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NIKKE: How Often are Solo Raids?

NIKKE characters for solo raid art

Goddess of Victory: NIKKE features solo raids for players to complete. However, they do have a playable frequency, meaning only a certain amount can be done each day. Because of this, it is important to optimize the most amount you can do, gaining more chances to get loot. Players should know though that the answer may not be directly obvious when starting up the game.

Therefore, we have created the guide below to help notify players just how often solo raids in Goddess of Victory: NIKKE are. Dive into details on the raid amount so your teams can be prepared for its ventures. Because when they are available, the limited amount of doing them can mean a big difference in what you can earn.

How Often Are Solo Raids in NIKKE?

Solo Raids in NIKKE are allotted to three plays per day for players to take part in. This provides players with a few chances to earn the loot they wish to get in NIKKE. However, after these plays, there is a refreshing cooldown in which solo raids cannot be done. This is likely done to ensure that players can constantly grind and earn all of the best loot within a short time. Furthermore, if players fail to defeat the boss in time or with any of their squads, they will fail the raid. Moreover, this will count as a play and therefore, could potentially waste a chance.

Because of the play’s limit, players should prepare their proper squads so they can maximize their success. It is also important to know that if no solo raids are being conducted in NIKKE then players will not be able to participate in them until they become available. Keeping this in mind, the downtime of this is also another great way to prepare for when they return. If you wish to prepare even more when it comes to the solo raids, they offer a Practice Mode. Playing this allows you to learn how the boss plays out, giving you a better chance to conquer it sooner rather than later.

NIKKE solo raid gameplay

What Rewards Are Available in Solo Raids for NIKKE?

Players can earn various rewards in NIKKE for solo raids such as batteries, Gems from leaderboard rankings, and much more. While the missions can sometimes be tough, the potential rewards available are more than worth the effort. Below are the various rewards that are earnable from solo raids in NIKKE:

  • Batteries to open Harmony Cubes.
  • Gems from placing on the leaderboards in Normal Mode or Challenge Mode.
  • Collection Items.
  • Enhancement Materials.
  • Boxes for clearing your first solo raid.

Doing the solo raids is vital to earning some great rewards, especially the batteries. Additionally, they can be great ways to efficiently earn enhancement materials to help boost your roster. Adding to this, they can help to make your characters better and take on harder foes. Therefore, it is best to attempt them as the chance of completing it may prove useful.

That is everything to know about how often solo raids are in NIKKE. Be prepared with your five various squads of heroes, especially with the limited attempts. Furthermore, always keep checking that they are available so you don’t miss out on trying them. The solo raids are unique and provide a different experience from the regular gameplay. While you prep for them, be sure to check out our tier list on the heroes so you know who to pick.