
Dragon Quest Heroes II to Feature Kaiju Showdowns

The first Dragon Quest Heroes game had plenty of giant monsters playing the role of bosses. It also featured monster medals that would let players summon smaller ones into a battle. But Dragon Quest Heroes II is taking the monster mayhem to another level with one-on-ones between the titanic terrors.

Shown at the bottom are a few of the game's boss monsters.
Shown at the bottom are a few of the game’s boss monsters.

In DQHII, monster coins work a bit differently. This time, using one will cause a transformation into the creature rather than calling it to your side. Apparently, giant bosses are no exception, as Jump magazine has revealed screenshots of the cyclops Atlas taking on a Drakulard, with the player controlling the former.

DQHII releases in Japan on May 27, 2016 for PS4 and Vita systems.