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Warcraft Rumble Tier List (PvP & PvE)

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Warcraft Rumble is chock-full of many characters and we have made a tier list of them all. The game has both PvP and PvE modes for players to experience. However, the way characters play and therefore rank, differs between the two groups. From Minis to Leaders, each character is placed in our tier lists.

However, just because a character is lower than others doesn’t mean they are a completely terrible character. Rather they are just not as strong as opposed to other options within the roster. Note that this title is different from the World of Warcraft experience. Below, players can see the different tier lists between the PvP and PvE modes for Warcraft Rumble. Additionally, the lists are separated by Minis and Leaders as well.

Warcraft Rumble PvP Minis Tier List

The PvP mode Warcraft Rumble can be intense. Many players have various builds and counters to characters. However, the following Minis are ranked to be able to assist in gaining the upper hand in fights online.

Warcraft Rumble mini character tier list


Defias BanditsTroopAlliance1The Defias Bandits are a must-have as they can stunlock foes for 2 seconds. While this is occurring, use other, more powerful Minis to take the other player’s characters down before they can retaliate.
ExecuteSpellHorde3If you are looking to swiftly take down an opponent’s max health quickly, Execute does so by half with its attack. Moreover, any enemy killed causes the next Horde mini to cost 1 less gold, which is especially a good choice for players investing in a Horde build.
Deep BreathSpellBlackrock4Deep Breath carpets entire lines in front of it with elemental damage. Something that can be useful when wanting to cut down advancing lines.
Frostwolf ShamanTroopHorde4The Frostwolf Shaman is fantastic in dealing both elemental damage and can heal allies. The Mini can also heal Towers in each deployment through its Earthwall Totem, a great match saver.
GargoyleTroopUndead4Players looking for a Tank to focus on destroying buildings can recruit the Gargoyle. It deals double damage to Towers which is incredibly useful. Furthermore, its Wing Buffet Talent helps to move faster around the map.
Harvest GolemTroopAlliance3The Harvest Golem has a massive 1,480 health. It is the best Tank choice for players who need a tower’s focus away from other allies. As a bonus, it can also resurrect with 50% health, so it can continue to do its Tank duties.
ProwlerTroopBeast3Although Prowler focuses on one enemy at a time, he can blaze ahead of the other troops to start fighting early. Therefore allowing the player’s team to have more numbers as they continue to move up.
QuilboarTroopBeast2When it comes to PvP, Quilboar is a top choice for a Mini. Costing a low price, he can tank AOE damage and capture your gold chest or your opponents.
S.A.F.E. PilotTroopAlliance3S.A.F.E. Pilot is great at covering anywhere on the board as she is not bound to any specific location. Furthermore, she deals good damage at an almost unlimited range, which helps when making any push. Her AOE attack is also key to helping clear out groups of enemies in any location you wish.
Witch DoctorTroopHorde2The Witch Doctor is a support Mini that should be lineups. Upon each kill, he grants a shield to nearby allies. A Talent that greatly helps to keep survivability up over the opponent. Furthermore, the Amplify Curse move is great for clearing crowds as it causes explosions with Curse.
Characters in Warcraft Rumble


BansheeTroopUndead4The Banshee takes control of an enemy unit which is great for turning the tide in an encounter. Additionally, she can heal the unit. Once possession is over, it can explode, creating chaos for the enemy.
BlizzardSpellAlliance4Players equipping the Blizzard can freeze units as they are slowly dealt elemental damage. If used in unison with physical units, the enemy can fight back while you cut them down.
Chain LightningSpellHorde2The Chain Lightning is great at specifically dealing with groups of enemies. As the name implies, it chains the lightning between enemies. Even more so, it can be cast twice and has more range. A good spell for players wanting to chip off health from multiple foes.
ChimaeraTroopBeast5The Chimaera is a good flying Mini because it can deal both lightning and poison elemental damage. Furthermore, every time you deploy it, it gains more health, making it an effective DPS character to have.
Dark Iron MinerTroopBlackrock2Dark Iron Miner can help to steal gold from the enemy’s side. As a nasty bonus, when done mining, he drops a proximity mine to help in a two-fold manner.
Darkspear TrollTroopHorde3If you need an anti-air unit, Darkspear Troll is a solid pick. Not only that but he has the Talent to deal Poison damage and renegrates 20% health every second from his other Talent. Therefore making it great as both an offense and defense Mini.
Fire ElementalTroopBlackrock4A Tank that can continuously deal damage to nearby foes and create a lethal AOE when dead. Because it aims to take down Towers, the area control works well with this Mini.
GhoulTroopUndead2The Ghoul is a good Tank choice as it replenishes health by slaying foes and consuming their gold. It also doles out more damage to enemies who have less than half their max health. However, its lower health pool is something that has it sit Tanks like Harvest Golem.
Gryphon RiderTroopAlliance2A flying character to help deal damage to foes is useful. However, the Gryphon Rider benefits greatly from helping teammates by doing Air Drop, where periodically she drops a potion to a nearby ally that levels them up.
Holy NovaSpellAlliance3The Holy Nova is great for healing allies and doubling the effects caused by Minis with elemental damage. The spell acts as a support and can help with survivability.
HuntressTroopAlliance5The Huntress’ Glaives chaining through enemies is a great damage dealer, especially with the bigger damage on first contact.
Murloc TidehuntersTroopBeast2The Murloc Tidehunters help to support other allies as they deploy a bubble shield when they first strike. Something that works well with many teammates around.
PolymorphSpellBeast3The Polymorph can work to leave an enemy unit with no means to attack or defend. If players use the Exploding Sheep talent, the splash damage can work well for groups.


Ancient of WarTroopCenarion0Ancient of War benefits from not having a gold cost. However, as a Tank, it lacks. Having only 850 health. But for players wanting one on their team, it can still distract towers and it also has a 50% damage reduction from physical hits which helps in many encounters.
Arcane BlastSpellAlliance1Arcane Blast’s AOE attacks can be great for holding down areas, especially with each Tap increasing the radius. However, the increasing gold cost per use can start to add up.
Bog BeastTroopCenarion3Bog Beast is a Tank that can resist 50% Elemental damage and can root nearby enemies when it’s killed. Players who have DPS units near Bog Beast can use it in a combo to take down towers and eliminate foes after they die. Additionally, having a healer tend to it allows it to heal more efficiently due to one of its Talents.
Cheat DeathSpellUndead3Cheat Death is good for keeping an ally from dying. However, its talents are very situational and with it being a spell, the player’s resources could be used for a more effective one.
Core HoundsTroopBlackrock6The Core Hounds can be persistent Tanks. A big health pool and the ability to resurrect the other Hound make it a good contending Mini for destroying Towers. But, the gold cost and getting benefits from being near friendly towers make it best at only defending.
Earth ElementalTroopBlackrock3Another rock Tank option. The Earth Elemental can split into two when it dies and continue fighting. However, as a Tank focused on Tower destruction, there are more optimal higher-tier selections.
Faerie DragonTroopCenarion3The Faerie Dragon focuses on stealth and dealing damage to single targets. While it is resistant to many elements, the Mini is primarily for causing confusion to units rather than dealing much damage.
FootmenTroopAlliance5The Footmen while a basic enemy, are a good choice for players looking to have a filler Mini on the battlefield. Its most useful feature is that players can place them across more than one lane to either defend or attack.
Goblin SapperTroopHorde2While Goblin Sappers do massive damage to Towers, they die in the process which can harm troop numbers when facing an opponent. Additionally, because it takes a short time to explode, players may be able to move their troops away from it.
HarpiesTroopBeast3The Harpies deal fantastic damage to other units, especially on the first strike. However, they have a considerably low health pool so if they are intercepted, they will be taken down very easily.
Molten GiantTroopBlackrock6The Molten Giant may be an appealing Tank because of its big damage to Towers. But, its snail-like speeds open it to being prioritized by the enemy, and its higher gold cost leaves cheaper and better options.
MoonkinTroopCenarion4Players who want a mix of ranged and AOE should pick Moonkin. While it has average damage, it can assist in leveling Spells when it is used in a battle. So players should pair them together to create some good battle synergy.
NecromancerTroopUndead4The Necromancer is good for summoning Skeletons through its Talents. While this creates more numbers, the foes can be easily dealt with. However, players looking to create havoc for the enemy have this as an option.
Stonehoof TaurenTroopHorde4Stonehoof Tauren works well as a melee character. The gameplay relies on landing the charges she does. However, if you do, stunning an enemy and being able to damage them is a win-win.
Whelp EggsTroopBlackrock3The Whelp Eggs are a good choice for players who want to attempt an ambush. As the hatched Whelps can breathe fire at passing units. However, if the enemy attacking the hatchling is resistant to elements, the Whelp will be intercepted quickly.
Warcraft Rumble orcs


AbominationTroopUndead6The Abomination is expensive to use, especially with other Tanks being cheaper. But, players can use the hook on it to get ranged foes, with the next hit being more powerful.
Bat RiderTroopHorde2The Bat Rider can deal Fire damage in an AOE from the air. While only costing 2 gold, the Bat Ride can only fight ground enemies, while some other flier Minis can contend with both ground and air foes.
DrakeTroopBlackrock4The Drake functions similarly to the the Chimaera by dealing flying AOE damage. However, where the Drake falters is dealing in only Fire damage compared to multiple sources. However, players choosing this get the benefit of it fighting both Air and Ground foes.
FirehammerTroopBlackrock4Firehammer is great for being in prolonged combat, as she continues to gain Attack Speed. Furthermore, she can fight flying foes. However, she has a lower health pool of 350 and only fights enemies one-on-one, rather than multiple. So there is a chance she may only down a couple of foes before falling.
Gnoll BruteTroopBeast3The Gnoll Beast is an average Tank for players to use. It can gain armor and reduce its deployment cost as well as deal Siege damage. However, with tanks higher up, it greatly can be outperformed.
PyromancerTroopBlackrock3The Pyromancer is another fire damage dealer. Its shining Talents are triple damage on the first attack and leaving a causing Burn debuffs in an AOE upon death. For a Fire-centric Mini, it feels very average though.
RaptorsTroopBeast3The Raptors work great in a group, dealing more damage and also healing with each kill. But they are very weak when by themselves, therefore it is best to ensure they are always together.
Skeleton PartyTroopUndead4The Skeleton Party allows players to create some chaos in a lane. They are not the most lethal enemies, but using the 5-Man Talent to bring a full squad of different skeleton types will have your enemies multi-tasking on defending their lane.
SpiderlingsTroopBeast2Another group of Minis for players to recruit. They can be great to use as they do Poisonous damage and explode when they die into AOE damage. However, the Spiderlings also take double the Elemental damage, which is not great when many other characters dish it out.
VulturesTroopBeast1The Vultures are cheap to use but their effectiveness only matters if they can continue to kill, as they will multiply. Therefore, if the enemy manages to defeat it before any kills are made, they aren’t worth taking the place of something else. But if players want to invest in Minis to protect it, it can be a decent choice.
Warsong RaiderTroopHorde4The Warsong Raider works to destroy Towers. While her Talents only further her usefulness against them. But, this is where the purpose lies. Players will need other Minis to defeat the units in her so she can work well.
WorgenTroopAlliance3Worgen is meant to be used for pure stealth ambushing. He deals double damage out of stealth and can remain hidden until he attacks. However, in PvP stealth builds can be tough to use with players more than likely being able to counter it.


Angry ChickensTroopBeast2While the idea of a swarm of Chicken may sound good, they have virtually no health. Because of this, they are going to be dealt with quickly and will just function as fodder.
Earth and MoonSpellCenarion6Earth and Moon is a very pricey Mini to have. While the alternating of the characters is unique, its talents are not superb and it benefits mainly from being with other Cenarion characters.
FlamewakerTroopBlackrock4Flamewaker is not the greatest choice for a flying Mini. Although it works well with taking out units supporting a Tank, if it comes across a flying enemy, it has no defense.
Living BombSpellBlackrock6The Living Bomb can do decent damage when set off. Adding debuffs to enemies nearby. However, its single-use and cost make it a hard sell for being used.
Meat WagonTroopUndead3The Meat Wagon is another example of a one-trick pony Mini. While it can attack ground enemies, its primary focus is taking down Towers from a far range.
MountaineerTroopAlliance6The Mountaineer is a duo Mini. While they are both Ranged and Tank, many of the Talents work for the Tank. Furthermore, while the other receives Bloodlust when one dies, they become limited in what they can do.
Ogre MageTroopHorde5The Orge Mage feels like a below-average Mini. It relies heavily on Bloodlust to work well and help allies with movement and attack speed. Therefore, players would have to juggle characters with Bloodlust active, which can be tricky.
Plague FarmerTroopUndead2The Plague Farmer relies heavily on damage through Poison. Its Talents also deal AOE damage but if the enemy team has characters resistant or that can Nullify, the Plague Farmer has no powerful uses.
SkeletonsTroopUndead2The regular version of Skeletons that can be summoned. While using them near Towers will create more, the Skeleton Party group is a far superior play for those who want to use Skeletons.
Smoke BombSpellBlackrock1Smoke Bomb is a good choice for players who wish to cloak their allies. Especially with Through the Shadows, which allows them to move faster. However, other than that, this Mini doesn’t serve any other purpose and is very situational.
Warsong GruntsTroopHorde5The Warsong Grunts are not a great choice in the Warcraft Rumble roster for PvP. They do not move unless they are in combat and have a really slow attack speed to start. While they are Tanks, they are the weakest of the class and should only be used as a last resort.
Warcraft Rumble tier list characters charging

Warcraft Rumble PvP Leaders Tier List

The leaders in Warcraft Rumble can make all the difference for PvP. Each one offers different traits and abilities. However, the tiers below show which are the best choices and which can be the weaker options.

Warcraft Rumble Leaders PVP tiers


Baron RivendareLeaderUndead4Baron Rivendare creates numerous Skeletons in controlled areas. Therefore creating an almost endless reinforcement of your territory. Furthermore, with so many Skeletons, she can choose to heal herself by sacrificing one, keeping her in the fight for much longer.
Bloodmage ThalnosLeaderUndead4For players looking for a superb healing/support leader, Tirion works well. He can heal nearby units, aim to take down Towers and deal an AOE with Consecrate. Fordring has a bit of everything in playstyles and should be a primary choice for players.
Charlga RazorflankLeaderBeast2This particular leader offers all minis at the same cost in your hand which can be incredible and help to use gold elsewhere. Furthermore, deployment costs are cheaper and if you choose more expensive Minis, they will level up.
Emperor ThaurissanLeaderBlackrock4Thaurissan is a top choice for players who want to inflict plenty of Elemental damage, as all non-element allies deal Burn with him as a leader. Additionally, the non-elements also gain extra levels upon being deployed.
General DrakkisathLeaderBlackrock5The draconic General is optimal for full Elemental build players. His ability allows for all close foes to take extra Elemental damage. Additionally, his Talent called Chromatic Scales gives allies Resistant, which halves the Elemental damage they receive.
Tirion FordringLeaderAlliance4For players looking for a superb healing/support leader, Tirion works well. He can heal nearby units, aim to take down Towers, and deal an AOE with Consecrate. Fordring has a bit of everything in playstyles and should be a primary choice for players.


Cairne BloodhoofLeaderHorde5Cairne is a good option for players looking to use mainly Horde characters, as they gain more health with Cairne as a leader. Additionally, it resurrects with half health, and because it’s a Tank, this helps to both take Towers down and bring aggression away from Minis.
HoggerLeaderBeast4Hogger is a leader that is great when played over and over. This is due to it gaining movement and attack speed with each play. Furthermore, Hogger also gains more health the more you play him.
Jaina ProudmooreLeaderAlliance3Players looking to use Spells will like Jaina, as the levels of them greatly increase while she is on the field. Many of the Spells in the game are powerful and having her level them up makes them more efficient. However, it causes players to be funneled into a select build by using her.
Rend BlackhandLeaderBlackrock6Although Rend is costly at 6 gold, the feature after dismounting essentially gives the leader two lives. Furthermore, it casts a Flaming Bomb as a dismount safeguard and gains the Armored buff. Both of these give great survivability to Rend in a fight, along with the fact that it can fly and attack.
Sylvanas WindrunnerLeaderUndead6Sylvanas’ ability to pierce through enemies when attacking is great for cleaving through the lane. If players also use Undead and Horde Minis near her, they move faster, making her a great choice.
Warcraft Rumble gameplay on map


CenariusLeaderCenarion5Cenarius offers a variety of healing support Traits to the team. However, the leader’s focus on rooting enemies has it lacking in aggressive forms of abilities.
Grommash HellscreamLeaderHorde4Grommash is a Tank leader who works well with providing Bloodlust to characters. However, its one-on-one attacks and Mirror Image Talent have it slightly lacking.
Old-Murk EyeLeaderBeast4While Old-Murk Eye stun enemies with his attacks, his main potential comes from utilizing Murlocs. Grouping up with these is sure to cause damage. However, it forces the player to rely on one Mini to mainly be the powerhouse and if it can be countered, leaves them stuck on a gamble.
RagnarosLeaderBlackrock5Ragnaros is a decent option for players who want a Tank leader. Its AOE Talent helps to keep the heat off the leader while it aims to take down Towers. Furthermore, having Ragnaros gives structures their own damage defenses, which can slowly chip away foes and make it easy for you.
SneedLeaderHorde5Sneed is good for players who want to gather plenty of gold during a battle, especially from various means. Pairing this with characters that cost more can help to put some hurt on the opponent.


Maiev ShadowsongLeaderAlliance6Shadowsong is Unbound which is good for strategy on where to go, as there is no limit on position. However, a Talent like Shadowstep which moves the leader when hit by a Ranged attack can throw players off, especially if they are in mind combat.
OnuLeaderCenarion6Onu allows Minis to deploy on itself and block enemies from deploying near it. However, this feels like its full usefulness and with Onu taking more Elemental damage, opponents can counter this leader in many cases.

Warcraft Rumble PvE Minis Tier List

When it comes to the PvE side of Warcraft Rumble, things are a bit different. Rather than having to deal with others online, players fight to complete missions against an AI enemy. Because of this, situations with what characters to use function separately. We have a tier list below of the Minis in Warcraft Rumble for the PvE mode.

Warcraft Rumble PvE Minis Tier List


BansheeTroopUndead4Being able to take control of enemies and heal them is a great part of Banshee. It gives you more allies and hurts them in return. The detonation on death is also a big winner as it causes chaos.
Bat RiderTroopHorde2For players wanting a flying character to do AOE damage concerning Fire, the Bat Rider is a great choice. Not only does its radius get bigger with a Talent, but it can potentially slow enemies too.
BlizzardSpellAlliance4The Blizzard is grand for causing AOE damage and allowing physical units to deal out damage before the enemy can retaliate as they will be frozen in place.
Cheat DeathSpellUndead3If you need a spell to help keep your allies in the fight, Cheat Death is highly recommended. It can be used for healing other Minis and giving them Bloodlust.
ChimaeraTroopBeast5Chimaera is the optimal choice for a flying unit in the PvE mode. Besides its two elemental attacks, it can fight against two different foes to cover more ground.
Deep BreathSpellBlackrock4It is a good idea to bring a Deep Breath spell for PvE. As the AOE damage can destroy armor from enemies and if allies are caught, they gain the Resist buff.
Defias BanditsTroopAlliance1The Defias Bandits are good for generating gold for the player, allowing access to better Minis in your hand. Additionally, they can gain the ability to deal Poison damage which is great.
ExecuteSpellHorde3The Execute spell is good for taking out many foes down a lane. Casting this spell takes off half their health and pushes enemies away. The piercing aspect of Execute is a great feature for any part of Warcraft Rumble.
Frostwolf ShamanTroopHorde4The Frostwolf Shaman deals both Ranged damage and heals allies. As a bonus, players can give armor to a nearby ally which can be huge to keep units alive.
HarpiesTroopBeast3The Harpies feel like glass cannons which can work well in PvE. While they have little health, they deal incredible damage and can both attack fast and have a Talent for poison damage. Furthermore, dealing double damage on the first attack is a must-have to help in the mode.
S.A.F.E. PilotTroopAlliance3S.A.F.E. Pilot can Polymorph her first hit target from blasters, causing them to be defenseless. Also, having another Unbound character to deploy from anywhere can be helpful, especially in later game scenarios.
Whelp EggsTroopBlackrock3While in PvP the Whelp Eggs can be countered more easily, the PvE mode is different. This Mini can work well to provide sentry support and fire against foes around the fight. Additionally, planting them together allows them to all hatch and deal collective Fire damage.
Witch DoctorTroopHorde2Having a Witch Doctor provides good support with shields upon kill and having Curse explosions create chain damage can clear up foes well. Furthermore, because it’s a Ranged Mini, it can stay out of harm’s way for the most part while still fighting and supporting.


Chain LightningSpellHorde2Having Chain Lightning is great for afflicting damage on multiple foes at once. Players can also cast it again with the Reverberation Talent for eve more damage.
Dark Iron MinerTroopBlackrock2The Dark Iron Miner is another Mini good for generating gold, specifically through mining. Additionally, he can help to flank and steal the enemy’s gold and leave a proximity mine as a present.
DrakeTroopBlackrock4The Drake can provide players with damage to both flying and ground enemies alike. Furthermore, it can spawn a Whelp Egg with its Talent, plus defend Towers with Roost.
Fire ElementalTroopBlackrock4Elemental creatures can be hit-or-miss when it comes to being useful. However, the Fire Elemental works well. For PvE, the damage over time for nearby enemies is key for having a battle advantage and leaving a lava AOE when it dies to further damage foes and the Tower.
FlamewakerTroopBlackrock4The Flamewaker is best used for clearing foes around a Tank. Using Talents like Engulf or Heat Stroke will give the enemies Burn damage and Daze them, which can affect the Tank in the process and protect your buildings.
GhoulTroopUndead2The Ghoul is a cheap Tank to have on hand and can gain health back by killing enemies. Dealing with the extra damage to enemies with lower health makes the Ghoul one of the better choices for Tower destruction and also mob kills.
Harvest GolemTroopAlliance3Harvest Golem can resurrect. Add to the Talents of spawning Angry Chickens and stunning nearby enemies upon dying, and the Tank not only aims to take down Towers but also alleviate the stress of enemies for nearby units.
Holy NovaSpellAlliance3Having a Holy Nova spell is good for players needing a support healer for units. Not only does it provide this, but the added Elemental effects can help your units take enemies down even faster.
HuntressTroopAlliance5The Huntress can contend with multiple enemies at once. Additionally, she has a Talent that allows her to do Stealth and Ambush. Players can use her to create a good flanking Mini against foes.
Meat WagonTroopUndead3The Meat Wagon is a good choice for focusing on Towers from far away where no harm can come to the Mini. Pair this with Meat and Bones and not only can you do damage from far, but summoning Skeletons will overwhelm the enemy in a short time.
Murloc TidehuntersTroopBeast2Having Murlocs can be a great recipe for chaos. Aside from earning a bubble shield for defense, players can earn a Talent that allows for more than one to spawn. Having more units to attack your opponent is always a great option.
NecromancerTroopUndead4A Nercomancer Mini can be a good pairing with Meat Wagon, as it can cause many Skeletons to spawn. Furthermore, being able to turn some into Mages gives a good mix of units.
PolymorphSpellBeast3A Polymorph Spell is great for leaving the enemy defenseless as they turn into sheep and cannot fight. Once it dies, it can also damage nearby foes with splash damage.
ProwlerTroopBeast3Having a Prowler Mini allows players to get the surprise with Stealth attacks. If you combo with Predatory Instincts, players can deal double damage before the foes have a chance to react. A great Mini to have, especially if you wish to play other Beasts in your hand.
QuilboarTroopBeast2Quilboar is a good tank pick for PvE, especially with being Unbound and being able to deploy quicker. However, the single-target fighting and weaker damage to melee foes may cause problems at different stages.
SkeletonsTroopUndead2Players should focus on placing Skeletons near Towers if they have Exhume, therefore allowing more to be created. While the Minis don’t have a big amount of health, they are cheap to deploy.
Skeleton PartyTroopUndead4The Skeleton Party functions similarly to its predecessor. But, the 5-Man Talent is superb compared to Skeletons, as players can summon different classes of Skeletons. However, the gold cost is something that can be heavy.
Stonehoof TaurenTroopHorde4Players who can nail down the charge gameplay of Stonehoof Tauren have a good melee DPS on their hands. Not only can she stun foes with it, but can do it again if it connects with an enemy. While she has an average attack speed, her damage numbers make her worth being in a hand.
Warcraft Rumble orcs on palm of hand


Ancient of WarTroopCenarion0Players should aim to play Ancient of War with 4 gold or less, as its Talent will boost its attack speed by 60%, making it more lethal. Additionally, it will be able to take down Towers faster because of this.
Bog BeastTroopCenarion3The Bog Beast is best paired with Units that can heal it. By doing so, it can focus on Towers. It has great survivability, with 1,000 health and gaining armor while more than half of it.
Darkspear TrollTroopHorde3Although in PvP the Darkspear Troll is much more viable, in PvE its slower attack speed and various Talents like dealing Poison damage can be outshined by Minis in higher tiers.
Earth ElementalTroopBlackrock3The Earth Elemental is weaker compared to its Fire brethren. While the Tank has a decent health pool, its incredibly slow movement speed means it can be an easy target for aggression before it gets to the Tower it needs to destroy.
Faerie DragonTroopCenarion3If you need a decent Stealth character, Faerie Dragon is a good choice. Its stand-out characteristics are that it can detect Stealth foes and the Nullify trait, where it is immune to most status effects.
FootmenTroopAlliance5As with PvP, the Footmen are very average Minis. Primarily players can use them for damage reduction and as basic soldiers to deal damage as they progress through the map. They are not the worst choice Minis but certainly not the best.
GargoyleTroopUndead4The Gargoyle is an okay option for players looking to take down Towers as it flies rather than travels on the ground. But, with other flying options for Minis, the Gargoyle feels limited in use.
Goblin SapperTroopHorde2The Goblin Sapper is ultimately used to just deal massive damage to Towers and buildings. They sacrifice themselves to do so and players should only take one if their hand is not built to do a lot of Siege damage.
Gryphon RiderTroopAlliance2The Gryphon Rider is a decent flying Mini to fight both in the air and on the land. While its best Talent is being able to drop a level-up potion, players can gain some use from the added range they can get.
MoonkinTroopCenarion4The Moonkin is mostly a build-specific Mini that boosts Spells. Players who have a lot of them on hand should also include Moonkin and use it immediately as the Spells will upgrade.
Ogre MageTroopHorde5The Ogre mage can assist with granting Bloodlust to allies as well as Frost damage when it attacks. However, other enemies that deal Elemental damage can be more efficient, especially for a cheaper gold cost.
PyromancerTroopBlackrock3While the Pyromancer does specialize in AOE damage with Fire, which is useful. Its damage and attack speed are on the lower end compared to other fire users.
WorgenTroopAlliance3Worgen can be used to create Ambushes due to its Stealth Talents. Players who want to jump on enemies before they reach other units can deploy Worgen anywhere to do so.


AbominationTroopUndead6Although the Abomination is a Tank, it is a costly one to play. Furthermore, it does have a massive 3,400 health but its slow attacks make it a priority in any fight to be taken down. But it can be worth the cost if players prefer to use it to take aggression away from other units.
Core HoundsTroopBlackrock6The Core Hounds benefit from being able to resurrect if one of them dies. They have a slow attack speed and decent damage.
FirehammerTroopBlackrock4Firehammer is a slow-starting Mini, with attack speed increasing the longer she fights. However, the lower health and damage outputs can cause issues to your hand.
Gnoll BruteTroopBeast3Players who use Gnoll Brute can expect a Tank. But what diminishes its value is that other Tanks can cause Siege damage off the bat, while Gnoll Brute needs to get the Talent to do so.
Living BombSpellBlackrock6While the Living Bomb is up there in price, its splash damage Talent, ability to inflict Daze, and 200 AOE damage can be worth using amongst groups. But other than that, it is best to use only on a case-by-case for PvE.
Plague FarmerTroopUndead2The Plague Farmer is all about Poison. In both its Traits and Talents, players have it with this Mini. However, while that may be good, if there are enemy characters who Nullify or are Resistant, the Plague Farmer may be powerless. So players need to be cautious when choosing it.
RaptorsTroopBeast3The Raptors are not the strongest Minis to use. However, if players choose to use more gold and deploy more, especially with the Strength in Numbers Talent, they do 10% more damage for each one present.
Warsong RaiderTroopHorde4The Warsong Raider is a Tank with somewhat beefy health and fast attack speed. While she is meant to destroy Towers and also reduce their damage for a few seconds, players need to use her Razing Focus Talent to get her to strictly attack them. If they do not, she will also try and fight other units before reaching it.
Warcraft Rumble characters from tier list in group


Angry ChickensTroopBeast2Angry Chickens are a tough sell for both PvP and PvE. While they can be a pest to enemies, their dangerously low health makes them easy cannon fodder for the enemy.
Arcane BlastSpellAlliance1Although Arcane Blast is a very cheap spell to use, it doesn’t offer much to players. Furthermore, the more it’s used the pricier it can get.
Earth and MoonSpellCenarion6Earth and Moon is strictly focused on dealing Poison and Elemental damage while also rooting enemies. For how much the cost is, players need something that can deal more damage. Furthermore, the alternating of each spell is unique but doesn’t justify its inefficiency.
Molten GiantTroopBlackrock6The Molten Giant starts with a slow attack speed, even for a Tank. Furthermore, its best feature comes from when a Tower gets destroyed, in which it heals.
MountaineerTroopAlliance6Players should be cautious of using the Mountaineer. While it is a two-fold character, it mainly functions as a Tank and is one of the weakest at that. Additionally, if the Bear portion of the Mini is killed, the Dwarf will surely follow with its low health pool.
Smoke BombSpellBlackrock1The Smoke Bomb feels like an around lackluster Mini to use. Although it works to buff Stealth for other characters, players are better off with Minis focused on both Stealth and Ambush tactics.
SpiderlingsTroopBeast2The Spiderlings, like Plague Farmer, are Poison attackers. While they both cost the same, the latter has better Talents to offer. Also, with the Spiderlings being Vulnerable, the enemy kills them quickly.
VulturesTroopBeast1Vultures are similar to Angry Chickens. Although they multiply from killed foes, they have little HP and the AI is likely to target them first. If the Vulture is slain before killing an enemy, it is useless in your hand.
Warsong GruntsTroopHorde5

Warcraft Rumble PvE Leaders Tier List

Leaders are always vital and in PvE, some are more efficient than others. The options vary from a support, aggressive, or even a tank Leader. While they can be pricey, some of them are more than worth the gold cost. The tier list below displays for players which ones are the better option when playing the PvE in Warcraft Rumble.

Warcraft Rumble PvE Leaders Tier list


Baron RivendareLeaderUndead4Baron Rivendare is a fantastic leader for players to have in the game. She can conjure unique Skeletons with her Talents. Furthermore, her units move incredibly fast, and she has a 50% damage reduction. All her unique abilities make her a top choice.
CenariusLeaderCenarion5Cenarius is a support leader for players to pick. Besides healing allies, Cenarius has a protective AOE that roots enemies for 3 seconds. In this timeframe, plenty fo damage can be done to enemies. So players should surround him with allies so they can work well in unison.
Emperor ThaurissanLeaderBlackrock4The Emperor’s main ability to grant Burn to all non-elemental attacks is fantastic for PvE. It grants the players another way to damage foes. Furthermore, the next Mini played after Thaurissan gains 2 levels. If there is a certain Mini that can benefit greatly from this, be sure to have the Emperor in your hand.
Jaina ProudmooreLeaderAlliance3Jaina is an optimal option for players. Not only does she level up your Spells while in play, but she can also deal Elemental and Frost damage. Plus, if she is being overwhelmed, players can use her Blink to teleport out of danger.
Old Murk-EyeLeaderBeast4Old Murk-Eye brings in the damage through Murlocs. Although it is after 1 gold is used, the Minis are already good damage dealers and Murk-Eye surrounds himself with them, so players can infest an area and still have the leader fighting on. Additionally, if Murk-Eye attacks foes with his Electric Eels active, they are stunned and the Murlocs can finish the job.
Tirion FordringLeaderAlliance4Tirion is amazing for players who want a support leader for PvE. He heals all units that are near him, even tanks. He has a Talent called Consecrate which deals AOE damage to where it lands. Furthermore, he has a 50% damage reduction. He is a hard-to-kill leader and a perfect choice for players to use.


Bloodmage ThalnosLeaderUndead4Players looking to mainly use Spells should recruit Bloodmage Thalnos. He gains levels each time one is used and his attack speed boosts for a short time. With many Spells already being worth the investment in the game, the Bloodmage will thrive alongside them.
General DrakkisathLeaderBlackrock5Drakkisath is great for bolstering Minis with the Resistant buff, allowing them to take less Elemental damage. Additionally, using Lasting Legacy gives an AOE where foes take more Elemental damage. Players should focus on having Minis that deal this type of damage and deploy them near the General to cleave through enemies.
HoggerLeaderBeast4Hogger is great at survivability, as each time it’s played it gains more health. Additionally, it has a fast attack speed and if players use Beast Minis, they will earn Bloodlust upon Hogger’s death.
Rend BlackhandLeaderBlackrock6While Rend is a serious damage dealer, and good for players with a group of Flying Minis. However, the low health pool for his mount means players will lose the benefit of one Talent and the casting of Living Bomb can be useless if there are no enemies close by.
SneedLeaderHorde5Players should use Sneed if they wish to build their hand around generating more gold. As Sneed’s ability gives 2 gold for each time a character Siege Damage destroys a tower. As many Tanks have this ability, it will generate plenty of Gold and allow for great Minis to be deployed, making the battle much easier.
S.A.F.E. Pilot in Warcraft Rumble cutscene


Charlga RazorflankLeaderBeast2Charlga can be lethal in some aspects. Especially with the Percent Damage trait of dealing damage based on a percentage of enemy health. But, the rest of this leader’s Talents focus more on making things cheaper to cast and deploying some Minis in Stealth. Compared to those in higher tiers, Charlga lacks in some aspects.
Grommash HellscreamLeaderHorde4Players who wish to specialize with Bloodlust buffs can recruit Grommash. Those affected units gain movement and attack speed. Furthermore, Hellscream also becomes deadly by using Bladestorm and dealing a blade-spinning AOE to cut through foes.
Maiev ShadowsongLeaderAlliance6As Unbounds can be very useful, playing those with Maiev will make the leader cheaper to deploy. Furthermore, Maiev works well for Stealth play, as it is a trait and one of the better Talents for Maiev concerns it. But, for players who wish to be aggressors in PvE, Maiev can lack in some ways.
OnuLeaderCenarion6Onu’s Safe Arbor is a good ability for a leader. Because it makes the leader a spawn point basically while blocking enemy deploys. With the Barksin Talent, Minis gain armor when deployed, creating an almost ironclad group while attacking. However, a big caveat for Onu is that it takes double the Elemental damage.


Cairne BloodhoofLeaderHorde5Cairne Bloodhoof is best synergized with Horde characters, as they gain a maximum health increase from the leader. However, it suffers from lesser damage than other leaders.
RagnarosLeaderBlackrock5Ragnaros is resistant to many forms of debuffs, which is great. However, due to many of its Talents being on the defensive and concerning Towers, it can be dismissive. Many players wish to play aggressively on PvE, and Ragnaros doesn’t suit this well.
Sylvanas WindrunnerLeaderUndead6Sylvanas while good for Horde and Undead playstyles, has some not-so-good damage and attack speed, especially when Sylvanas is not a Tank. Furthermore, with the leader being one of the most costly with little return, players can have much more well-rounded and powerful leaders like Tirion for cheaper.
Warcraft Rumble horde character

That is all of our tier lists for characters in Warcraft Rumble for both PvP and PvE modes. Each one differs in strength, usefulness, and other stats. Furthermore, players can expect varying results when playing between the two types of game modes. Be sure to try them all out and see what kind of combinations and builds can help dominate your opponent.

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