News Switch

DOOM Eternal Is Finally Hitting The Switch

It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for DOOM Eternal to finally come to Nintendo Switch. The game was promised around the time that it was announced for all other platforms. Bethesda made no secret of the fact that it could take a bit longer to get it to the Switch, but they’ve taken much longer than anyone anticipated. They’ve also been extremely uncommunicative on the matter. As a result, many of us, myself included, have wondered if the game was coming to the platform at all. Now though, we have confirmation that on December 12, it’s hitting the hybrid platform.

As you can see, the Switch version looks almost as good as every other version. There’s so much going on with this game, and I have to echo the thoughts of most people in the thread for this news on Twitter. I don’t understand how Bethesda managed to get such a behemoth of a game running on such a tiny console. It seems like an impossibility, particularly when you look at the quality of the visuals in games like the Switch version of The Outer Worlds. Regardless, it’s working now, and it’s even got gyroscopic aiming. This isn’t something that I’m particularly fond of on the Switch, but I accept that many others love it.

The one thing that isn’t included in this video, is the fact that DOOM Eternal doesn’t appear to be coming to Switch with the DLC that’s been released so far. DOOM arrived on Switch with all of the previously released DLC, and it was wonderful. This time around though, it seems like Bethesda is holding back. It’s a sensible move, as long as all of the content is up to standard. If the game looks awful or runs poorly, I think there will be a lot of people out there who have a problem with paying full whack for both the game and its DLC on another platform.

I don’t know if I’ll be trying this version of the game out. I think there’s definitely a need for it, but I have a copy for PlayStation 4, and loading it up on PlayStation 5 seems like it’s going to offer the ultimate experience for me.