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Wartales Cursed Villages: What Are They & Survival Tips

Wartales dark room

The cursed villages are different areas that players come across when they first reach Ludern in Wartales. Once players begin to reach this area of the game, things begin to get a bit tougher. Because of this, preparing ahead of time helps to defeat these areas with ease. Wartales is a strategy RPG and having the best team and knowing what you’re going up against is the best way to prepare in this case.

Therefore, we have compiled a detailed guide for players on how to beat cursed villages. From getting specific characters to different stats being high, it’s important to help survive these areas. Furthermore, knowing how to contend with the plague-ridden foes that populate this area is the key to clearing them out. Below, players can find the details to assist with the cursed villages in Wartales.

What are Cursed Villages in Wartales?

Cursed villages are areas throughout Ludern and beyond in the game, populated by various creatures that are riddled with plague. There is more than one of these villages throughout the game, with a few making their first appearance in Ludern during The Fate of Ludern. Furthermore, these areas are tough right off the bat. The minimum most of them require for player’s party members levels to be is level eight.

Additionally, the monsters in these areas can be tricky to fight as they cause various debuffs, such as bleeding and poison to party members. The cursed villages feel like a test of the player’s party and therefore having the right setup will help to increase survival.

cursed village in Wartales game

How to Defeat the Plague-Ridden Monsters

To beat the plague-ridden, players need to ensure they block the building entrances and find a way out while in the battle. The monsters will continue to show up slowly as more and more rounds pass. Therefore, players will lose all of their party members before they can kill the plague-ridden.

Because of this, the following strategies are the best for dealing with them in the cursed villages.

Find A Way Out of The Building

While in battle with the plague-ridden, there is an action skill labeled “Find a Way Out.” Players need to use this, as it will assign units to search for an exit to the building. When each round starts, this input is to be selected so that party members can escape the battle as soon as possible. However, the twist is that the character engaged in the fight cannot do so. Therefore, players have to assign this action to their party members who are not in battle, that way all of their bases are covered during the encounter.

Moreover, there is a bar at the top of the screen that helps indicate to players that the “Find a Way Out” action is progressing. The bar needs to be filled and the battle will conclude, with players being able to escape. Therefore, at every opportunity where the action can be input, players need to make sure to do so. Furthermore, while this is going on it is best to have the entrances in the building where the battle is taking place, blocked.

Blocking the Building Entrances

Players should make sure to bring both melee and tank units in their party. The reason for this is that the characters will help to either stop or slow the flood of plague-ridden. In turn, this helps to make sure that parties are not completely wiped out. Assign the melee and tanks to doorways and ensure to have items that counter poison or characters with poison immunity. Overall, doing this, will create plugs and give players breathing to search for ways out of the building.

It is important to keep these entrances blocked, as things only get more chaotic. At every turn, two more creatures enter the battlefield. Additionally, two more entrances open up also open up. Ergo, it is good to keep assigning free party members to guard these new entrances. Furthermore, the ceiling will open on turn four and can’t be blocked. In turn, this allows for floods of enemies to keep coming in. Overall, it is best to Find a Way Out and escape before round four or five, to ensure as many members can survive as possible. Even the party members blocking these entrances can help to Find a Way Out. So be sure to do this when they are in their positions.

Wartales cursed villages fight

Best Party Members to Bring to Cursed Villages in Wartales

First and foremost, players need to ensure that the collective Willpower of their party is over 80 and that the Troop’s Total Noise is under 100. Keep these in mind when assembling party members, as it will make things easier as you search the cursed villages in Wartales. Additionally, it is best to bring the maximum amount of party members that you can to the villages. That way, it makes it much easier to block entrances, contend with plague-ridden, and look for an escape.

When it comes to the strategy, there are two choices: bring a group to sneak into the cursed villages. Or, the above option of a full party that way when battles present themselves, you are fully prepared for the scenario. While the stealth option is appealing, you risk getting caught and being outnumbered or not as powerful to contend in the battle. Therefore, these are some of the best characters to take with you:

  • Swordsman: As the plague-ridden deal poison damage, a Swordsman is great at healing dying allies. Additionally, they can remove the poison and bleeding debuffs.
  • Brute: The Brute is a good choice for a tank-like character. As mentioned above, having someone take a lot of damage is good for blocking entrances and keeping enemies out.
  • Warrior: This class is a great option for players as they have great strength and health, which will help fight the plague-ridden already on the battlefield.
  • Thief: As players are going to be coming across various chests in cursed villages, they will be locked. Therefore, having a Thief with lockpicks is vital to opening these.

While players can pick various other classes, the above choices are vital. They will help to tilt the odds in your favor more when you are exploring the cursed villages.

Wartales cursed village battle

What Rewards Are in Cursed Villages in Wartales?

Cursed villages in Wartales can contain loot chests, possible companions to recruit, and even hidden loot. There are no guarantees on what you will find in these areas. However, ensuring you have a Thief and the right party to survive will help to make sure that you grab those rewards. The cursed villages are tough to get through, but because of this, the loot is always worth scavenging for, especially if you find new companions.

That is everything to know about cursed villages in Wartales. Knowing what they are, how to fight the enemies, and who to bring makes all of the difference. As the game revolves around strategy, preplanning will greatly help. The above knowledge and tips will ensure you come out on top against the plague-ridden.