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How to Get the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy in Genshin Impact

Screencap of Arlecchino's ultimate animation with icons of the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy Artifact Set overlaid on top.

The Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy is an Artifact Set introduced in Version 4.6 of Genshin Impact, notable for how it interacts with the Bond of Life mechanic. It can be found in both 4- and 5-star variants in the Faded Theater Artifact Domain and is considered the “Best-in-Slot” Artifact Set for Arlecchino.

Where to Get the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy

Map indicating where the Faded Theater Artifact Domain is located. It is found on the island of Petrichor just southeast of Fontaine.

Pieces of the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy can be obtained in the Faded Theater Artifact Domain in Fontaine. The Faded Theater is located on the island of Petrichor just off the southeastern shore of Fontaine.

It will cost you 20 Resin to claim the rewards at the end of each run.

How to Quickly Clear Faded Theater

Screen cap of Clorinde performing her ultimate.

Building a team comp that can sweep through Faded Theater will make the process of grinding Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy pieces a lot faster.

Team Composition Tips

Powerful single-target DPS is a must, especially those that can effectively cut through the shields of Mitachurls and Hilichurls. An Overload-oriented lineup with a mix of Pyro and Electro is also very good for tearing through the Domain’s many shielded enemies.

Arlecchino is a great pick for this Domain since her kit is buffed by the Domain’s Ley Line Disorder and her Masque of the Red Death state converts all her DMG output to Pyro, making it easy to consistently trigger Overloaded reactions. She pairs well with Fischl or Kuki Shinobu, who both provide reliable off-field Electro application.

The shielded Mitachurls also begin their wave by running off in random directions, and chasing them down can be pretty time-consuming, so consider starting with a control character, like Zhongli, to keep them grouped together so the rest of your rotation can easily clean up.

  • Arlecchino, Zhongli, Kazuha, Bennett
  • Arlecchino, Zhongli, Kazuha, Raiden
  • Arlecchino, Fischl, Beidou, Chevreuse

Use Condensed Resin

Condensed Resin doubles the number of items you get in a run. It won’t increase your odds of getting the Artifact you’re looking for, but it does reduce the time you need to farm. That said, the right team comp can clear Faded Theater in less than 30 seconds, so you might not want to consume precious Condensed Resin when it only takes a minute to run through the Domain twice.

What Are the Odds of Getting a Piece of Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy?

Screencap of the Artifact drops obtained from a Faded Theater run.

Faded Theater offers four Artifact Sets, each comprised of five pieces:

  • Brave Heart (3- and 4-star)
  • Scholar (3- and 4-star)
  • Unfinished Reverie (4- and 5-star)
  • Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy (4- and 5-star)

Artifact drop distribution is dependent on your Domain Level (which is determined by your Adventure Rank and your Party Level):

  • Level I:
    • 6x 3-star Artifacts (with a 39% chance of getting a 7th)
    • 71% chance of getting a 4-star Artifact
  • Domain Level II (AR 35; Party Level 69):
    • 5x 3-star Artifacts (with a 68% chance of getting a 6th)
    • 1x 4-star Artifact (with a 42% chance of getting a 2nd)
  • Domain Level III (AR 40; Party Level 80):
    • 4x 3-star Artifacts (with a 97% chance of getting a 5th)
    • 1x 4-star Artifact (with a 77.5% chance of getting a 2nd)
    • 35.5% chance of getting a 5-star Artifact
  • Domain Level IV (AR 45; Party Level 90):
    • 3x 3-star Artifacts (with a 55% chance of getting a 4th)
    • 2x 4-star Artifacts (with a 48.5% chance of getting a 3rd)
    • 1x 5-star Artifact (with a 6.5% chance of getting a 2nd)

You are only guaranteed a 4-star Artifact at Domain Level II or higher, so you shouldn’t bother farming Faded Theater before then. It’s also important to note that all available sets have equal distribution, meaning at Domain Level II and higher, your guaranteed 4-star drop has a 50% chance of being from the Unfinished Reverie or the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy sets. In short, there’s no guarantee that any 4- or 5-star item you get will be from the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy set.

How Does Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy Work?

A pop-up describing the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy Artifact Set.

Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy’s main conceit is that it applies a 18% increased DMG buff whenever the character’s Bond of Life value increases or decreases. Each stack lasts for 6 seconds and you can have up to 3 stacks active at once for a total of 54% increased DMG.

Because of this set’s unique interaction with the Bond of Life mechanic, it’s really only useful on Arlecchino, whose entire kit revolves around manipulating Bond of Life. Her Elemental Skill applies a Blood-Debt Directive on enemies, which can be converted to Bond of Life by hitting the enemy with Arlecchino’s Elemental Burst. When her Bond of Life value is over 30% of her Max HP, she enters Masque of the Red Death state, which increases the DMG of her normal attacks, converts all damage to Pyro, and gradually consumes her Bond of Life.

Since Arlecchino’s active skills raise her Bond of Life value and her passive regularly lowers it, the Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy’s increased DMG buff is repeatedly applied throughout a fight, making it effectively permanent.

Remember! Artifact Grinding is a Marathon, Not a Sprint.

A good chunk of Artifact farming is luck-based, and it could take you anywhere from one week to two months to get the full set. Artifact farming at the highest level of the domain greatly increases your odds of getting high-quality drops.

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