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Alien: Covenant VR Experience Set to Launch This Year

Ridley Scott’s upcoming Alien: Covenant blockbuster movie is set to receive a virtual reality experience tie-in, Fox has today confirmed.

In a press release, the studio announced that the Alien: Covenant VR Experience will release on “major VR platforms”, thought to include the PSVR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. While no firm release date was provided, its film counterpart is scheduled to open in May.

Developed by the The Fox Innovation Lab, directed byDavid Karlak and overseen by Ridley Scott himself, Alien: Covenant VR is described as “a dread-inducing journey into the depths of the Alien universe. Viewers will discover the true meaning of terror as they navigate through horrifying alien environments and a story where every decision could mean the difference between life and death.”

Users will be hoping the title will be more along the lines of the critically acclaimed survival horror title Alien: Isolation than Fox’s recently released The Martian VR Experience, which was universally panned upon its launch on November 26 last year.