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Anime Defenders Tier List

Anime Defenders key art

Anime Defenders characters can be good or bad and our tier list aims to assist players. The experience, which is one of many for Roblox features many characters. Some may not be worth the time to play. However, some are must-have choices for players looking to succeed. Ever since the Red One update for the experience, many may be curious about who the best characters are.

We have created this tier list to help players with the best characters in Anime Defenders. Overall, the best choices are mythic characters, but there are also some non-mythics that players should be keen to pick. From Dark Revenant to Chief of Ice, there is a great range of characters to choose from. The tiers range from S++ to D, see where they rank below.

Anime Defenders Tier List for Mythic Characters

The characters in this tier list are of the highest rarities, mostly Mythic. Many of them take evolving to get to and they provide incredible utility throughout the game. Even though some are in the D tier, they can be useful to players and should be used to see how they work in the game. Furthermore, many of them come with elemental attacks that can turn the tide of battle. So be sure to see which ones below are the most effective and be on the hunt for them.

anime defenders mythic tier list of characters

SS Tier

  • Bloomer: Players looking for a great farm unit choice can pick Bloomer. She is easy to get, and as a farm, she gives the team money to help in the fight.
  • Crimson Phantom: Crimson Phantom provides fantastic AoE damage in Anime Defenders and is our top choice on our tier list. Not only does it excel in that, but’s burn damage is amazing as a fire-and-forget mechanic. Therefore allowing players to focus elsewhere while the enemy takes damage.
  • Dark Revenant: This character is probably the best choice in the whole game. It is top in its class for DPS and its Dark Atomic Punishment skill can instantly destroy bosses.
  • Dragon Mage: Having a Dragon Mage on your team is vital. He synergizes well with our burn-elemental characters like Crimson Phantom.
  • Elf Saint: The Elf Saint is good for causing disarray amongst the enemy. Besides having great stats, she has the Confusion passive. This causes enemies to move backward on every third attack.
  • Golden Adult: The Golden Adult causes both burn and bleed damage, making it a two-fold threat. Because it’s a DPS character, this is lethal. Pairing it with Dragon Mage could make for a brutal combination.
  • Poseidon (Sea Sovereign): Poseidon does it best for players looking to slow down foes from advancing. His passive ability allows him to slow enemies with each attack.
  • Radiant Monarch: Regarding bleed-based DPS characters, Radiant Monarch is great. When maxed out, it deals a massive 4,299 damage, combined with bleed and it feels like overkill.
  • The Rift Sorcerer (Awakened): The Rift Sorcerer feels like a jack-of-all-trades. He has great damage and can slow foes. Furthermore, he can attack air units while they are ground units. Something rare among characters.
  • Shadow Dragon (Unlocked): Shadow Dragon can contend with both ground and air units and has a big AOE. Furthermore, its Otherworldly Power skill buffs the entire team near it with 25% more range and 15% less cooldown for 20 seconds.

S+ Tier

  •  The Cursed Knight (Unlocked): The Cursed Knight offers players both good DPS and AOE. However, while powerful, there are still others in the higher tier that provide the same.
  • Grand Aether Knight: This character is one of the more interesting AOE units to build into. Its passive “Kaleidoscope” boosts damage by 2% for each unit in the AOE. Leveling this up only makes it more useful in taking down groups.
  • Ice Dragon Queen: A great choice for slowing enemies and freezing them. The Ice Dragon Queen can stun enemies every 6 seconds with its basic attacks, pair this with an AOE unit and groups can be cut down quickly.
  • King of Dragons: Another burn-elemental character. The King of Dragons gets 20% more burn damage with up to 100% for units in its area.
  • Legion Captain: This unit can summon other units which boosts her DPS. Players looking to keep reinforcing and gain further damage for a unit, she works well. In a tower defense mode, having more units can sometimes make a big difference and help outlast foes.
  • Lunar Empress: The Empress has impressive stats with her DPS coming in at 10,929 and gains a Massive AOE at level 10. However, with other characters in higher tiers that can provide the same but more powerful, she is best if she is the only option.
  • Shadow Master: For a mythical, Shadow Master has incredible DPS, coming in at 4,112. Additionally, it can also deal useful burn damage, doling out multiple types of attack damage.

S Tier

  • Curse Overlord: Curse Overlord is a good unit with both burn and bleed damage. Furthermore, its active skill “Full Throttle Domain” can halve enemy health. Something great for cleaving down multiple units on approach.
  • Demon King (Peak): The Demon King has mediocre DPS, which means taking down multiple foes at once can be tricky. But, once maxed out, it can freeze enemies for 5 seconds. Combine this with its hybrid abilities and players can slow any foes including air types.
  • The Demon Overlord: Bleed-focused players need to have Demon Overlord. It buffs other bleed units by a massive 50%. If you focus solely on that build, you can destroy many units in no time.
  • Donut Master: When maxed, the Donut Master earns the Donut Dragon skill with a large AOE and 2,148 DPS. Furthermore, it slows enemies. It is a good choice for players who do not have a powerful slow unit yet.
  • Grand Jadefire Knight: This character has the Cursed passive, meaning foes take 20% more damage for 5 seconds. Stack that with bleed or burn elemental types and watch your enemies disappear at a much quicker rate.
  • Legion Assassin Master: This unit is a great support unit choice. It has an active skill “Assassin Might” which boosts allies’ critical chance by 30%. Critical chance is one of the most powerful aspects of defeating foes faster and increasing it is only beneficial.
  • The Pro Gamer: The character has the “Arise!” ability which brings defeated foes back with 25% of their health. Additionally, if he deals 25% or less damage to enemies there is a 10% chance they will be affected by the ability. A great choice for flooding the battlefield with allies.
  • Sage (Deity): While it has over 4,093 DPS at high levels. The Sage is focused solely on DPS. Furthermore, it doesn’t have any other elemental attacks. A powerful unit overall, but better choices can be found.
  • Solar Overlord: The Overlord has the “Sunshine!” passive, gaining a 1% damage buff per wave. While a slow burn, in modes like Infinite, it poses a serious threat if players can survive long enough.
  • Skull Vindicator: The Skull Vindicator currently has the longest range in the game. Making it incredible for picking off foes from afar. Additionally, it boasts 6,345 DPS when maxed, making it a reckoning of a character. However, its pricey cost can be off-putting for placement.

A Tier

  • Celestial Qi Master: The Qi Master has a decent SPA and DPS. While it thrives with a full AOE attack, that is where it can brag. Otherwise, there are stronger choices.
  • Cursed Berserker Paladin: The unit starts with a big 40% Crit Chance even at level 1. However, it solely focuses on ground units because it’s not a hybrid. Therefore, some of its usefulness (while strong) can go away if a wave has lots of flyers.
  • Legion Veteran (Max): A great support unit for players to pick. It buffs the range of other units which can help keep foes away for a time. Additionally, it has a Massive AOE range when maxed out and deals 10 hits in it with the Machine Blows skill.
  • Muscular Sorcerer (Enhanced): With some great damage and fast attack speed, the Muscular Sorcerer is a good all-around character. For players looking for reliable DPS choices, this is one.
  • Prime Leader: Another decent DPS choice. However, Prime Leader’s main focus is Galaxy Smash, which can slow enemies by 30%. But it needs to be upgraded to be useful and because of that, other characters with slow are much more obvious options.

B Tier

  • Bear King (Unlocked): A decent bleed-type character. It has a Full AOE and when maxed, deals 2,397 bleed damage over 3 ticks. However, it is only really a good option if paired with those that buff its bleed.
  • Chance King: The character has a fantastic range. But that’s where its vitalness ends. It lacks any hybrid ability and its damage is less-than-desired.
  • Crimson Demon Ninja: While it boasts one of the biggest AOEs and can deal burn damage, the Crimson Demon Ninja’s damage output makes it an okay choice.
  • Darkness King: A slow-build character in terms of usefulness. It has an incredible AOE but needs to be upgraded to get to it. But it can be useful with having the fear debuff, applying 15% more damage taken to enemies that are affected.
  • Expert Sharpshooter: A decent unit, its passive is its most vital aspect. It has a 50% critical hit chance and increases critical damage by 50%. However, other than that, its a not a superb pick for players.
  • Water Grandmaster: The Water Grandmaster is another decent all-around choice. It has good DPS, Range, and AOE stats. However, its lack of being a hybrid can make it less useful in many waves.

C Tier

  • Blazing Grandmaster: The Blazing Grandmaster boasts big AOEs in both standard and a line. However, with there being many other, better burn-elemental characters, this one gets overshadowed.
  • Bionic Machine (Full Power): The passive of Critical Flaming for this unit can be good. It deals 20% critical chance and 50% more crit damage. Furthermore, it deals burn damage. But, with many other better characters that do the same, this option is for players who don’t have any high-tier characters.
  • Champion Marksman: An overall mediocre character. It boasts a 75% critical chance at level 1. However, this is its only redeeming quality.
  • Monster Sorcerer: A big AOE that deals damage in a line. However, it has a base SPA of 4.7 and lower DPS than other characters that do the same.
  • Pink Demon Mage: The Mage farms gold and can slow enemies. Its damage output and AOE though make it an average character to select rather than a standout.
  • Slime Spirit Queen: The Queen has a good range and average DPS, even at a base level. But, with its expensive deployment cost, there are cheaper alternatives that are much better.
  • Warrior Queen: Warrior Queen provides a full AOE when maxed out. It also has 248 DPS at a base level. But with its stats like it is, it is a rather average choice, meant for players just starting.

D Tier

  • Ant King (Unlocked): At level 11, the Ant King receives a Massive AOE size. Something good to cover lanes. However, it has a 6.0 SPA which is not great. Furthermore, its lower damage means it will be slowly chipping at enemies.
  • Gale Sage: A lackluster limited Mythical unit. While its passive is 25% base critical chance, it starts with low damage and therefore its reliance on its passive is all it has.
  • Thunder God: The Thunder God has exceptional damage that unfortunately doesn’t come until upgraded. Furthermore, he has a multi-hit ability that is great for cutting through foes. But, with his usefulness taking so long to get to, there are alternatives.
  • Queen Swordmaster: While many other characters have solid AOEs, Queen Swordmaster does not. Her damage is also lackluster and she doesn’t pair well with other units. Her most dominating trait is that she cheapest Mythical unit to deploy at 600.
  • Unstable Esper: A high SPA of 6.3 and lower DPS of 366 make this character a last resort choice. It doesn’t have any benefits or elemental damage to make it more useful.

Anime Defenders Tier List for Non-Mythic Characters

Non-mythic characters in Anime Defenders are still useful units to have. However, many suffer from low stats, mainly DPS and Damage output. Also, some do not have any elemental effects or passives and are mainly used as DPS fill units. Any players looking to fill their roster or starting the game can look into the tier list below.

Anime Defenders non mythic tier list

S+ Tier

  • Cursed Fighter: The Cursed Pebble Throw attack the Cursed Fighter has debuffs enemies with 15% more damage taken. Furthermore, it is a cheaper deployment at a base level, costing only 800. Both of these benefits make the fighter great against rank-and-file foes.
  • Chief of Ice: A Non-Mythical slowing character. A powerful damage amount when maxed at 424, a DPS of 38 and 22 range make it a prime choice. Freezing and slowing any enemy is always needed on the field to help stop their advancement, especially at high levels.
  • Chief of Lava: Similar to the Chief of Ice. Rather, this unit utilizes burn damage on foes. While its damage and SPA lack a lot, its big AOE and attack range make it a viable option for non-mythics.
  • Master Swordsman: A great pick for any lineup. This unit focuses on straight damage through his AOE. By level 7 it has a circle AOE to cover more ground.
  • Pink Rockstar: Players needing to make gold during waves, the Pink Rockstar provides. It also has an incredible ability called “Play Rockstar” which buffs allies’ damage by 20% near it.

S Tier

  • Clay: Another great non-mythical slow unit. However, while it has mediocre damage and DPS. It is still a good pick as a slowing unit until something better.
  • Dunestriker: With a base damage of 640 and a range of 22, foes can be taken out from a good distance with Dunestriker. Adding to this is that it has a Big AOE range, players can get far using this unit in their game.
  • Electric Cyborg: A two-for-one damage character. It is currently unobtainable. But, if players can get it, they can summon a turret to help fight approaching enemies. The turret is its ability and has the same range as Electric Cyborg. Furthermore, the unit is a hybrid, meaning damage can be focused on both aerial and ground units, keeping enemies from progressing.
  • Frost Reaper: A similar slow unit to Clay. It has a Big AOE circle attack it earns at level 3. It provides around the same damage and DPS as Clay. Therefore, if players have Clay already, they are good to go.
  • Purple Demon Berserker: The Berserker has a great AOE radius and great stats in both damage and DPS. Furthermore, when upgraded to the max, it does 2,849 for damage and 647 for DPS.
  • Ronin Sage: Ronin Sage has great DPS stats, starting at 26 damage with a speed of 6.5. The only caveat is that it’s not a hybrid unit, but rather a ground one only.
  • Strongest Swordsman: A great character for AOE attacks. At base level, it is an AOE circle but once upgraded becomes “Ground Ripper” which is a multi-attack line AOE.
  • Zephyra: A good DPS character that has fast DPS stats, which only gets better with upgrades. When upgraded, it receives a cone-style AOE attack, making it even better for crowd control.

A Tier

  • The Beast: The Beast features a big AOE attack with substantial damage and DPS. However, an SPA of 9 is not as great as other DPS-focused units.
  • Dragon Slayer: A great multitasking unit. As players upgrade it, it gets incredible. To start, it applies burn damage to foes with its attacks. It is a hybrid so it attacks both air and ground enemies. And it gets a later level AOE called Fire Dragon Slash, a sweeping Full AOE.
  • Inferno Commander: Another good option for players needing a burn unit character, with this one dealing 13.5% of its base damage in burn. However, with that being its biggest pull, characters like Chief of Lava or even Dragon Slayer provide better stats.
  • Storm Slayer: For players in need of a good damage character with a fast SPA, Storm Slayer is a solid option. While no major benefits, it is a good unit to add to the roster to assist on the battlefield, especially as a new player.

B Tier

  • Chief of Light: Chief of Light is a decent character in the early game. However, it lacks in several areas of stats like slow DPS, and low damage. Even when upgraded, its stats are only mediocre.
  • Clown Pirate: The Clown Pirate sports a full AOE when upgraded, but only average damage of 70 with a low-level range of 10 at the base level.
  • Cursed Archer: A solid bleed-elemental character. The Cursed Archer, pairing this with a Grand Jadefire Knight can make for a good combo with bleed damage.
  • Fire Leg Master: An average burn-type unit. However, its damage stats and AOE are lower than others that have the same usefulness.
  • Maxed Qi Master: Maxed Qi Master is the perfect example of an average unit. Providing decent stats across the board, a capable unit for a ground-only attacker. However, there are stronger DPS-focused units to pick.
  • Pirate Hunter: Pirate Hunter is a good starting unit for any player as it solely works on DPS. Always make sure to have one if you need an extra damage character.
  • Savage: The Savage is a good DPS damage dealer. At a base level, it deals 20 damage with a DPS of 4. As players upgrade it, the range continues to grow which helps greatly in the mode. However, in later game stages, players should only look to it as a last resort. The character is obtainable through the 2024 Lucky Ticket Banner.
  • Shinobi Form 3: A below-average DPS character, with a measly 34 damage power and 4 SPA. While it has a good starting range for attacks, as a legendary character, it lacks. However, in terms of deployment cost, it is cheaper than other characters at 800.
  • Soul Reaper: A good early-game DPS unit. When upgraded, it earns the Flash-Step Cut ability which helps to cut through enemy shields. A solid option, especially if you do not have a unit to take shields down already.
  • Verdant Guardian: When dealing with shielded foes in Athenyx’s Realm, the Verdant Guardian delivers pretty well. It has a fast attack, a long line AOE, and can multi-hit. Furthermore, its deployment is good, especially from the early to mid-game stages.
  • Zen Swordsman: Zen Swordsman feels on par with DPS with Savage. When it comes to choosing one or the other, they are similar. Furthermore, it is obtainable through the 2024 Lucky Ticket Banner. Best to use if you do not have a Savage on hand.

C Tier

  • Blood Demon: A decent bleed unit, dealing 20% of the base damage in it. Good for fighting shield foes. However, with much more powerful bleed units, the Blood Demon is not a great choice. Players could obtain it from the Blizzard Winds Limited Banner.
  • Golden Emperor (Retrived): An expensive deployment cost and mediocre AOE size of Full at max level. This unit is lackluster in many ways for a legendary.
  • Ocean Guardian: The Ocean Guardian deals multiple hits to foes with its attacks. More specifically, the Water Bomb. However, its stock damage output and minimal range don’t make it a worthwhile option in many scenarios. Mainly good for starting in the game. Players could obtain it from the Limited banner back in June 2024.
  • Sea Enchantress: The Sea Enchantress starts with moderate damage and AOE stats, before getting better with upgrades. Players unfortunately have to wait until level 3 when they get Water Vortex for the attacks to make a big difference.
  • Soulforce Reaper: The Soulforce Reaper has not-so-great stats when it comes to damage, DPS, and AOE. However, it starts off with good range which can be good in the early game to help with waves.
  • Spirit Hybrid: Although this is a bleed unit, this is the best part of Spirit Hybrid. Furthermore, it doesn’t begin to do the bleed effect until reaching an upgrade level of 4.

D Tier

  • Ascended Qi Master: Not being able to evolve and not being a hybrid make this unit a bad option. Furthermore, having only 6 levels of upgrades while decent, does not make it a big damage dealer.
  • Cursed Nail: The Cursed Nail can combat both ground and air units which is great. But that’s about all it’s good for. Its base damage stats sit at 14, with a laughable DPS of 7. It also suffers from no range meaning it is only great up close, which can suffer in this mode.
  • Fire Swordsman: For a Rare unit, the Fire Swordsman is useful to new players, especially when dealing burn damage. But, his stats pale in comparison with other burn units, especially in the upper tiers. Best to use only if no other burn characters are in your roster. The unit was available to earn from the Blizzard Winds Limited Banner.
  • Pink Shinobi: A Rare DPS character, Pink Shinobi’s stats only work for very early game stages. With damage being 6 at the base level, 1 DPS, and little range to go off of. Many of the game’s DPS outshine her almost immediately.
  • Qi Master: The base unit when starting in Anime Defenders. He is good at learning the ropes of the game but that’s it. A big AOE size is all that he has. Should only be used at the start of the game.
  • Radiant Guardian (Retrived): While it may be a portal Epic unit, the Radiant Guardian is incredibly bad. It has terrible stats all around and its upgrade curve does not feel rewarding or worth it.
  • Salamander: Considerably the worst burn unit in the game. While other characters can cause continuous damage with burn, Salamander only does burn damage once. Furthermore, the damage is only 6.5% of its base damage. Also, its AOE is a Lane attack, which paired with the bad burn, makes it a bad unit to pick.
  • Shinobi: While the AOE is a circle for Shinobi, players can’t earn it until level 4. Its best attribute is its low cost of 350 for deployment. The character is good for starter players in the game before getting new units.
  • Straw Hat: Straw Hat suffers from terrible offensive stats. A lacking 20 Damage and 5 DPS at level 1. Furthermore, its maxed-out stats are no better. Especially on a character that is not the starting choice. Not worth using unless necessary.
  • Vengeful Shinobi: The Vengeful Shinobi is only slightly above Rare units in terms of Damage stats and DPS. However, he is still the worst in his class and provides no utility to a battlefield if you have other Epic units.

Anime Defenders gameplay screen of tier list character

That is our Anime Defenders tier list for the units in the game. Each one has varying strengths and weaknesses. Some provide optimal usefulness in the game, while others lack severely. Where do your favorite units stack up in our tier list?