Codes Features Guides

Borderlands 3 Shift Codes for Golden Keys

Borderlands 3 is a highly first-person shooter developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K. A key component of the game specifically is loot. Finding high quality loot can mean the difference between success and failure. One of the best ways to obtain powerful loot is through shift codes. There are numerous shift codes that can be redeemed in the game. This includes both temporary and permanent ones. They allow you to access some fantastic equipment that is sure to give you a leg-up. Below, you can find a list of all the active shift codes in Borderlands 3.

Borderlands 3 Shift Codes for Golden Keys

  • 4C10S-8HKD3-H5HKS-3S6S2-S5S9H—Redeem for 5 Diamond Keys
  • H6RBT-3KB3J-JJTBJ-B3T3B-3XCTW—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
  • 9F6TJ-HBT3B-JTTBJ-TJT3J-RRWB5—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
  • 3BXTB-Z5CSB-F5355-3BJ3J-C69TK—Redeem for a selection of Keys
  • 6RRBJ-C33BT-BJJ3T-J3TJ3-SHC5B—Redeem for 3 Golden Keys
  • C9WTT-6JXTR-WS3RW-H3TTJ-HFWS9—Redeem for 1 Diamond Key
  • CS5TJ-HJXB6-WSTRC-Z3T3J-W5TTZ—Redeem for the Hellshock Weapon, 1 Diamond Key, and 4 Golden Keys
  • 59CTB-CBXTF-59BF5-SBTBB-ZFFZS—Redeem for the Hellwalker Shotgun
  • TJRB3-CKZRB-F5JK5-B3BBB-3FZC9—Redeem for 3 Skeleton Keys
  • W9CBB-593TJ-XRWF9-RBJ3T-TK6BT—Redeem code for Three Golden Keys
  • KSWJJ-J6TTJ-FRCF9-X333J-5Z6KJ—Redeem code for Shrine Saint Head
  • KSK33-S5T33-XX5FS-R3BTB-WSXRC—Redeem code for Saurian Skull Trinket
  • WSCBT-R5BB3-66KX9-F3JBT-ZW3JK—Redeem code for Pilot Punk Head
  • KZKJB-C5BTT-RXW69-XJ33B-5JRBS—Redeem code for Super Mecha Head
  • CSW33-HBBJB-R65XH-XJTJ3-CT963—Redeem code for Guardian Head
  • KHWTB-3CBJB-6XWFZ-6B3BB-T5CCJ—Redeem code for Null Value Head
  • CZKTB-6BTJ3-R6KRZ-6B3TT-RX5ZH—Redeem code for Gray Matter Head
  • CS5JB-CTTBB-FFWXZ-FJ3BT-TC6R3—Redeem code for Daemon Head
  • KZKBB-5HZ9S-CFKR9-RJ3T3-JBTK6—Redeem code for Arachnoir Head
  • K95BT-B99H9-CX5XH-RTJB3-C6SJX—Redeem code for Skagwave Head
  • CZ5JT-HFH99-KXKRZ-6BTJJ-BS5WB—Redeem code for Saurian Synth Head
  • CZ5JT-HFH99-KXKRZ-6BTJJ-BS5WB—Redeem code for Saurian Synth Head
  • WZK3T-XXZHH-KFK6H-6J33T-S959T—Redeem code for Ratch Ratch Rider Head
  • ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H—Redeem code for Three Golden Keys
  • ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)
  • 9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)
  • HXKBT-XJ6FR-WBRKJ-J3TTB-RSBHR—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent, Steam Only)
  • Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)
  • ZRWBJ-ST6XR-CBFKT-JT3J3-FRXJ5—Redeem code for 1 Diamond Key (Permanent)

How to Redeem Shift Codes in Borderlands 3

There are two possible ways to redeem shift codes in Borderlands 3

You can firstly visit the official Borderlands Shift site here. Once on the site, simply login or a create a Shift account. Lastly, head to the accounts reward page and paste any code above into the code redemption section.

The other way is  via the in-game menu. Simply open the menu and go to the social tab. From there go to the Shift section and enter any code you want.

How to Redeem Golden Keys and loot in Borderlands 3

In order to do this, firstly make sure you have entered in a shift code. Once you have redeemed one, you must head to the mail section in your social tab. You should see the golden keys here. Accept all of them so that they are added to your inventory.

Once you have some golden keys, it is now time to redeem some loot. You can use the golden keys to open locked chests containing loot at Sanctuary III. All of the items in the chests are of uncommon rarity or above, and so should be of great use.

That about wraps things up for this guide on Shift codes and Golden Keys in Borderlands 3. With the codes above, you should be able to redeem some very powerful weapons indeed.

Finally, for information on all the characters in Borderlands 3, be sure to check out this article here.

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