Ubisoft has just released Ghost Recon: Breakpoint Operation Motherland. This is the biggest expansion for the game yet, and it totally changes the way you play. Suddenly, you have so many more options to change up the world of Auroa, and there’s even a new game mode to tackle if you fancy it. The plethora of new content that was added with Operation Motherland is astounding, but it also feels like the swan song for Breakpoint. My question now is where will this franchise go from here? What can Ubisoft do with it, and what should it do with it to ensure that it pleases fans in the future?
Ghost Recon: Breakpoint must have had one of the worst launches in history. The game released with all sorts of MMO mechanics that were designed to prolong the time you spent in the game, and nothing actually felt like a Ghost Recon title. It has taken years to bring the game up to standard, and Operation Motherland is probably the only expansion that has added anything to a game that fans were happy with the state of. It’s a shame, because the game had so much potential at launch, it’s just clear that Ubisoft’s toxicity had crept in with attempts to make players pay more for content they should have already had.
The next Ghost Recon game needs to be the complete opposite of Breakpoint. No MMO mechanics, no microtransactions, and no focus on multiplayer or always online. Then, the game needs to start with the mechanics present in Breakpoint and build them up from there. Iteration only works if you improve upon the last game, and that won’t happen if the last game is ignored. I don’t mind where setting is, but something futuristic would seem to fit better than anything else. Possibly an established IP that really takes things to the max in terms of futuristic military.
Regardless of where the game goes, it needs to have all the features fans wanted in Breakpoint from the word go. Ubisoft has one chance to get this right again, and if not, it may as well not bother making another Ghost REcon game ever again.