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All CS2 Demo Commands And How To Use Them

Counter Strike 2, or CS2, for short, is the successor to Valve’s renowned FPS, Counter Strike: Global Offensive. The game has a list of CS2 Demo commands that let you record and then playback your gameplay in order to view it. It is important that you judge your moves and then reassess your strategy, and in turn improve your CS2 gameplay by replaying your matches using these demo commands listed below. You can record your current game, pause it, and skip to the desired duration of the video using the commands listed in the article below.

All CS2 Demo Commands

We have detailed all the CS2 Demo Commands for you in this article below, and it includes ability to record and play your current demo file, and also adjust the speed of the demo replays. However, fans should also note that these commands allow you to record your current game, and also adjust the duration of which in the game, according to information from official Valve Corporation.

CS2 Demo CommandAction
demouiRecord your current game.
playdemo FILE_NAMEplays your selected demo file
csgo_download_match IDIf you know the ID of a match, you can use this command to download it.
demo_gototickSkips to your desired moment.
demo_pausePauses the replay.
demo_resumeResumes the replay.
demo_timescale SPEEDControls how quickly the demo is played.
record FILE_NAMERecord your current game.
demo_infoGives you information about the replay you are watching.

How to Download and View Replay Demos in CS2

  1. Locate CS2 click on the “My Game Stats” button and select “Personal Information” from the drop-down menu.
  2. From your ‘Personal Information” click on “Premier matches” . Here you will be able to view all the matches you have played so far in Valve’s CS2. Select “Download GOTV demo.”
  3. Unzip the downloaded demo to your installation folder, which should be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo.
    1. Rename the file so you can launch it easier in game.
  4. Go to CS2 and enter the command “playdemo X” in the console.
  5. After entering the demo, write “demoui” in the console.
  6. You should be now able to view the demo and replays in CS2, using the new viewer.

Fans can also view the crosshair codes for all pros and more, in a separate article here. We have also explained the ranking system in Valve’s successor to CS2, and detailed all the ranks currently available in the game.



Fans can use the demo feature in CS2 to learn more about their performance and improve their gameplay by leveraging the demo tools in the command boxes as offered by Valve developers, which all have been listed in this article above,  However, fans should also note that the demmo comands can forward and rewing back to any specific duration in their entire demo video of a match, Jhulelal