Our Anime Vanguards tier list aims to show what characters are good in the game. Additionally, we also detail which ones are not great and need improvement. The roster is sizeable in the game and therefore, lots of choices to bring in. Whether you are a fan of Itaduri, Spiritwagon, or Cha-In, each hero can be good or bad.
Below are the details on our Anime Vanguards tier list for all of the characters. Furthermore, we have curated all characters into one tier list to make it easier. While This way, players know what to expect from each character. Anime Vanguards is just one of many Roblox experiences for players to dive into. However, with more experiences being added, the game continues to grow and get more popular.
Anime Vanguards Tier List
S Tier
- Alligator: Alligator is the best in the game for slow, as he can permanently slow foes by 50%. While his Range and Damage aren’t stellar, the ability can turn the tide in any game mode.
- Alocard (Vampire King): Alocard is the bleed-king of Anime Vanguards. The Casull & Jackal equals 25% of his base damage in bleed. Furthermore, his SPA is low but when he earns Restraint Level 0, it decreases by 10% more if Ghouls are present. His AOE and range make him an incredible character to defeat foes.
- Cha-In (Blade Dancer): Cha-In has more Critical Chance and even does 5% more Crit Damage. She can also dodge attacks from foes and counter by damaging the attacker with her “Dance!Dance!Dance!” ability. While her damage is only 420, she has a high DPS that makes all the difference.
- Cha-In: The standard version of Cha-In. Her base Crit Chance is boosted by 20%, 50% more Crit Damage, and a Cri Rate of 15% extra when fighting bosses. She can contend well with shielded foes and has a great AOE, making her an incredible all-around character to use. Even more so for a standard version of a character.
- Chaso (Blood Curse): Chaso gets Flowing Blood which grants bonus damage to bleeding targets. His blood Manipulation ability also causes bleeding equal to 35% of base damage. Because blood is a vital debuff to use on enemies, he is fantastic to have when fighting.
- Gujo (Infinity): Gujo deals 20% more damage and has 10% less SPA. Additionally, he is immune to status effects and when upgraded, his AOE is the full size.
- Haruka Rin (Dancer): This version of Haruka Rin is incredible. She provides Damage buffs for all units near her and after 6 waves, can buff the Range of all nearby units. For a support unit, she provides well for any situation in the game.
- Igros (Elite Knight): Igros is optimal to pick for dealing with bosses. He deals 25% more damage to them with his Ruler’s Hand ability. Igros also does 30% more damage and has 10% less SPA. He also starts with 490 damage with a range of 22, making him a great pick in any scenario.
- Pickleo: Pickleo is strictly useful for DPS and he provides fantastically. Every sixth hit from him deals 150% more Damage. Any enemy and any mode works well with having Pickleo placed. While his stats start low, he benefits from being maxed out, especially combined with the ability.
- Song Jinwu (Monarch): The evolution of Song Jinwu is great. His Necromancer ability creates units to aid in your fight once they are defeated. His King of Shadows ability is incredible at damage dealing, as he and close allies gain 2.5% more damage, every time a resurrected shadow ally defeats an enemy.
- Sprintwagon: Sprintwagon earns Yen equal to his displayed Yen number for every wave. While he is not an attack unit, Sprintwagon, and Takaroda are vital for earning more money for placements and upgrades.
- Sukono: Sukono is a great pick for players needing a DPS character. Before being upgraded, his King’s Curse ability cleaves enemies, meaning more get hit in a swipe and bleeds them. When he reaches Upgrade 9, he becomes immune to Stun and is only 3 placement when maxed out.
- Takaroda: Takaroda is optimal for earning Yen throughout the waves. By doing so, players can buy plenty of units, with the max upgrade providing over 10,000 Yen per wave.
- Tuji (Sorcerer Killer): His Challenging Infinity ability is optimal for taking down shields on foes quickly. Additionally, he starts with good Damage and Range, with a SPA of 5.5. The Cursed Inventory allows him to be a multi-tasker, getting moves that adapt to bosses and singular enemies or enemy waves.
- Vogita Super (Awakened): Vogita Super is fantastic, especially against single enemies like bosses as he deals 100% more damage to them. At the base level, he only costs 1200 to place and has both 576 Damage and 21 Range. The character is another that works well in every scenario of the Anime Vanguards.
A Tier
- Agony: Agony deals more Damage to foes and gains Range after repulsing them. Additionally, when he attacks it causes the Repulse effect which can be great to assist units with not being overrun.
- Alocard: While Alocard doesn’t share all of the skills of his upgraded self, his 25% Bleed damage is still powerful to have. He also starts with a massive range of 26, going all the way to 36 when maxed out. Like his other self, however, he also has a full AOE, taking down more enemies at a time.
- Genas: Genas works well to take down shields from foes while also dealing Burn to them. Furthermore, his passive lowers SPA, meaning he can do attacks much faster, making him a great option, especially as a multi-tasker.
- Itochi: Itochi is a good unit to pick for players who need a burn element character. If targets are already burning he does 50% more Damage. Additionally, he does 25% of his damage with Burn, something which can be incredible to wear down groups of foes.
- Julias (Eisplosion): Julias works well at halting enemies, as his attacks slow and freeze with Mirrored Frosse. Additionally, his Damage rises with each attack, meaning he can support well. Offense isn’t his strong suit, but holding foes back is vital.
- Kinaru: Kinaru is immune to boss attacks for 10 seconds which is huge. Additionally, he gets a lower SPA per wave. But he functions well mainly against bosses. Therefore, making him situational.
- Kinnua: Kinnua enters a frenzy which greatly lowers his SPA and has a 50% chance to stun. Both abilities are great together and can hold lines back well.
- Kokashi: This unit’s ability to gain 25% more Damage for 8 seconds, every 8 seconds is great. Furthermore, he stuns during this time which makes a fantastic combo. Definitely a useful unit to help out others when possible.
- Legendary Super Brolzi: Brolzi is a unit that starts strong, dealing 100% more damage when placed. His high damage and focus on placing a lot make him a solid option. Players should invest in placing as many of them as they can to deal with enemies efficiently and maximize their usefulness.
- Nobaba: Nobaba is a great bleed unit for any player. While not the strongest, she provides 50% when hitting Bleeding enemies and can inflict 18% of her base damage to Bleed. However, she gets outshined by Alocard by a long shot.
- Obita (Awakened): 30% Burn damage equal to his base damage is a great trait for Obita. Additionally, he decreases his SPA by 3% every wave for a maximum of 12% which is useful, especially as the game progresses. While his range lacks, Obita deals high damage and can be useful.
- Shinzi: Shinzi is a simple DPS character and worth having. Every wave he gains 10% more damage with a max of 50% more. While he maxes out at 260 Damage, he gains some good range plus his ability, makes him lethal and great to use.
- Sosuke (Storm): Sosuke is good for singular enemies, and deals more damage to each hit on them. Furthermore, he can also stun them and damage them more when they are. A good all-around character to mess up bosses.
- Tengon (Flashiness): Tengon is a great choice for players needing some good DPS. He gains 10% range and damage with his God of Flashiness ability. Furthermore, he works great against singular enemies as he does 10% more damage with each to the same one.
- Tuji: A slightly weaker version of the other Tuji. While he still boasts the Heavenly Body ability, that is about it. However, his base stats are all really good, and upgrading him only makes him better.
- Vogita Super: While Vogita Super is still good, his Awakened version provides more benefits through his abilities. However, this version is still powerful, if players bring more of the unit, they will get stronger, which can be useful. Additionally, his stats are pretty good at the base level.
- Zion (Burdelyon): For players looking for a good burn-elemental character, Zion provides. His Burn damage is equal to 10% of the damage and increases by 3% per attack. He starts with 19 Range which is great as well.
B Tier
- Akazo: Akazo having status ailment resistance is an okay ability. He has high base Damage and Range which are key, especially in the beginning stages of the game. Furthermore, he receives a Line AOE attack which is good for taking down plenty of foes.
- Akazo (Destructive): Akazo is immune to stuns and has a time reduction on status ailments. However, these are the best qualities. He is a slower attacker, with his DPS being low. Therefore, he can deal some serious damage but the enemy can get more hits before he does.
- Bean: Bean is another Bleed unit and deals the Bleed Damage as well as hurts enemies more that are bleeding. However, with Itochi already doing this, he is the better pick than Bean.
- Blossom: Blossom is good as a pure support unit, as she can cleanse all units of debuffs in her area. A good choice strictly for this.
- Inamuki: Inamuki can repulse enemies away which can be good to alleviate the burden. However, his Cursed Speed ability while good with the 200% Damage boost, loses the effect over time, something that is disappointing.
- Inosake: Inosake is a good alternative for players who need Bleed units. Plus, he can lower his SPA with his Beastial Frenzy ability, opening him to attack frequently.
- Jag-o (Volcanic): Jag-o is a decent burn type, dealing 30% of his base damage. Additionally, his skill boosts his stats. But, his AOE is not super great unless his skill boosts it.
- Julias: This version of Julias is weaker than its upgraded version. However, his ability to freeze foes and also gain a reduction of 1% SPA every time an enemy is frozen (to a max of 10%) makes him a great unit for support.
- Goi: Goi’s Friendly Hunter ability is powerful as he buffs the Damage of other units by 10%. However, his other ability gives 100% Dodge until he is attacked, something that isn’t essential. Mainly useful as a support unit for other units.
- Mechamar: Mechamar is very situational with the abilities. He can work as a DPS with his Heating Up ability, deal 10% Burn damage with each attack, and 1% less SPA. Upon getting his Stored Energy ability, players can unleash massive damage of 200% before it decreases. Because of this, it can be very pick and choose where to use Mechamar, with the trade-off not being too good.
- Mohato: Mohato is a DPS with average damage and attack speed to fight with. His Transfigured ability gives him a 40% Damage Reduction. While his Stored Souls ability keeps 5% Damage from each attack and unleashes it all on the 4th attack. The abilities are underwhelming, but still better in some scenarios.
- Nazuka: Nazuka can deal 75% damage to Burning foes. A great ability to have, but players need to make sure she is paired with characters that deal Burn damage to be useful. Additionally, her Damage itself and DPS are much better than various other non-mythics.
- Renguko: The standard version of Renguko works just as well as its upgraded version. Aside from dealing 30% Burn damage, he has average starting stats across the board. Furthermore, his AOE can damage a small group of enemies.
- Renguko (Purgatory): While Renguko does an extra 30% burn damage, he is primarily focused on dealing more damage to singular enemies. Therefore, it is best to save him for bosses. This way, you can deal burn damage and defeat them quickly.
- Roku: The base version of Roku deals 6% extra Damage after landing each attack. He only costs 400 to deploy and starts with average Damage and AOE. Additionally, his DPS is high, making him a good pick at his unit rarity.
- Song Jinwu: The Job Request ability is great for slowly building up damage (with a max of 40% extra). His base stats are nothing too great, but later in the waves, Song Jinwu is meant to excel.
- Sosuke: Sosuke is good for clearing through enemies using Burn. He deals 50% extra Burn damage and does 30% of his base damage in Burn. However, he suffers from average base stats that don’t improve greatly through upgrades.
- Todu (Unleashed): Todu’s Boogie ability swaps places with a nearby uni which can be good to take pressure away. Additionally, when he takes damage, he gains a buff to his Damage numbers. Putting him in a crowded line may help to defeat a lot of enemies.
C Tier
- Chaso: As with many other units, the standard version of Chaso is the weaker variant. He provides Bleed damage at 35%. However, his Blood Curse version is much stronger.
- Gaari: Gaari is good at being able to initiate attacks faster, due to his ability to lower his SPA. But, he doesn’t offer much else and is best for players who don’t have another character with this ability. Additionally, players in early games may benefit from him.
- Igros: Igros is a weaker version of the Elite Knight version. This version is good for dealing major damage to bosses with his ability. However, that is his biggest takeaway.
- Haruka Rin: The standard version is okay, with her Damage being increased per wave to a max of 18% extra. However, this is her best quality. She suffers from lower stats, that even when upgraded lack in many ways.
- Jag-o: Jag-o has good Burn damage to fight foes with. But his high deployment costs and mediocre stats mean there are better characters to use who are of the same element. One such character is Obita (Awakened).
- Joe: A simple DPS pick, Joe doesn’t have top-tier base stats. But his ability increases his damage by 25% and Range by 15%, making him good for the beginning to early stages of the different game modes.
- Noruto (Sage): The Sage version of Noruto is not a great pick. While his SPA reduction can be good with his ability, he has low Damage and feels even similar to his Six Tails version in effectiveness.
- Noruto (Six Tails): Noruto has a decent base Damage of 336 and 2o Range. However, its abilities are lackluster. The Sage Training ability doesn’t activate unless it is not attacking for 6 seconds. Furthermore, it only reduces SPA by 5%. Also, its Blistering Rage ability only increases damage by 2% to a max of 36%. A decent damage character, but nothing too useful in later stages.
- Roku (Dark): This Roku has a chance to execute enemies below 20% HP, but this can only be done in Story. He also deals more Damage with each Attack but loses 50% of it when a new wave starts. This trade-off can be tough if he doesn’t defeat many enemies. Additionally, half of the usefulness is restricted to one mode.
- Rukio: Rukio gains 50% more Damage when placed, but can only target single foes. Her range lacks a lot but she has decent Damage at 35 and is cheap to deploy (only costing 300).
- Tengon: While the other Tengon variant is good, this one suffers. His most redeeming quality is the ability to dodge as a passive, which is useful. But his lower stats, make him not a potential pick unless you don’t have the other version of Tengon.
- Todu: This version of Todu is slightly weaker, he still can swap places with units which is good. However, he loses the ability to deal Damage when attacked, and that causes him to lose some effectiveness.
- Vogita: Vogita gains a 5% increase in Damage with each attack, to a max of 35%. Additionally, his Damage at level 1 is better than other units that are non-mythic. However, his effectiveness ends here and his upgraded version is much better to get.
D Tier
- Genitsu: Genitsu deals 200% Damage every 8 hits. However, he suffers from really low stats and awful range, starting at 13. His ability doesn’t make him much better besides and is only good in the early game or against fewer enemies.
- Grim Wow: Grim Wow is very singular, only useful for dealing 10% extra Damage with consecutive hits. Additionally, he can do 150% Damage to overshielded foes. Because these concern bosses, he is set up for one scenario and therefore, not vital to have in your roster.
- Gujo: Gujo’s Strongest Sorcerer ability is the only good thing about this version. Having 20% more Damage and 10% less SPA that is. But, his stats are incredibly low. Additionally, Gojo can only attack enemies that are close to him. Therefore making him a lacking choice of a unit for players.
- Ichiga: Ichiga’s ability only buffs his Damage up to a max of 20% with consecutive attacks. Once there is a cooldown in his lane, he loses it. He also suffers from a low 25 Damage and Range of 15.
- Itaduri: Itaduri has a lackluster AOE at the base level, average Damage, and a decent Range of 18. While his placement is cheaper, sitting at 1,000. There is nothing that Itaduri offers that other units provide at a better trade-off.
- Jon: Jon’s not a good pick at all, unfortunately. He starts with short Range, very low Damage, and his ability takes forever. It must build up to become effective and by then, players will be able to place better units. Steer clear of this unless you have no other choice.
- Luffo: Luffo gains increased Range from consecutive attacks. However, when no enemies are around, he loses the buff. With an already low group of stats, he is not a great option to have.
- Noruto: The standard version of Noruto is not worth using. He only gains a 15% Range buff from his ability and that is already a bad stat to start with.
- Obita: Starting with a massive 2,000 cost of Deployment and low Range and average Damage, Obita has plenty wrong. While he can inflict Burn and lose 3% SPA per wave, it doesn’t make up for his bad stats.
- Sanjo: The only good thing about Sanjo is he lowers his SPA but landing attacks. However, it maxes at a measly 5%. He also does little Damage when not upgraded. Overall, there is not much effectiveness and he is best left as a last option.
- Sosuke (Hebi): Sosuke’s Way of the Snake ability is good. However, the unit has a ridiculous 250 Damage at level 1 with little Range to match it. Besides his ability, there isn’t much noteworthy about him.
That is everyone in our Anime Vanguards tier list. Some of the characters are exceptional to use in any mode of the game. However, there are also plenty that serve little use if there is no one else to use. Many work well with each other and can allow players to progress much further in the game. Where do your favorite units in the mode stack up on our tier list?