Undying Thrall can mean the difference between completing and not completing the Overthrow event in Destiny 2. The Pale Heart, the new destination in the game, offers plenty for players to do. It comes as a part of the game’s newest expansion, The Final Shape. Although Memory: Impassive Darkness is one such offering, Overthrow, is the new main activity that can provide great rewards. Players have three different phases to complete to receive the best rewards from Overthrow.
However, during the second level of Overthrow, players need to defeat an enemy known as Undying Thrall. But, as the name implies, they cannot be taken down so easily. These shielded foes do however have a way of being killed, although it is not so straightforward. Below, we have information on how to take down the Undying Thrall in Destiny 2. Therefore, players can dive in and begin to complete all levels of the Overthrow public event.
How to Kill the Undying Thrall during Overthrow in Destiny 2
Players need to break the shields on the Undying Thrall in Destiny 2 to defeat the enemy. To do so, you must stand in an orange and brown circle to debuff the shield. The circles have the same effect as other parts of the Darkness that players may have encountered during The Final Shape campaign. The spawns of these areas are random for the event. However, they can be indicated by the small pyramid floating in the air. The same color light beam is shooting from them in the direction of a circle. Head to this beam of light and there will be a group of enemies around it.
Once you arrive in the area, be sure to bring the Undying Thrall that you need to kill, to the circle. It is best to shoot at it or get close enough to trigger it to follow you. Upon doing so, head to the circle, so be sure to remember the location of the one you find. Step into it to receive the debuff needed to take the shield down. Once you do, begin shooting at the Undying Thrall and its shield will be destroyed, players can then defeat the enemy. The best way to know when to shoot at it is if you have the status effect called “Suppressor.” If you do, firing while under this effect will destroy the shield.
Taking down the Undying Thrall gives a massive boost to your Overthrow progress, making it fast to complete the current phase of the event. There are usually a finite amount of missions for the event; so completing this one will help.
How to Get the Undying Thrall Event in Destiny 2
To get the Undying Thrall event in Destiny 2, players need to complete a couple of steps. Below, are the steps players must do to get the Undying Thrall mission:
- Start the Overthrow public event in The Pale Heart. This can be done by queuing into the playlist from the The Pale Heart in Destinations menu. Players can also find it in the area.
- Head to the Overthrow event in The Impasse, as this is where the Undying Thrall objective tends to be.
- Complete level 1 of the public event by completing the missions to receive points toward the progress.
- Upon the start of level 2 of Overthrow, players will receive new objectives to complete to progress to level 3.
- One of these objectives will be to destroy the Undying Thrall. As described above, it is indicated by the floating pyramid with beams coming out of it.
Players should note that the missions can sometimes change and the Undying Thrall may take some time to spawn. Furthermore, the behavior of the enemy is not always guaranteed. Therefore, it is best to always try and lure it near the circle to not waste any time. Additionally, luring it will help to save players from burning through ammo trying to hit it from far away, especially as it tends to sporadically move.
That is everything to know about defeating the Undying Thrall in Destiny 2. There is a lot that The Final Shape expansion offers players in content. If you wish to know how to get the Ronin Ghost Shell, be sure to check out our guide on it.