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Is Red Dead Online Cross-Platform?

Red dead online art cross-platform logos

Players wish to explore cross-platform in Red Dead Online. The massive online component of the Wild West epic features a lot to do. From choosing different professions to hunting and plenty more. But if you’re like me, playing this is much better with some friends to form a posse. However, with various platforms and players switching what they play on, cross-platform can be useful for situations like this.

Many games presently have been adding the feature. But older titles like Red Dead Online (which was released back in May 2019) were hit and miss on having cross-platform. You may have just experienced the story or just picked up the game and maybe curious. The online mode can be a great time and playing with others makes it better. Below, we have the details for players on if it features cross-platform features.

Is Red Dead Online Cross-Platform?

Red Dead Online is cross-platform between family consoles. This means that PlayStation and Xbox players can posse up separately but on the family consoles. The reasoning behind this is that the game is only available as a previous-gen version. Therefore, players can play it on a current-gen console technically making it cross-platform. Furthermore, because there is no current-gen version of Red Dead Redemption 2, the last-gen edition is the only option.

When it comes to crossplay though, unfortunately, players are out of luck. Red Dead Online does not feature the mechanic. Therefore, you cannot play with anyone on other consoles. Moreover, it is uncertain but very unlikely that crossplay is coming is going to be coming. The reasoning is that the online has been out for so long. With no addition of the function, we can expect that it’s not going to be added.

Red Dead Online with the character on a horse

Does Red Dead Online Have Cross-Progression?

Unfortunately, Red Dead Online does not have cross-progression available for players. So if you wish to change platforms and play the game, you will have to restart from the beginning. This means any progress or unlock on your character will be gone, as they saved to the original platform used. Furthermore, because the game does not receive regular content updates, it is unlikely that cross-progression will also be added. Therefore, players will have to take caution when wanting to change platforms and play the online mode elsewhere.

That is everything to know about if the online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 has cross-platform capabilities. Due to the age of the mode and its lack of updates, it’s in an unfortunate position to not receive the feature. Additionally, the gameplay function was not requested much until recent years. Because of this, players must posse up with others on the same consoles to enjoy the game mode.

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