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The Jackbox Party Pack 2 Gameplay Trailer Teases 10,000-Player Action

Jackbox Games has today released the official trailer for the highly anticipated Jackbox Party Pack 2, which releases next week.

The title crams in five typically over-the-top and hilarious local multiplayer games, which users ingeniously participate in by using their mobile devices in lieu of a standard controller. Not only that, but the developer has also teased the addition of an all-new ‘Audience’ mode, which allows up to 10,000 players to actively participate in and affect the outcome of particular games via a built-in live streaming option.

The full list of titles included in the collection, via the Jackbox Games official website, is as follows:

Fibbage 2

The runaway hit bluffing game with over 500 brand-new questions, more than 2x the original! Plus new features, like the deFIBrillator!


The hear-larious sound-effects game that will leave you up to your ears in laughter! Cow moo? Huge explosion? Or tiny fart? Which to choose?


The absurd art auction game where you draw right there on your phone or tablet. Outbid your opponents for weird art pieces – drawn by players themselves – and win this strangely competitive auction game! Don’t be a bidiot!

Quiplash XL

The say-anything, gut-busting Quiplash XL (3-8 players), which includes everything in Quiplash, Quip Pack 1, AND over 100 brand-new prompts!

Bomb Corp.

The bomb-defusing nailbiter of a party game! As interns at Bomb Corp., you must defuse random bombs in the office in order to keep your jobs. You’ll probably die, but it’ll be good work experience!

The Jackbox Party Pack 2 is due for release on PS4, Xbox One, Steam, PS3 and Amazon Fire TV, and will be priced at $24.99.

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