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How to Complete In Pursuit of Echoquartz in Devas of Creation

Devas of Creation character with puzzle image

The In Pursuit of Echoquartz mission in Devas of Creation features a unique puzzle. However, the clue provided when starting the mission is anything but helpful to players. Because of this, it can be tricky to figure out where to go. However, we have created this guide to provide details for players on how to solve this puzzle.

The hidden quest in Devas of Creation involves completing six different parts of a puzzle. While this may sound daunting, it can actually be quite quick. The details below aim to make it easier for players to find the solution and continue with the game.

How to Complete In Pursuit of Echoquartz in Devas of Creation

Players need to interact with six different monoliths around the lake in a specific order. The lake is right beside the quest giver, Moris. By doing so, players will complete the puzzle of In Pursuit of Echoquartz in Devas of Creation. Interacting with the monolith stones in the wrong order will not complete the quest. Additionally, there is a clue for which stones to interact with. Players must do it in the right order, which can be found below:

  1. Zephyr – First, ‘neath a tree, where cool shadows fall. Starting off the puzzle sequence, players need to interact with the tree next to it.
  2. Luna – Second’s circled by a bushy array, standing tall. Monolith #2 is the one that is right beside the quest-giver Moris.
  3. Orion – Third, looms large, the tallest of the band. Various plants surround the third monolith to interact with. So keep a lookout on the ground for a group of them near it. Additionally, detailed in its clue, it is the tallest of the monolith rocks. So look out for its height as well.
  4. Celestine – Fourth, stands apart, on its own stretch of land. The fourth stone to interact within the sequence. This one is separated from the rest of them. When looking at them, they are all relatively close to each other, but this one is noticeably away from the others. It sits at the right tip of the lake.
  5. Aether – Fifth, by the water, where ripples meet the shore. This stone is to the left of Monolith #1. It is touching the water of the lake, with part of it in the water. Be sure to use the tree monolith as a reference.
  6. Solstice – Sixth, crooked and proud, character in its core. The last stone monolith is right beside monolith #5. It is tilted over more than any of the other stones at the lake. Furthermore, it is located directly across the fourth stone which is the farthest from them all.

After players interact with the stones in the correct order above, they will complete the puzzle for Moris for the quest In Pursuit of Echoquartz. The riddles can be tricky to decipher, but the sequence never changes. Therefore, by doing the steps above, players will have the right order.

Devas of Creation ice character posing

In Pursuit of Echoquartz Rewards from Moris

Completing the quest for Moris rewards players with EXP towards their character. While it may seem like a simple reward to receive, doing the puzzle takes little time to do. It works well to give players a boost in EXP for such a short time, making it worthwhile to do while in the area. Earning EXP helps players to earn new abilities to use with their character. Furthermore, they can increase their stats and become even more powerful against foes.

That is everything to know about how to complete the puzzle for In Pursuit of Echoquartz in Devas of Creation. The experience for Roblox offers interesting RPG elements to play with. As you trek across the world, you may also need a good mount to use and we have you covered on that. There is plenty to do in the game mode and many different quests to take part in. Completing this one will help to put your character on the path to becoming a vital part in the saving the realm.

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