If there’s one thing to take away from the gaming industry in 2016, it’s that the lines between triple-A and “indie” titles are becoming increasingly blurred – evident… Continue reading
Tag: Severed
2016 has had some truly outstanding games, as well as some major flops. And as the year draws to an end, there is no better time to examine… Continue reading
Severed, Drinkbox Studios’ latest game on the PlayStation Vita, is a marvel in terms of its dark storytelling and ambience. This week, we were lucky enough to sit… Continue reading
It’s the weekend! Time to ditch work, abandon all chores, ignore your social obligations, and settle down with some video games. If you’re looking for some ideas for what to… Continue reading
There has been plenty of juicy news over the past few weeks. Lucky for you, the PUGcast crew is here to help you know what’s important. We begin… Continue reading
Very little shines throughout the tepid touchscreen landscape of Farmhand 4 and Alphabet Giraffe. But, lo and behold, Drinbox Studios, saviours of the struggling PlayStation Vita, have managed… Continue reading
Following our in-depth interview with Guacamelee! creators DrinkBox Studios on their latest title, Severed, as well as the state of touch-based gaming in general, I had a few more… Continue reading
Severed, the Vita, and How Touch-Based Games Can Be Relevant in 2015: An Interview with DrinkBox Studios
If you’re at all familiar with the indie development scene, then chances are you’ve heard of DrinkBox Studios. Hailing from the snowy tundra that is Toronto, DrinkBox have… Continue reading