News PS4

Sony Surveying For Future PS4 Features

Sony has begun ‘picking the brains’ of PlayStation 4 users on features for future updates.

A survey Sony sent out asks PS4 owners what would be their most desired inclusions, from the ability to change the PSN ID, custom backgrounds, PS1/PS2 classics, ‘appear offline’ mode, and much, much more. Some of the available options have been some of PlayStation 4 owner’s most requested features.

In particular, the wishlist option for the PlayStation 4 has recently been added to the desktop browser version of the PlayStation Store. The latest firmware update for the PS4 released on September 30, and added tweaks to streaming through the YouTube app, video sharing on Twitter – as well as upping the online storage capacity from 1 GB to 10 GB for PS+ members.

Sony hasn’t offered exact dates on when PlayStation 4 users could expect to see the features they’re surveying for, but they have stated they would be available sometime from “before the end of 2015” to “2017 or later.”