Features Guides PC

How to Complete Lost and Found in Gray Zone Warfare

The Lost and Found is a task assigned to you by the Lab Rat in Gray Zone Warfare. This counts as the second task assigned to you by the vendor after you complete the task that requires you to get a box of supplies for the Lab Rat.

The location of where you can find the construction shop clerk named Kanoa Sihrath is not known, but the guide details the exact coordinates on the map which allows to retrieve information about the missing person.

How to Complete the Lost and Found Task in Gray Zone Warfare

The construction shop where you can find Kanoa is located towards the north of the Lumberyard for Mithras Security Systems. However, the coordinates for each of the three factions are different.

  • Mithras Security Systems – 172, 119 in of the town of Nam Thaven
  • Crimson Shield International – 141, 161 in the town of Kiu Vongsa
  • Lamang Recovery Initiative – 200, 162 the town of Pha Lang

Fans should note that once at the area of importance in this task, the construction shop, they won’t have a massive number of AI opponent to confront. This makes the main objective simple to complete, and new fans who have just downloaded the survival FPS won’t face any difficulty in finishing this task.

Once you arrive at the construction shop, head towards the back of the shop. Locate the office room towards the backside of the shop. Once you’re inside the office room, locate Kanoa behind the desk.

Lost and Found - Gray Zone Warfare

You need to interact with the necklace or the medallion in Kanoa’s hand, and equip it using ‘F’ to be able to return it back to the Lab Rat.

Spawn back to Base Camp and complete the task by returning the necklace back to the Lab Rat as proof. You will now receive the task rewards in your in-game Inbox. You need to open the vendors menu by clicking the ‘Tab’ key.

Task Rewards for Lost and Found in Gray Zone Warfare

  • 1x 6/6 SurKit (Surgical Kit)
  • $2,700
  • 400 XP
  • 200 Reputation with Lab Rat

So this was how to complete ‘Lost and Found’ task in Gray Zone Warfare. The task doesn’t require you to confront any AI opponents in the game. However, fans should note that the rewards are decent for the amount of effort involved.

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