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Will Capcom Release Resident Evil 5 Remake Next?

Resident Evil 5 Remake

Capcom has done tremendously well with its remakes, and it would not make sense if it just stopped here. While there is no official announcement for Resident Evil 5 Remake, I am pretty sure that it is in the works and is going to come out. We just have to give Capcom enough time.

Will There Be A Resident Evil 5 Remake?

Capcom has blown it out of the park with Resident Evil 3, 4, and 4 Remakes. I personally loved RE5 and think that the series did decline after its release. So not releasing a Resident Evil 5 remake would not make a lot of business sense. The remakes are pretty hot right now, and Capcom will most likely want to capitalize on that as much as possible. Resident Evil 5 is one of the best-selling games in the franchise, and it is safe to assume that a remake of the game featuring new graphics and mechanics would make Capcom a lot of money. So we hope that we can see Chris and Sheva soon.

Resident Evil games are typically single-player experiences, but in RE5, you could play with your friends in co-op, which is another interesting aspect that cannot be ignored. Co-op games are very popular, and we love to play games with friends. This could be one of the major selling points of the upcoming Resident Evil 5 Remake.

It Makes Sense Chronologically

Chronologically speaking, it makes sense that Capcom would release RE5 Remake after RE4 Remake. This is what would make the most sense from a story-telling perspective. The original game was released in 2009 and was set five years after the event of RE4.

Albert Wesker Teaser

Albert Wesker has already been teased at the end of RE4 Remake. He mentions that he wants to kill billions of people. If you have played the original RE5 game, then you know that this is the main villain of the game and a major villain of the series. I personally do not think that Capcom would tease such as character without intending to release RE5 Remake.

When Will Resident Evil 5 Remake Release?

Resident Evil 2 Remake was released in 2019, RE3 Remake came out in 2020, while RE4 Remake was released in 2023. You could argue that RE4 Remake was delayed due to Covid-19, and that would make sense. With these timeframes in mind, I would speculate that we could get an announcement of RE5 Remake in 2024, and the game could release in 2025. With that being said, this has not been confirmed by Capcom, so do take this information with a grain of salt since I am making an intelligent guess and nothing more.

Let us know whether or not you would be interested in playing Resident Evil 5 Remake and whether or not you think this is the next RE game that Capcom is going to release.