corki, Sylas (Ashen Slayer).
April 18: Nasus, Tryndamere, Mordekaiser (Passive), Caitlyn, LeBlanc (Wicked).
April 17: Ryze, Sion, Pantheon (Passive), Kog’Maw, Kindred (Super Galaxy)
April 16: Ornn, Viktor, Naafiri (E), Amumu, Darius (Dreadnova).
April 15: Jarvan IV, Vayne, Irelia (Q), Lee Sin, Gwen (Space Groove).
April 14: Quinn, Kindred, Zed (E), Xayah, Katarina (Sandstorm).
April 13: Galio, Malphite, Rakan (Q), Sejuani, Lux (Lunar Empress).
April 12: Aurelion Sol, Jarvan IV, Ryze (Q), Zilean, Volibear (Default).
April 11: Mordekaiser, Xin Zhao, Kassadin (R), Nocturne, Kennen (Deadly).
April 10: Garen, Ahri, Rammus (Q), Olaf, Renekton (Bloodfury).
April 09: Tryndamere, Vex, Nocturne (W), Yorick, Cho’Gath (Shan Hai Scrolls).
April 08: Kayn, Azir, Singed (E), Graves, Xerath (Runeborn).
April 07: Fizz, Soraka, Karthus (Q), Poppy, Syndra (Justicar).
April 06: Alistar, Irelia, Viego (Q), Ezreal, Jax (God Staff).
April 05: Xerath,Yorick, Gnar (Passive), Elise, Rek’Sai (Eternum).
April 04: Kayle, Kassadin, Ziggs (R), Yasuo, Bard (Elderwood).
April 03: Jayce, Rakan, Orianna (W), Tryndamere, Shen (Yellow Jacket).
April 02: Pantheon, Vladimir, Cassiopeia (R), Evelynn, Briar (Default).
April 01: Azir, Corki, Tahm Kench (R), Xerath, Zilean (Groovy).
March 31: Shyvana, Nilah, Wukong (R), Syndra, Annie (Goth).
March 30: Cassiopeia, K’Sante, Hwei (Q), Miss Fortune, Viego (Default).
March 29: Veigar,Sona (“The fanfare ascends.”), Senna (Passive), Nunu & Willump, Akshan (Cyber Pop).
March 28: Nami, Quinn (“A bird’s eye view is the best advantage.”), Graves (Passive), Fiora, Gnar (Elderwood).
March 27: Poppy, Annie (“Eeny, meeny, miny, burn!”), Alistar (Passive), Aphelios, Kled (Sir).
March 26: Gwen, Karma (“Peace, no matter the cost.”), Elise (Q), Karthus, Diana (Default).
March 25: Renekton, Aphelios (“You walk the path of darkness, but you do not walk it alone, brother.”), Brand (R), Tahm Kench, Ezreal (Nottingham).
March 24: kali, Kog’Maw (“Feeding time!”), Urgot (Passive), Tristana, Varus (Dark Star).
March 23: Gragas, Nautilus (“Sometimes I think this anchor just weighs me down”), Sion (E), Skarner, Teemo (Spirit Blossom)
March 22: Jax, Jayce (“Hammer time!”), Kha’Zix (W), Rumble, Vex (Default).
March 21: Lux, Caitlyn (“Think you’re above the law? Think again.”), Vel’Koz (Passive), Shyvana, Zeri (Default).
March 20: Leona, Yasuo (“People keep running into my blade.”), Ahri (R), Talon, Sett (Obsidian Dragon).
March 19: Tristana, Ryze (“I could tell you what’s on this scroll, but then I’d have to obliterate you.”), Tryndamere (Passive), Akali, Kalista (Championship).
March 18: Kindred, Pyke (“Been to the bottom of the sea, gets a little deeper each time.”), Jarvan IV (E), Braum, Morgana (Sinful Succulence).
March 17: Diana, Morgana (“I am unmade in the image of my twin.”), Ashe (Passive), Lillia, Nidalee (Dawnbringer).
March 16: Vel’Koz, Brand (“Is that fireproof?”), Taliyah (W), Leona, K’Sante (Default).
March 15: Malphite, Cho’Gath (“Who will be eaten first?”), Illaoi (Passive), Jarvan IV, Ornn (Elderwood).
March 14: Nilah, Braum (“Mother always said – float like iceberg, sting like thrown iceberg!”), Xayah (R), Camille, Evelynn (Prestige K/DA).
March 13: Zeri, Wukong (“Improve your skills! Then find me again.”), Varus (E), Kennen, Cassiopeia (Siren).
March 12: Ahri, Sylas (“No prison can hold me!”), Rengar (E), Seraphine, Galio (Commando).
March 11: Udyr, Nocturne (“Darkness…”), Camille (W), Vi, Neeko (Default).
March 10: Malzahar, Taliyah (“Remember there is stone beneath your sand”), Zoe (R), Kayle, Soraka (Dryad).
March 09: Caitlyn, Nasus (“Who let the dogs out? Woof. Woof. Woof”), Fizz (E), Ivern, Tryndamere (Viking).
March 08: Sivir, Karthus (“What’s the incantation again… yes, erm… oh, right, R!”), Tristana (Passive), Kayn, Yorick (Arclight).
March 07: Riven, Skarner (“My stinger is ready.”), Zeri (W), Singed, Seraphine (Default).
March 06: Miss Fortune, Rengar (“A true hunter never rests.”), Fiddlesticks (Passive), Aatrox, Kha’Zix (Championship).
March 05: Rengar, Ornn (“My hammer is better.”), Sylas (W), Varus, Blitzcrank (Default).
March 04: Vladimir, Zac (“Fighting is in my blood… I mean… my goo.”), LeBlanc (Q), Lucian, Pyke (Default).
March 03: Jhin, Olaf (“My axe is thirsty.”), Azir (Passive), Fiddlesticks, Milio (Faerie Court).
March 02: Warwick, Viego (“The mist is my great unending sadness”), Udyr (R), Illaoi, Aatrox (Mecha).
March 01: Evelynn, Renekton (“Embrace the jaws of death”), Sona (Q), Illaoi, Twisted Fate (Musketeer).
February 29: Darius, Rell (“The armor keeps the world out. The lance does the rest.”), Volibear (Q), Maokai, Kog’Maw (Monarch).
February 28: Master Yi, Mordekaiser (“Flesh constrains, iron liberates.”), Riven (W), Zyra, Yasuo (High Noon).
February 27: Rumble, Gragas (“Happy hour incoming!”), Yone (W), Kalista, Karthus (Phantom).
February 26: Senna, Ekko (“My pasts have a way of catching up.”), Kayle (Q), Gragas, Jayce (Forsaken).
February 25: Kennen, Miss Fortune (“Sure you can handle me, summoner?”), Quinn (Passive), Lissandra, Thresh (High Noon).
February 24: Rammus, Orianna (“I know what makes them tick. I know how to make the ticking stop.”), Vayne (W), Rakan, Veigar (Default).
February 23: Xayah, Talon (“Eventually, my blades will find their way into your heart.”), Draven (Q), Kha’Zix, Samira (Space Groove).
February 22: Anivia, Tahm Kench (“The only real sin is to deny a craving.”),Swain (Passive),Ziggs,Rakan (IG).
February 21: Orianna, Zilean (“I’ve seen your death, it was painful…”), Sett (Q), Twitch, Zoe (Star Guardian).
February 20: Jinx, Pantheon (“While you bow to the sun, my spear finds your neck.”), Kog’Maw (W), Zed, Maokai (Astronaut).
February 19: Jinx, Pantheon (“While you bow to the sun, my spear finds your neck.”), Kog’Maw (W), Zed, Maokai (Astronaut).
February 18: Cho’Gath, Singed (“To shake, or not to shake.”), Garen (E), Twisted Fate, Aphelios (Lunar Beast).
February 17: Katarina, Elise (“Every web, a masterpiece.”), Yorick (R), Zeri, Nilah (Default).
February 16: Zac, Kalista (“Death to all betrayers.”), Cho’Gath (E), Janna, Rell (Battle Queen).
February 15: Morgana, Nami (“Sure as the tides.”), Nilah (W), Veigar, Anivia (Team Spirit).
February 14: Urgot, Janna (“And you thought it was just a harmless breeze!”), Bel’Veth (W), Dian, Ryze (Tribal).
February 13: Rell, Maokai (“I cannot find peace! Not even in the smallest branch.”), Soraka (Q), Rengar, Caitlyn (Resistance).
February 12: Camille, Kled (“Well, just ’cause you’re a hallucination and I don’t speak lizard don’t mean I can’t understand you!”), Lulu (W), Hecarim, Hwei (Winterblessed).
February 11: Sett, Illaoi (“Your soul drowns. Fight.”), Kai’Sa (Q), Ornn, Akali (Infernal).
February 10: Sett, Illaoi (“Your soul drowns. Fight.”), Kai’Sa (Q), Ornn, Akali (Infernal)
February 09: Kled, Blitzcrank (“A rolling golem gathers no rust.”), Teemo (E), Thresh, Gragas (Default).
February 08: Gangplank, Zyra (“The forest holds many surprises.”), Malzahar (W), Qiyana, Yuumi (Bewitching).
February 07: Annie, Trundle (“Troll with the biggest club gets to be king. That’s the rule!”), Malphite (Q), Sett, Renata Glasc (Admiral).
February 06: Samira, Vel’Koz (“I require a closer look.”), Zyra (W), Mordekaiser, Olaf (Forsaken).
February 05: Zyra, Ezreal (“Where there’s treasure, there’s glory. And where there’s glory… girls are watching.”), Nunu & Willump (E), Gnar, Tristana (Hextech).
February 04: Vex, Udyr (“Awaken, phoenix!”), Zilean (Q), Dr. Mundo, Rumble (Super Galaxy).
February 03: Volibear, Master Yi (“The focused mind can pierce through stone.”), Rumble (Passive), Viego, Camille (Default).
February 02: Illaoi, Neeko (“Life as Garen just simple. Just swing sword around. Very bland, yes.”), Rell (Q), Ekko, Corki (Arcade).
February 01: Sylas, Jax (“Surprise! I’m back.”), Lissandra (R), Alistar, Pantheon (Pulsefire).
January 31: Ezreal, Jinx (“Stay still! I’m trying to shoot you!”), Twisted Fate (E), Irelia, Malzahar (Star Guardian).
January 30: Xin Zhao, Zed (“Embrace the shadow… or die in darkness!”), Kled (Q), Wukong, Malzahar (Battle Boss).
January 29: Taliyah, Ziggs (“Anyone got a match?”), Samira (Q), Swain, Ashe (Amethyst).
January 28: Karthus, Riven (“I knew I should have sprung for the blade warranty.”), Skarner (W), Trundle, Vladimir (Marquis).
January 27: Aatrox, Poppy (“Yep, it’s even heavier than it looks.”), Corki (R), Taric, Braum (El Tigre).
January 26: Talon, Varus (“The cost of your life is one arrow.”), Katarina (W), Jinx, Nasus (Default).
January 25: Lee Sin, Malzahar (“Oblivion awaits!”), Aurelion Sol (R), Rell, Urgot (Giant Enemy)
January 24: Janna, Nidalee (“I’ll show these house cats real claws.”), Yasuo (Q), Galio, Amumu (Hextech).
January 23: Seraphine, Senna (“Out of the lantern… hell came with me.”), Lux (Passive), Nasus, Zyra (Prestige Coven).
January 22: Lucian, Zeri (“No one steals my thunder.”), Diana (R), Darius, Shaco (Default).
January 21: Twisted Fate, Aurelion Sol (“Naturally”), Blitzcrank (Q), Pyke, Leona (Iron Solari).
January 20: Thresh, Camille (“Your source code is flawed”), Nautilus (Q), Anivia, Garen (Warring Kingdoms).
January 19: Sona, Rammus (“Ok”), Gangplank (R), Aurelion Sol, Wukong (Lancer Stratus).
January 18: Fiddlestick, Taric (“Gems hurt, don’t they?”), Sejuani (W), Ashe, Vayne (Prestige Firecracker).
January 17: Elise, Urgot (“Your fear, given chemtech and flesh.”), Olaf (Q), Sylas, Zed (Death Sworn).
January 16: Irelia, Anivia (“The Freljord awakens.”), Aatrox (Passive), Heimerdinger, Viktor (High Noon).
January 15: Braum, Sivir (“You can’t tame the desert”), Nami (E), Kled, Yone (Battle Academia).
January 14: Nocturne, Bel’Veth (“I spread deeper and deeper into the old void.”), Ekko (E),Warwick, Kayle (Aether Wing).
January 13: Olaf, Diana (“Nightfall!”), Shaco (E), Renekton, Nautilus (Abyssal).
January 12: Varus, Cassiopeia (“There is no antidote for me.”), Nasus (W), Senna, Sion (Warmonger).
January 11: Yuumi, Shen (“If light travels so fast, how come it’s never caught a ninja?”), Udyr (E), LeBlanc, Jarvan IV (Lunar Beast).
January 10: Draven, Hecarim (“Trample their bones.”), Galio (E), Gwen, Nami (Cosmic Destiny).
January 09: Lissandra, Graves (“Think I’m bluffin’?”), Neeko (E), Morgana, Singed (Augmented).
January 08: Blitzcrank, Kayle (“Injustice is a festering rot, and I am its cauterizing blade.”), Qiyana (W), Teemo, Fiora (PROJECT: Fiora).
January 07: Hecarim, Syndra (“So much untapped power!”), Briar (R), Karma, Taric (Armor of the Fifth Age).
January 06: Amumu, Draven (“Pefection? I got that.”), Shen (E), Samira, Vi (Debonair).
January 05: Corki, Ashe (“Glory to the Volibear, the Thousand-Pierced Beast. Give my people the resilience of your wilderness and the fury of your storm.”), Kalista (R), Blitzcrank, Janna (Victorious).
January 04: Fiora, Jhin (“Behind every mask… is another mask.”), Caitlyn (E), Neeko,Sejuani (Traditional).
January 03: Karma, Kha’Zix (“If I eat you, will I learn how to die”), Naafiri (Passive), Garen, Talon (Renegade)
January 02: Zoe, Xayah (“If love is feeling so deeply for another that you want to chew your way under their skin, then I love Rakan…”), Gwen (E), Annie, Skarner (Earthrune).
January 01: Mordekaiser, Leona (“First light approaches.”), Karma, Zac, Volibear.
December 31: Ryze, Renata Glasc (“Ah, my favorite part of the job: product testing.”), Evelynn, Jax, Poppy.
December 30: Garen, Seraphine (“Hey, Vi! Wrote you a fight song. Bet you’d love it.”), Darius, Master Yi, Sivir.
December 29: LeBlanc, Twitch (“Have you met my fleas?”), Lucian (Passive), Milio, Kassadin (Deep One).
December 28: Nasus, Zoe (“I bring a message for you all: a warning, a sigil. But first, I wanna see the sparkle flies.”), Ivern (W), Ryze, Graves (Hired Gun).
December 27: Rakan, Amumu (“Let’s find some friends.”), K’Sante, Cassiopeia, Bel’Veth
December 26: Yorick, Samira (“Some choose steel. Others, bullets. Why not both?”), Trundle, Malphite, Heimerdinger.
December 25: Wukong, Heimerdinger (“Did I leave the Tridyminiumobulator on?”), Jhin , Katarina, Master Yi (Blood Moon).
December 24: Yasuo, Lissandra (“They cannot fight the cold.”), Rakan (Q), Draven, Nunu & Willump (Nunu & Beelump).
December 23: Twitch, Tristana (“Nothing a little gunpowder won’t fix!”), Syndra (R), Viktor, Darius (Crime City Nightmare).
December 22: Nautilus, Yorick (“My graveyard is full.”), Kassadin (W), Quinn, Warwick (Urf the Manatee).
December 21: Kog’Maw, Fizz(“One jump ahead of you.”), Heimerdinger (W), Sona, Rammus (Full Metal).
December 20: Ashe, Kindred (“Every life… ends with us.”), Orianna (R), Nami, Xerath (Default).
December 19: Swain, Lee Sin (“I did not blind myself. I called upon the dragon, and suffered its wrath.”), Taric (R), Lux, Rex’Sai (Elderwood).
December 18: Teemo, Qiyana (“You only know one element? How quaint.”), Fiora (Q), Orianna, Miss Fortune (Candy Cane).
December 17: Brand, LeBlanc (“Surprised to see me?”), Thresh (R), Yuumi, Alistar (Conqueror).
December 16: Soraka, Thresh (“Hook, line and sinker!”), Renata Glasc (R), Shen, Lux (Spellthief).
December 15: Xerath, Nunu & Willump, Yuumi, Renata Glasc, Ahri.
December 13: K’Sante, Viktor (“Embrace progress.”), Senna (Q), Nautilus, Kled (Sir Kled).
December 12: Kalista, Gnar (“Vimaga”), Cassiopeia (Q), Azir, Udyr (Black Belt).
December 11: Jax, Rakan (“The dance is deadly”), Renekton (Q), Zoe, Kai’Sa (Default).
December 10: Pantheon, Vi (“Punch first. Ask questions while punching.”), Vel’Koz (Q), Urgot, Dr. Mundo (Mr. Mundoverse).
December 09: Graves, Sett (“Okay, everyone here knows how to throw a punch, right? ‘Cause I don’t have time for lessons.”), Amumu (R), Lulu, Bard (Cafe Cuties).
December 08: Viego, Pyke (“Yessss, let the water fill you…”), Leona (Passive), Nidalee, Vex (Default).
December 07: Vayne, Fiora (“I am an artist with a sword, in more ways than one”), Kayn (R), Kindred, Ekko (Prestige Star Guardian).
December 06: Heimerdinger, Katarina (“he dance of blades”), Hecarim (Q), Shaco, Zilean (Old Saint).
December 05: Galio, Evelynn (“One touch, with desire… that’s all I need”), Elise (E), Yone, Kindred (Default).
December 04: Yone, Azir (“Shurima! Your emperor has returned!”), Kennen (Passive), Brand, Ornn (Default).
December 03: Gwen, Karma (“To conquer one’s self is to conquer all.”), Rammus (Passive), Bard, LeBlanc (Elderwood).
December 02: Tahm Kench, Irelia (“Really? Flying blades? Get your own thing, sister!”), Rek’Sai (Passive), Malzahar, Jinx (Battle Cat).
December 01: Renata Glasc, Lux (“Lighting the way.”), Ornn (Passive), Sivir, Lucian (Default).
November 30: Aurelion Sol, Yuumi (“Oh wow, hook man! Someone who can actually fish!“), Kindred (R), Jayce, Orianna (Gothic).
November 29: Caitlyn, Akshan (“You’re from Shurima? And have a boomerang? We should hang out!“), Varus (W), Naafiri, Riven (Pulsefire).
November 28: Syndra, Aphelios (“We’re in this together. Darkness and light.“), Shyvana (Passive), Volibear, Yorick (Arclight).
November 27: Lux, Akali (“Fear the assassin with no master.“), Xayah (R), Akshan, Lulu (Space Groove).
November 26: Malzahar, Vayne (“Silver of the moon“?), Alistar (E), Vex, Morgana (Prestige Bewitching).
November 24: Malphite, Rengar (“More prey, more prizes.”) , Gnar (E) , Gangplank , Tryndamere (Nightmare).
November 23: Ivern, Zac (“Squashing time!”), Pantheon (E), Vayne, Sett (Default).
November 22: Cassiopeia, Skarner (“Oh no! I seem to have stepped on one of my cousins!”), Vladimir (Q), Cho’Gath, Lissandra (Program).
November 21: Skarner, Lucian (“For Senna!”), Talon (E), Kassadin, K’Sante (Default).
November 20: Veigar, Olaf (“The worth of a man can be measured by the length of his beard, and the girth of his belt buckle.”), Janna (R), Sion, Aatrox (Odyssey).
November 19: Ahri, Shaco (“Why so serious?”), Gragas (R), Vladimir, Kha’Zix (Mecha).
November 18: Ekko, Caitlyn (“My duty is to protect the citizens of Piltover, and I will see that through.”), Akshan (W), Vel’Koz, Viego (King).
November 17: Zilean, Garen (“Forge onward!”), Jax (Passive), Soraka, Kennen (Karate).
November 16: Ornn, Karthus, Nocturne, Rammus, Ivern
November 15: Alistar, Yasuo (“Another wind blade”), Tryndamere (Passive), Corki, Ezreal (Default).
November 13: Kindred, Tahm Kench (“It is my mouth into which all travels end.”), Ashe (Q), Kog’Maw, Karma (Winter Wonder).
November 10: Vladimir, Swain (“What have the ravens brought me?”), Zoe (E), Xayah, Nidalee (Dawnbringer).
November 9: Kha’Zix, Nocturne (“Do I scare you, summoner?”), Dr. Mundo (Q), Sejuani, Hecarim (High Noon)
November 8: Nunu & Willump, Singed (“Mix, mix, swirl, mix.”), Zac (W), Zilean, Jax (PAX)
November 7: Shaco, Lillia (“The garden is filled with burls. The burls, with nightmares… Mother Tree, I’ll remind them how to dream.”), Cho’Gath (R), Nocturne, Zoe (Prestige Arcanist)
November 6: Kassadin, Orianna (“Time tick-ticks away.”), Swain (R), Olaf, Rell (Default)
November 3: Jayce, Alistar (“Stampede”), Ahri (R), Poppy, Renekton (Rune Wars)
November 2: Xayah, Ekko (“I’ve seen your future, and it’s got broken bones.”), Nilah (E), Ezreal, Fiddlesticks (Praetorian)
November 1: Lulu, Kennen (“Yes, they make shurikens this small.”), Kai’Sa (R), Elise, Fizz (Tundra)
October 31: Kayn, Vex (“Shadow, can I get, like five minutes alone? ‘Kay, fine.”), Camille (Passive), Yasuo, Rengar (Sentinel)
October 27: Rengar, Ryze (“These runes are not for eyes such as yours.”), Veigar (E), Miss Fortune, Cassiopeia (Jade Fang)
October 26: Rengar, Ryze (“These runes are not for eyes such as yours.”), Veigar (E), Miss Fortune, Cassiopeia (Jade Fang)
October 24: Master Yi, Soraka (“By the power of the stars”), Tristana (W), Aphelios, Akali (Prestige K/DA)
October 23: Master Yi, Soraka (“By the power of the stars”), Tristana (W), Aphelios, Akali (Prestige K/DA)
October 19: Warwick, Teemo, Sett, Rumble, Yuumi
October 18: Warwick, Teemo, Sett, Rumble, Yuumi
October 17: Zac, Pantheon, Lee Sin, Shyvana, Annie
October 16: Jhin, Dr. Mundo, Zilean, Talon, Sylas
October 12: Evelynn, Nidalee, Maokai, Jarvan IV, Mordekaiser
October 11: Evelynn, Nidalee, Maokai, Jarvan IV, Mordekaiser
October 10: Cho’Gath, Master Yi, Volibear, Camille, Shaco
October 9: Sona, Shyvana, Diana, Seraphine, Shen
October 6: Gragas, Nilah, Vi, Kayle, Teemo
October 5: Sylas, Ornn, Nidalee, Ivern, Naafiri
October 4: Rell, Mordekaiser, Brand, Kayn, Urgot
October 3: Gangplank, Vel’Koz, Millio, Singed, Jhin
October 2: Pyke, Diana, Illaoi, Aatrox, Camille
October 1: Riven, Nautilus, Twitch, Varus, Trundle
September 30: Udyr, Fiddlesticks, Sylas, Lucian, Sona
September 29: Viktor, Rammus, Twisted Fate, Fiddlesticks, Xin Zhao
September 28: Janna, Senna, Corki, Udyr, Draven
September 27: Lee Sin, Yone, Poppy, Illaoi, Diana
September 26: Zeri, Sivir, Lux, Maokai, Sion
September 25: Senna, Jax, Wukong, Zyra, Kalista
September 24: Amumu, Zed, Graves, Kalista, Gnar
September 23: Akali, Poppy, Ekko, Gragas, Taric
September 22: Annie, Kha’Zix, Karthus, Lissandra, Kog’Maw
September 21: Varus, Rell, Teemo, Rakan, Zed
September 20: Seraphine, Rumble, Kayle, Kha’Zix, Shyvana
September 19: Corki, Urgot, Xin Zhao, Ziggs, Nami
September 18: Nocturne, Xerath, Kog’Maw, Ahri, Sejuani
September 17: Fiddlesticks, Amumu, Samira, Twitch, Graves
September 16: Yorick, Kai’Sa, Kled, Zed, Blitzcrank
September 15: Darius, Kled, Ivern, Twisted Fate, Thresh
September 14: Miss Fortune, Heimerdinger, Sivir, Zeri, Taliyah
September 13: Zed, Renata Glasc, Ryze, Janna, Zyra
September 12: LeBlanc, Graves, Darius, Veigar, Janna
September 11: Trundle, Varus, Naafiri, Diana, Malphite
September 10: Zoe, Cho’Gath, Bard, Rengar, Vladimir
September 9: Twitch, Malzahar, Trundle, Hecarim, Garen
September 8: Yuumi, Trundle, Gwen, Jhin, Rek’Sai
September 7: Nami, Gangplank, Fiddlesticks, Thresh, Skarner
September 6: Singed, Viego, Galio, Qiyana, Gangplank
September 5: Olaf, Zoe, Yasuo, Sett, Cho’Gath
September 4: Volibear, Ezreal, Tahm Kench, Sett, Ashe
September 3: Blitzcrank, Elise, Skarner, Mordekaiser, Zeri
September 2: Wukong, Cassiopeia, K’Sante, Gnar, Azir
September 1: Kalista, Gnar, Blitzcrank, Dr. Mundo, Warwick
August 31: Garen, Aatrox, Fiora, Viego, Heimerdinger
August 30: Maokai, Sona, Senna, Ekko, Leona
August 29: Elise, Miss Fortune, Azir, Alistar, Xayah
August 28: Viego, Aurelion Sol, Mordekaiser, Irelia, Olaf
August 27: Pantheon, Talon, Rumble, Wukong, Anivia
August 26: Vayne, Darius, Fizz, Swain, Ryze
August 25: Camille, Nasus, Amumu, Trundle, Samira
August 24: Ryze, Katarina, Shen, Taric, Singed
August 23: Karma, Kindred, Bel’Veth, Jinx, Amumu
August 22: Vex, Volibear, Hecarim, Rell, Vi
August 21: Thresh, Taliyah, Taric, Galio, Nilah
August 20: Gwen, Tryndamere, Braum, Nasus, Alistar
August 19: Soraka, Yorick, Sona, Darius, Kled
August 18: Vel’Koz, Neeko, Ezreal, Pyke, Master Yi
August 17: Kled, Twisted Fate, LeBlanc, Anivia, Jarvan IV
August 16: Hecarim, Seraphine, Syndra, Aurelian Sol, Bard
August 15: Shyvana, Wukong, Nasus, Ashe, Miss Fortune
August 14: Karthus, Rengar, Cassiopeia, Sylas, Volibear
August 13: Talon, Irelia, Shaco, Heimerdinger, Ahri
August 12: Ziggs, Shen, Gnar, Kled, Udyr
August 11: Jax, Samira, Rell, Warwick, Malzahar
August 10: Poppy, Riven, Annie, Renekton, Orianna
August 9: Kog’Maw, Camille, Heimerdinger, Senna, Seraphine
August 8: Aphelios, Vayne, Kindred, LeBlanc, Vel’Koz
August 7: Graves, Fiora, Sion, Gwen, Quinn
August 6: Galio, Skarner, Lulu, Morgana, Vayne
August 5: Xin Zhao, Lillia, Teemo, Fiora
August 4: Twisted Fate, Aphelios, Vladimir, Karma, Corki
August 3: Braum, Galio, Zed, Samira, Viego
August 2: Nidalee, Tristana, Thresh, Blitzcrank, Ornn
August 1: Lissandra, Twitch, Elise, Neeko, Ekko
Tips for LoLdle
The strategy for LoLdle differs a bit from the game it is based on, Wordle. Here, I will give tips for Classic Mode in particular.
Firstly, consider starting with a champion who possesses a broad range of characteristics. Varus is a good example of a champion like this.
After that, make sure to pay attention to the clues. You can significantly whittle down the possible answers by considering which champions have which characteristic. Pay closest attention to the less common characteristics.
Lastly, guess the names of any champions fitting the descriptors and don’t forget to think outside the box as to who it could be.
Hopefully, it has now become clearer what the answer was on today’s game of LoLdle. If you are also interested in knowing the answer for the newest game of Quordle, check out our guide.