Players need to collect evidence for Banshee for the mission Deal of the Century in GZW. As with many of the missions, they can be worthwhile to complete. Especially if they offer plenty of EXP and money to help get new equipment for future endeavors. However, even though players receive mission intel, locations of objectives can sometimes be hard to find.
In this guide, we have details on where to find the location of the evidence in Deal of the Century for GZW. By seeing where it is located, players are able to complete the mission, turn it into Banshee, and get great rewards. Furthermore, we also provide information on what players can expect to earn by finishing the mission.
How to Complete Deal of the Century in GZW
Players need to head to the Headquarters building in Fort Narith, in the middle of the location. Furthermore, the building is at the coordinates (142,130). Because this is situated in Fort Narith, there are going to be a lot of tough enemies around. Therefore, players should bring a good weapon like a Shotgun to take care of these foes as efficiently as possible. Below you can find the steps to find the evidence and complete Deal of the Century:
- Accept the mission from Banshee.
- Land at the Delta 3 landing zone and proceed east to Fort Narith.
- Head to the central building and proceed upstairs.
- Look for signs outside each office, the one you are looking for is 2-2.
- Once you find this room, head inside.
- On the desk, just in front of a computer tower is an item called “Jet Fighter Deal.”
- This is the evidence that Banshee needs, so make sure to grab it.
- Proceed to exfil at the nearest landing zone and head back to base.
- Go to Banshee and interact with him to turn in the evidence and complete the mission.
Players should try and leave right away after collecting the evidence for Banshee. Dying with the item in your inventory can result in you losing progress and needing to redo the mission. Unless you stow it in your SafeLock space, because then you will not lose it even if you get killed by enemies. However, even then, players should move to extract as soon as they get the item. Furthermore, be careful as you move to leave the mission area, taking down enemies as you go.
Deal of the Century Rewards in GZW
For completing Deal of the Century in GZW, players earn various rewards like a shotgun and a big amount of EXP and Reputation. To earn the items though, it is important to turn in the evidence from the mission to Banshee. So it is important to do so as soon as players are back to base. Below are all of the rewards that you earn for completing Deal of the Century in GZW:
- x1 Mos 590
- 2,000 EXP
- 200 Reputation for Banshee
Right off the bat, players earn the powerful Mos 590 shotgun (also known as the M590). As shotguns are a great weapon class to use in the game, this is a big bonus to doing the mission. Even more so because many of the missions require players to fight in close-quarters combat scenarios. It is always important to try and complete each mission in the game, especially as they help to boost your EXP. However, because the game features PvP elements with other players in the field, it is best to try and watch your back and extract as safely as possible, to ensure you take your mission items out and don’t have to repeat the mission.
That is everything to know about finding the evidence in Deal of the Century for Gray Zone Warfare and completing the mission. Many of the missions in the game can be tough without the exact locations of objective items. The Medical Detective mission in the game can be another tough operation, but our guide on it can make it out to be much easier.