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All Baldur’s Gate 3 Classes & Subclasses

baldurs gate 3 classes

Classes and subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3 determine your playstyles, health, skills, spells, damage, and survivability. So making the right choice will be very important. It is one of the first things that you need to pick when you start the game and will impact how you play throughout the game. In this article, I go over all the classes and subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3 and what you need to know about them.

All Classes And Subclasses In Baldur’s Gate 3

The following are all the classes that you can pick in Baldur’s Gate 3, their breakdown, along with their subclasses.

  • Barbarian
  • Bard
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock
  • Wizard


The Barbarian’s key ability scores include Strength (attack rolls and damage), Dexterity (initiation and armor class), and Constitution (hitpoints). The class focuses on brute force and primal rage, proficient in Strength and Constitution. The class is proficient in Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Shields.

The Barbarian has the following starting abilities:

  • Rage: Release your rage to become stronger. While in rage, you deal 2 extra damage with melee weapons, throwing objects, and improvised weapons. Barbarian also gains resistance to physical damage, advantage on Strength Checks, and Saving Throws. A full rest will get you 2 Rage charges, but you can get more as you level up.
  • Unarmored Defence: Your body is your armor. When not wearing armor, your Constitution Modifier is added to your Armor Class. Wearing Heavy Armor will impede your Rage.

Berserker Subclass

The Barbarian Berserker subclass is ideal for people who have an aggressive playstyle. It has the following abilities unlocked from the start.

  • Frenzy:  Your Rage turns into a Frenzy. You gain the use of Frenzied Strike and Enraged Throw. You will also be able to use an Improvised Melee Weapon as a bonus action.
  • Frenzied Strike: A bonus action. Allows you to melee attack with your weapon. Only available when Frenzied.
  • Enraged Throw: Allows you to throw an item or creature at a target. This deals Bludgeoning damage and knocks the target. Damage dealt depends on your Strength and the weight of the item. Only available when Frenzied.

Wildheart Subclass

The Wildheart Barbarian subclass allows you to pick animal-inspired abilities. This mechanic is called Bestial Heart. You can also talk to animals from the start of the game. There are five Bestials Hearts, and you can only pick one. The following are your options.

  • Bear Heart: While in rage, you can heal yourself with Unrelenting Ferocity and increase resistance to all damage except psychic.
  • Eagle Heart: While in rage, you can use Diving Strike. Enemies have Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks, and you can use Dash as a bonus action.
  • Elk Heart: Use Primal Stampere while in Rage. Movement speed is increased by 4.5 meters per turn.
  • Tiger Heart: Use Tiger’s Bloodlust, a multi-target bleed attack when in Rage. Your jump distance is also increased by 4.5 meters.
  • Wolf Heart: While in Rage, you can use Inciting Howl, which gives your team extra movement speed. Your team also gets Advantage on melee attack rolls against enemies that are 2 meters close.

Wild Magic Subclass

The Wild Magic Barbarian subclass is essentially the magic variant of the Barbarian Rage mechanic. When these Barbarians use Rage, they get access to random magic effects from Wild Magic. This can range from weapon attack buffs to teleportation. You do lose these abilities once Rage is no longer active.


The Bard is basically a spellcaster that buffs allies and allows them to perform better than usual. The most important stats for the Bard are Charisma (Spellcasting DCs and Attack Rolls), Constitution (Hitpoints and Concentration Checks), and Dexterity (Initiative and Armor Class).

The following are the abilities that the  Bard has available from the start:

  • Bardic Inspiration: Inspire allies to push them beyond their abilities. Can add a bonus to Attack Roll Ability Check or Saving Throw.
  • 2x Level 1 Spell Slots
  • 2x Cantrips
  • 4x Level 1 Spells

College of Valour

College of Valour Bards are great at using Swords and Shield, which makes them ideal for a tanky character. This subclass of Bards has the following abilities:

  • Proficiency in Medium Armor, Shields, and Martial Weapons.
  • Combat Inspiration (Bardic Inspiration): Inspire ally with valor. Add a bonus to their next Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw. Can also add bonus damage by their next weapon attack or a +4 bonus to their Armour Class for a single attack.

College of Lore

The College of Lore Bard subclass stresses spellcasting and allows players to debuff enemies. It has the following abilities from the start:

  • Proficiency in Arcana, Intimidation, and Sleight of Hand
  • Cutting Words Reaction: Distract a creature and sap its confidence. Target receives a penalty to Attack Roll, Ability Check, or dealt damage.

College of Sword

The College of Sword Bard uses skills with swords and are great dual-weapon fighter. College of Sword Bards can consume a Bardic Inspiration Charge to perform a special Bard Flourish. The following are the different flourishes that can be used, and each has a melee and ranged version.

  • Defensive Flourish: Increasing  Armour Class by 4 for 1 turn if you land a hit.
  • Slashing Flourish: Attack two enemies at once.
  • Mobile Flourish: Hit your target and push it back 6 meters, then teleport to the target afterward.

College of Sword Bards also have two fighting styles:

  • Dueling: When wielding only a single-handed melee weapon, gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. This increases your chances of dealing heavy damage.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting: When offhand attacking, you can add your Ability Score Modifier to the damage of attack.

Furthermore, this subclass of Bards has proficiency in Medium Armor and Scimitars. They also have the ability to perform an additional attack per turn at level 6.


The Cleric class in Baldur’s Gate 3 channels the power of faith in combat. The most important stats for the Cleric include Wisdom (spellcasting), Constitution ( Hitpoints and Concentration checks), and Dexterity (Armor Class).

Clerics have proficiency with Simple Weapons, Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Shields. They get the following abilities from the start of the game:

  • 2x Level 1 Spell Slots
  • 3x Cantrips (choose between Guidance, Resistance, Sacred Flame, or Thaumaturgy)
  • Choose a number (character level + Wisdom skill) of prepared spells.

Clerics can also choose a religion, which will affect dialogue options.

Knowledge Domain

Knowledge Domain subclass Clerics focus on gaining knowledge. They start with fewer skills but gain more over time as you progress through the game. They have the following skills from the start:

  • Proficiency in Arcana and History (doubled Proficiency Bonus).
  • Command (Enchantment Spell): Command a creature to run, go closer, freeze, drop to the ground, or drop its weapon.
  • Sleep (Enchantment Spell): Put targets to sleep for 2 turns. The sleep effect ends if the target takes damage.

Life Domain

This subclass is great as a support since it is proficient at healing. It has the following abilities:

  • Disciple of Life: Empowers healing Spells. The target regains additional Hit Points equal to (2 + Spell’s level).
  • Heavy Armour Proficiency
  • Bless (Enchantment Spell): Bless up to 3 creatures. They get a bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws.
  • Cure Wounds (Evocation Spell) – Target regains hit points.  Does not affect undead or constructs.

Light Domain

The Light Domain is an expert at destroying the undead and getting rid of the darkness. The subclass has the following abilities:

  • Warding Flare: Shield yourself with divine light. Use your Reaction to Disadvantage an attacker, at times causing them to miss their attacks. Attackers immune to being Blinded will not be affected
  • Light (Evocation Cantrip): Infuse an object with an aura of light.
  • Burning Hands (Evocation Spell): Shoot fire from your hands. Fire ignites anything that is flammable and enables fire damage. Targets take half damage on a successful save.
  • Faerie Fire (Evocation Spell): Wrap multiple targets in colorful light. Targets turn visible, and Attack Rolls against the target have Advantage.

Nature Domain

Nature Domain Clerics use the powers of nature. They have the following skills from the start:

  • A choice of one Druid Cantrip
  • Proficiency in Heavy armor and either Animal Handling, Nature, or Survival.
  • Speak with Animals (Divination Spell): Gain the ability to comprehend and communicate with beasts.
  • Animal Friendship (Enchantment Spell): Convince a beast not to attack (3 intelligence or less) you for 10 turns.

Tempest Domain

The Tempest Domain Cleric has the powers of lightning and thunder. The class has the following skills from the start:

  • Thunderwave (Evocation Spell): Release a wave of thunder that deals Thunder damage and pushes away all enemies and objects.
  • Fog Cloud (Conjuration Spell): Summon a cloud that Blinds.
  • Wrath of the Storm: Strike back at an attacking enemy, dealing 2-16 Lightning Damage. On a failed Saving Throw, you do half of a Thunder Damage roll.
  • Proficiency in Martial Weapons and Heavy Armour.

Trickery Domain

Trickery Domain Clerics are great at stealth and illusion magic. The following are the skills that they have from the start:

  • Blessing of the Trickster: Grant target Advantage on Stealth Checks.
  • Charm Person (Enchantment Spell): Charm a humanoid that you can see. Once the spell ends, the creature knows it was Charmed and might accuse the spellcaster. Enemies have Advantage on Saving Throws against being Charmed.
  • Disguise Self (Illusion Spell): Change your appearance.

War Domain

The War Domain Cleric has the following skills from the start:

  • Divine Favour (Evocation Spell): Weapon attacks deal an additional 1-4 Radiant Damage for 3 turns.
  • Shield of Faith (Abjuration Spell): Protect a target from attacks and increase its Armor Class by 2.
  • War Priest: When you make an unarmed or weapon attack, you can spend a War Priese Charge to make an additional attack as a Bonus Action.
  • Proficiency in Martial Weapons and Heavy Armour.


Druids can transform into animals and use the elements. The most important stats for the Druid include Wisdom (spellcasting), Constitution (Hitpoints and Concentration Checks), and Dexterity (Armour Class).

Druids are proficient with Clubs, Daggers, Javelins, Maces, Quarterstaves, Scimitars, Sickles, Spears, Light Armour, Medium Armour, and Shields. The Druid class has the following skills from the start of the game:

  • 2x Level 1 Spell Slots
  • A choice of 2x Cantrips (choose from Guidance, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Poison Spray, Resistance, and Thorn Whip)
  • Choose a number (character level + Wisdom skill) of Prepared Level 1 Spells.

Circle of the Land

Circle of the Land Druids excel at casting spells and gaining prepared spells as they level up. They have the following skills from the start:

  • Natural Recovery: Replenish expended Spell Slots once a day while outside of combat.
  • Wild Shape: Transform into an animal once per short rest (Cat, Badger, Wolf, and Spider).
  • Choose 1 extra Cantrip.

Circle of the Moon

Circle of the Moon Druids rely on animal transformations rather than casting spells. Starting abilities include:

  • Lunar Mend: Expend Spell Slots to regain Hit Points while wild-shaped.
  • Wild Shapes: Cat, Badger, Bear, Wolf and Spider.

Circle of the Spores

Circle of Spores Druids have the ability to manipulate fungal spores that help them and debuff enemies. The following are the skills that these Druids have from the start.

  • Halo of Spores: Unleash a cloud of necrotic spores upon a target, dealing 1-4 Necrotic Damage. Uses a Reaction, and other Reactions won’t trigger this turn.
  • Symbiotic Entity: Get 8 temporary HP and deal 1-6 extra Necrotic Damage. Allows you to cast Halo of Spores with double damage. Lasts until Long Rest and takes a Wild Shape Charge.
  • Bone Chill (Necromancy Cantrip): Deals 1-8 Necrotic Damage and prevents enemies from healing until your next turn. Undead targets receive Disadvantage on Attack Rolls for a turn.


The Fighter class in Baldur’s Gate 3 is your traditional warrior class. The most important stats for the class include Strength or Dexterity (Physical Attacks), Constitution ( Hitpoints and Concentration Checks), and Intelligence (Spells).

The fighter comes with a fighting style that you can pick from:

  • Archery: +2 Ranged Attack buff
  • Defence: +1 Armour Class buff when wearing Armour.
  • Duelling: +2 buff to damage rolls when using a one-handed weapon with an empty offhand.
  • Great Weapon Fighting: Die rerolls once if you roll below 3 on a damage die for an attack with a two-handed melee weapon.
  • Protection: Impose Disadvantage on an enemy that attacks an ally within a 1.5-meter range of you when you have a shield. You need to see the enemy for the effect.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting: When you make an offhand attack, add your Ability Modifier to the damage of the attack.


The Champion subclass has a better Critical Hit. This reduces the number needed to deal a Critical Hit by 1. So you have a much better chance of dealing a Critical Hit on enemies.

Eldritch Knight

The Eldritch Knight has access to some arcane abilities. The subclass has access to the same spells as wizards and uses Intelligence as the spellcasting modifier. The Eldritch Knight subclass has access to the following abilities from the start of the game.

  • 2x Level 1 Spell Slots
  • Choice of 2x Cantrips
  • Choice of 2x Abjuration or Evocation Spells to have Prepared
  • Choice of 1x Wizard Spell to have Prepared

Battle Master

The Battle Master Fighter subclass gives you access to three of the six abilities below:

  • Menacing Attack: Use a superiority die to deal Weapon damage and, at times, Frighten enemies at both melee or ranged.
  • Pushing Attack: Use a superiority die to deal Weapon damage and potentially push enemies back 4.5 meters with both melee or ranged attacks.
  • Rally: Use a superiority die to boost the resolve of an ally and provide 8 temporary hit points.
  • Riposte: If an enemy misses a melee attack on you, use a superiority die to land a powerful attack that deals extra damage.
  • Trip Attack: Use a superiority die to deal Weapon damage and potentially knock enemies Prone. Works with melee and ranged attacks.
  • Disarming Attack: Use a superiority die to deal Weapon damage and potentially force enemies to drop their weapons.


The Monk class is best played while unarmed or with simple weapons. It has a special mechanic called Ki-Points that are used to cast actions. The main stats for the Monk are Wisdom (Ki and Armor Class), Constitution (Hitpoints), and Dexterity (Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, Initiative and Armor Class).

Way of the Four Elements

The Way of the Four Elements Monks focus on mafic and have a greater affinity for arcane abilities. They have the following abilities from the start:

  • Disciple of the Elements: You can select three Spells. Cost Ki Points to cast rather than Spell Slots.
  • Harmony of Fire and Water: While you are not in combat, you regain half of your Ki Points.

Way of the Open Hand

The Way of the Open Hand Monk subclass is best for unarmed combat and does not require weapons. It has the following abilities from the start:

  • Flurry of Blows: Topple: Punch twice in quick succession to potentially knock enemy Prone.
  • Flurry of Blows: Stagger: Punch twice in quick succession to Stagger enemy and make it unable to take Reactions.
  • Flurry of Blows: Push: Punch twice in quick succession and potentially push the enemy away.

Way of Shadow

This Monk subclass is proficient in stealth and subterfuge. You could even call them ninjas. The Way of Shadow Monks have the following abilities from the start of the game:

  • Shadow Arts: Hide: Succeed in Stealth Checks to hide from enemies. This uses a Bonus Action.
  • Shadow Arts: Pass without a Trace: +10 bonus to stealth checks for you and your allies. Costs 2 Ki Points.
  • Shadow Arts: Darkness: Creates a dark shroud that obscures vision and blinds enemies. Enemies will not be able to do ranged attacks in or out of the shroud. This costs 2 Ki Points.
  • Shadow Arts: Darkvision: Grant a target the ability to see in the dark, up to 12 meters. Lasts until Long Rest and costs 2 Ki Points.
  • Shadow Arts: Silence: Create a sound-proof sphere in which everyone is Silenced and immune to Thunder Damage. This costs 2 Ki Points.
  • Minor Illusion Cantrip: Create an illusion that distracts enemies. Can be cast when Silenced.


Paladins mainly focus on melee weapons, but they can use spells as well as they level up. The main stats for the Paladin include Strength or Dexterity (Physical Attacks), Charisma (Spells and Channel Oath abilities), and Constitution (Hitpoints and Concentration Checks).


This subclass cannot be selected from the character creation screen. You will need to pick one of the other subclasses and then perform an action that breaks your oath. Speak with the Oathbreaker Knight in camp to switch to the Oathbreaker Paladin subclass.

At level one, you have access to the Spiteful Suffering ability that allows you to attack with Necrotic damage each turn. Attack Rolls against it have Advantage.

Oath of Devotion

Oath of Devotion Paladins start off with the Holy Rebuke Channel Oath. This creates an aura that deals Radiant damage to anyone who hits them with a melee attack.

Oath of the Ancients

The Oath of the Ancients has access to the Healing Radiance Channel Oath ability. This enables you to heal yourself and your allies using the forces of nature.

Oath of Vengeance

Oath of Vengeance Paladins have the Inquisitor’s Might Channel Oath ability from the start. This allows them or allies to deal an extra 1 Radiant damage on weapon attacks and potentially Daze on hits. This is a bonus action, and the effect lasts for 2 turns.


The ranger can use both weapons and magic, but using a bow is not the only option. The most important stats for this class include Dexterity or Strength (Physical Attacks), Constitution (Hitpoints and Concentration checks), and Wisdom (spellcasting).

Beast Master

The Beast Master Ranger can use animal companions to help him in combat and exploration. It can summon a Bear, Bore, Raven, Wolf or Wolf Spider.


The Hunter Ranger deals high amounts of damage to enemies. It has the following Hunter’s Prey options:

  • Colossus Slayer: Your weapon attacks deal extra damage if the enemy is below its Hitpoint max, once per turn.
  • Giant Killer: If a Larger enemy attacks you, you can use your reaction to do a melee attack.
  • Horde Breaker: Target two creatures standing close to one another. Has both melee and ranged versions.

Gloom Stalker

The Gloom Stalker Ranger excels at ambushing enemies. It is ideal for stealth, initiative, and movement speed bonuses during the beginning of a fight. The Gloom Stalker has the following abilities:

  • Dread Ambusher: +3 bonus to Initiative. During the first turn of combat, movement speed is increased by 3 meters, and attacks can deal 1-8 extra damage.
  • Dread Ambusher Hide: You can Hide as a Bonus Action.
  • Superior Darkvision: You can see in the dark (up to 24 meters).
  • Umbral Shroud: Become Invisible if you are obscured for 10 rounds.
  • Disguise Self (Illusion Spell): Magically change your appearance.


The Rogue class is great at stealth, sticking to the shadows, and dealing high amounts of damage to enemies. They are also useful for stealing. The most important stats for Rogue include Dexterity (Physical Attacks and Armour Class), Constitution (Hitpoints), and Intelligence (Spellcasting for Arcane Trickster).

The Rogue gets access tot he Sneak Attack ability from the start of the game. This has a melee and ranged variant. This allows you to hide and stealthily attack enemies. These have more damage than regular attacks.


Assassin Rogues deal high amounts of damage at the start of battles. They have the following extra abilities:

  • Assassin’s Alacrity: Instantly restore Action and Bonus Action at the beginning of combat.
  • Assassinate: Ambush: Successful Attack Roll against a Surprised enemy results in a Critical Hit.
  • Assassinate: Initiative: While in combat, you have Advantage on Attack Rolls against enemies that have not had their turn.

Arcane Trickster

The Arcane Trickster Rogue is better at spellcasting than other subclasses. It can use magic to support team members and even buff them. The following are the abilities that you get with the Arcane Trickster Rogue:

  • Choose 2x Cantrips
  • Choose 2x Level 1 Enchantment or Illusion Spells
  • Choose 1 Level 1 Spell from Wizard Spell List


The Thief is one of the simplest subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3. It has the following abilities from the start of the game:

  • Fast Hands: Gain extra Bonus Action each turn
  • Second-Story Work: Resistance to Fall Damage


The Sorcerer class is a Charisma-based spellcaster that has magical abilities. The class can deal damage to enemies and buff Allies. The important stats for this class include Charisma (Spellcasting), Constitution (Hitpoints, Concentration Checks), and Dexterity (Armour Class).

Draconic Bloodline

Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers are related to dragons, so they are resistant to some elements and have special abilities depending on the dragon that you pick. The types of dragons you can pick from include:

  • Red (Burning Hands): Shoot fire, making flammables catch fire and deal fire damage. Targets will still take half damage on successful saves.
  • Black (Grease): Cover the ground in grease, potentially making enemies fall prone.
  • Blue: (Witch Bolt): Deal Lightning damage and link to the target via arc of lightning. With each turn, you can activate arc to deal Lightning damage automatically.
  • White (Armour of Agathys): Frost covers you giving 5 Temporary Hit Points and deal 5 Cold damage to targets that hit you with a melee attack.
  • Green (Grants Ray of Sickness): Deal Poison damage and potentially poison the enemy.
  • Gold (Grants Disguise Self): Change your appearance.
  • Silver (Feather Fall): Slow the rate of descent of allied creatures. Grants immunity to Falling damage.
  • Bronze (Fog Cloud): Create a cloud of fog to Heavily Obscure and Blind creatures inside. Target inside cannot do ranged attacks into or out of the fog.
  • Copper (Tasha’s Hideous Laughter): Apply fits of laughter on the target, leaving it Prone without the ability to get up. The target will try and shake off the effect when the turn ends or when it takes damage.
  • Brass (Grants Sleep): Put creatures (up to a combined 24 hit points) to sleep. Targets wake up if they take damage.

Wild Magic

The Wild Magic subclass uses chaotic magic. When you cast a spell, there is a chance that your spell will produce an extra effect. This can either be helpful or harmful. So, there is an element of surprise. This subclass has the following abilities:

  • Wild Magic: Spells have additional random effects
  • Tides of Chaos: Gain advantage on the next Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Saving Throw. Afterward, the chance of Wilf Magic Surge is increased. This can be recharged after a short or long rest.

The following are the Wild Magic Surge effects that can take place:

  • Wild Magic: Blur: Every target in 9 meters becomes Blurred, giving attackers a Disadvantage against them when using targeted attacks relying on sight.
  • Wild Magic: Enchant Weapons: Targets in 6 meters have main weapons enchanted. Their next weapon attack will be a Critical Hit and deal extra Force damage.
  • Wild Magic: Explosive Healing: Spells heal all targets in 3 meters of the target. Higher-level spells provide more healing.
  • Wild Magic: Fog: Summon dense fog around yourself. It Heavily Obscures and Blinds targets within.
  • Wild Magic: Summon Mephit: Summon a mephit that is hostile to everyone in the area around it.
  • Wild Magic: Swap: Swap positions with a target every time you cast a spell or Cantrip.
  • Wild Magic: Teleport: You can use a bonus action or teleport up to 9 meters until the end of your turn.
  • Wild Magic: Turn Magic: For 5 turns, trigger a random magical effect at the start of each turn.
  • Wild Magic: Burning: Every target and item in 6 meters burns and takes fire damage every turn for 5 turns.
  • Wild Magic: Sorcery Points: Each spell you use until the end of your turn regenerates Sorcery Points equal to the Spell Slot level.
  • Wild Magic: Water: Create a water puddle around the caster.

Storm Sorcery

Storm Sorcerers are very mobile when it comes to moving around during combat. The bonus ability this class gets at the start is Tempestuous Magic. This allows the class to fly up to 9 meters as a bonus action after casting a spell without fear of Opportunist Attacks from enemies.

At level 6, the class gets 50% resistance to Thunder and Lightning Damage and the ability to passively create small storms when Thunder or Lightning spells are cast.


Warlocks have magical powers. The major stats for this class include Charisma (Spellcasting), Constitution (Hitpoints and Concentration Checks), and Dexterity (Armour Class).


Archfey Warlock has the following extra abilities:

  • Fey Presence: Charm or Frighten nearby enemies with the feywild’s beguiling.
  • Faerie Fire (Evocation Spell): Wrap numerous targets in colorful light and make them visible. Attack rolls against them have Advantage.
  • Sleep (Enchantment Spell): Targets (up to 24 hit points) are put into a magical slumber. The sleeping targets will awaken if they take damage, get help, or are shoved.

The Fiend

The Fiend Warlock has destructive powers. The subclass starts the game with the following abilities:

  • 1 Warlock Spell Slot
  • Choose 2 Cantrips
  • Choose 2 Level 1 Spells

The Great Old One

The Great Old One warlocks can influence the minds of their enemies. The class starts with the following abilities:

  • Mortal Reminder: If you deal a Critical Hit on a target, it and nearby enemies become Frightened until the end of their next turn.
  • Dissonant Whispers Spell: Deal psychic damage and make the target Frightened. Target takes half damage on a successful save.
  • Tasha’s Hideous Laughter Spell: Apply a fit of laughter on a target, making it prone without the ability to get back up. When it takes damage, or at the end of its turn it can try to shake off the effect.


Wizards have arcane abilities and can cast spells. Wizards tend to have a variety of spells to choose from compared to all the other classes in the game. The most important stats for this class include Intelligence (Spellcasting), Constitution (Hitpoints and Concentration Checks), and Dexterity (Armour Class).


Abjuration School Wizards use protective magic to protect themselves and their allies. This subclass has access to the following abilities from the start:

  • Abjuration Savant: Learning Abjuration spells from spell scrolls costs half.
  • Arcane Ward: When you cast an Abjuration spell of level one or higher, per day, you can use a strand of the Spells magic to make a magical ward that lasts until the next Long Rest.


Conjuration Wizards can summon objects or creatures and even displace them in space. With this subclass, you get the following abilities:

  • Conjuration Savant: Learning Conjuration spells from spell scrolls costs half.
  • Minor Conjuration: Create Water: Casting the Create Water spell does not consume a spell slot, once per Short Rest.


The Divination School Wizard gets the following abilities from the start:

  • Divination Savant: Learning Divination spells from spell scrolls costs half.
  • Portent: After every Long Rest, gain two random Portent Dice. During the day, you can use your reaction to change the die of any Attack Roll or Saving Throw rolled inside 18 meters of you to one of your Portent Dice. Each of the Portent Die can only be used once, and you will lose your unused ones at the end of the day.

You will gain an extra Portenent Die once you reach level 6. At level 10, you will be able to see in the dark and see invisible creatures.


Enchantment School Wizards influence and bend targets to their will. They have the following skills from the start of the game:

  • Enchantment Savant: The cost of learning Enchantment spells from spell scrolls is halved.
  • Hypnotic Gaze: Once per Long Rest, use an action to target a non-ally creature in 1.5 meters. If the target does not succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw, it will become charmed and incapacitated for 2 turns. You can maintain charm as an action while still in range. Extending its effects for another 2 turns. The effects will be removed if the target takes damage.


Evocation School Wizards are great at offensive magic. Offensive spells cast by Evocation subclass Wizards do not damage allies. This subclass has the following abilities:

  • Evocation Savant: Learning Evocation Spells from spell scrolls costs half.
  • Sculpt Spells: Create safety pockets inside your Evocation Spells. Your allies will automatically succeed Saving Throws and will not take damage from these spells.


With the Necromancy Warlock subclass, you have access to the following skills:

  • Necromancy Savant: The cost of learning Necromancy spells from spell scrolls is halved.
  • Grim Harvest: Once a turn, if you kill a target with spells, you earn Hit Points equal to twice the Spell Slot level used. Thrice if it is a Necromancy Spell. Undead and constructs will not be affected.


Illusion School Warlocks can create illusions to fool enemies. This subclass has the following abilities from the start:

  • Illusion Savant: The cost of learning Illusions spells from spell scrolls is halved.
  • Improved Minor Illusion: You can cast Minor Illusion as a Bonus Action. You are able to remain hidden while casting the spell. It can be cast while you are silenced.


Transmutation School Warlocks bend the world around them to their advantage. This subclass has the following abilities from the start of the game:

  • Transmutation Savant: The cost of learning Transmutation spells from spell scrolls is halved.
  • Experimental Alchemy: When combining extracts, you brew two Alchemical Solutions rather than one if you succeed in a Difficulty Class15 Medicine Check.

This is what you need to know about the classes and subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3. You can also check out our article on the ridiculous stats that Baldur’s Gate 3 has.