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Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost Of Our Love Quest Guide

Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost Of Our Love Quest

The ghost of our Love side quest in Hogwarts Legacy can be a bit challenging since this is a unique side mission during which you need to find the mysterious location shown in the treasure map. You will not need to solve any challenging puzzles or go up against formidable opponents but players can still get stuck while trying to complete this side mission. In this Hogwarts Legacy guide, I walk you through how you can complete the Ghost of our Love side quest.

How To Complete The Ghost Of Our Love Side Quest In Hogwarts Legacy

Before you can start the Ghost of our Love side mission in Hogwarts Legacy, you first need to complete the Trials of Merlin main mission. This is the 13th mission of the game. It also needs to be Nighttime in the game.

How To Start Ghost Of Our Love Side Mission

Once you have attended all your classes and have completed the Trials of Merlin main mission, you will get a letter via the Owl Post and you will be given a new mission that is specific to your house. No matter which house you are in, you will eventually meet Richard Jackdaw, the ghost. The quest will take you into the area where you will find the Map with Floating Candles.

HouseQuestStarting Location
GryffindorThe Hunt for the Missing PagesOutside the Great Hall
SlytherinScrope’s Last HopeHogwarts Courtyard near the Clock Tower
RavenclawOllivander’s HeirloomOllivander’s In Hogsmeade
HufflepuffPrisoner of LoveHufflepuff Common Room

Once you have started the mission, you will need to look around for the Map with Floating Candles.

Map With Floating Candles Location For Gryffindor

During Hunt for the Missing Pages, you will be introduced to Patrick Delaney-Podmore by Nearly Headless Nick in the cemetery, which is to the north of Hogsmeade. Once the conversation is over, you need to walk towards the grave to the right of the crypt entrance. This is where you will find the Map with Floating Candles for house Gryffindor.

Map With Floating Candles Location For Slytherin

If you are in house Slytherin, you will need to progress through Scrope’s Last Hope and reach Apollonia’s Grotto. This is the cave beneath Hogwarts with the red squid on the wall. Put the piece of toast on the pedestal and you will find a secret area. Head in and look towards the right to find a chest that has the Map with Floating Candles inside it.

Map With Floating Candles Location For Ravenclaw

Once you have had a conversation with Ollivander, go to the Owlery towards the southwest of Hogwarts. At the top of the Owlery, go to the southern side and the Map with Floating Candles will be on the ground.

Map With Floating Candles Location For Hufflepuff

Head to Upper Hogsfield and look for the house behind Claire Beaumont’s vendor stall. To the right of the door, you will find a chest with the Map with Floating Candles inside.

Where To Find Ghost Of Our Love Treasure

Note that the Ghost of Our Love treasure can only be found at night. You can open your map and wait by pressing the right analog stick (R3 on PS or RS on Xbox). You can press the F key on PC to progress time forward.

To find the location shown on the Map with Floating Candles, you need to head over to the Forbidden Forest’s entrance. Once here, head west and cast Lumos as you get close to the stone bridge. You will see three floating candles which you need to follow into the Forbidden Forest.

Hogwarts Legacy: Ghost Of Our Love Quest

Follow the candles and you will come to a candlelit table for two. Towards the right of the table, there is a chest that has a random piece of gear and 400 Galleons for you to loot. You will also gain 180 XP for completing the side mission.

This is what you need to know about completing the Ghost of Our Love side mission in Hogwarts Legacy and where you can find the treasure. If you are playing the game on PC then you can check out our article on the best Hogwarts Legacy mods that you should install.