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Hitman 3 Season Of Wrath Feels Like A Slow Let Down

Hitman 3

Io Interactive seems to have been slowly letting Hitman 3 fade with Season of Wrath. This is the latest season in the Seasons of Sin Collection, and brings the DLC to its end. It’s been an interesting idea and I’ve enjoyed every single Escalation the DLC has added. However, I now feel that the ideas are running dry, or the live team working on the game has been told to ease up, because Season of Wrath doesn’t feel as full as it could have been. This feels like the end for the game as the team moves onto fully focusing on Project 007, and that’s pretty damn sad.

Hitman 3 is a great game that’s still filled with potential for new content. I’ve mentioned before how I’d be happy with one massive paid expansion per year if nothing else. New missions and challenges are the bread and butter of this game, and keep it interesting for years to come. Making Elusive Targets appear on an automatic rotation, or just adding them to the game, is another way that Io Interactive could give us something slightly fresher. There’s so much that could be done, yet it feels like Io Interactive doesn’t want to let go.

The whole this is odd. On the one hand, you have a game that has loads of fans gagging for more content in. On the other, you have a developer that seems to want to keep control of the game and therefore won’t release everything it has into the players’ hands just yet. there’s a disconnect here that I think could be solved with a good old chat. Io Interactive needs to explain to fans exactly where it’s at with Hitman 3. If it needs more income to justify the work, then that’s fine. Telling us will help, and then it could release a new collection in 2022 that’s purely a one-time purchase. Loads of content for the year for one price. I just want Hitman 3 to keep going at least until Project 007 comes out. That’s all anyone wants, but it feels like Io Interactive doesn’t. Come on team, let’s just sort this out so everyone’s happy.