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You Have To Side With One Faction Or The Other In Dying Light 2

One of the last points that Techland made in its recent AMA on Dying Light 2 was about the factions in the game’s world. We know that there are the Survivors, who just want to live with nature and build traversal methods around the city, the Peacekeepers, who are a military group that wants to kill all the infected and implement order, and the Renegades, the main antagonists of the game. However, up until now, it’s not been clear if you had to side with one of the friendly factions, the Peacekeepers or Survivors. There was always a theoretical lone wolf option that players could choose to go against every faction and maybe even be an enemy to everyone in the city. Sadly though, this won’t be an option at launch.

The reason you can’t choose to avoid siding with a faction is that the world is too damn dangerous. It’s filled with infected and an entire faction who want you dead. If you throw in two other factions worth of people all around the city that you need to access, then you’re going to die. That’s how Techland puts it anyway. The developer wants the game to be fun, and while it might be enjoyable for veterans to try out this extreme sort of difficulty mode, it’s no good for new players.

Techland has crafted several stories to explore based on the choices you’ll make. It wants you to make choices because it forces you to side with someone and see the impact of the decisions you make. If you make no decisions, there would probably just be all-out war. Think about it. The PEacekeepers are militaristic, so they’d probably just saunter in and rule over the docile Survivors after what little defense they might put up. There would be no reasoning with them, so all of the choices would be made to the Peacekeeper side of things. Without your input, they might hate you, and you could then be seen as neutral to the survivors, but I don’t see what that adds to the game. The city wouldn’t evolve in an interesting way, it would be all Peacekeeper.