Crosswords Features

Splashy Gambler in Lingo NYT Crossword Clue & Answer

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“Splashy gambler in lingo” is a quirky clue for players of the NYT crossword. When players are doing the iconic puzzle game, the clues are meant to have players think of various words. It can be tricky with the massive amount of words and their variations with the same meaning. However, for this NYT crossword puzzle, there is one specific word that they are referencing. Additionally, the puzzle clues can sometimes have puns or two meanings in one that can be tricky.

Below, we have the answer to the NYT crossword clue “splashy gambler in lingo.” Additionally, we explain why the word is that answer with the meaning behind it. This way, if the clue pops up in a future puzzle, players can answer it right away and know the reference.

Splashy Gambler in Lingo NYT Crossword Answer

The answer to the “Splashy gambler in lingo” clue in the New York Times crossword is the word WHALE. The five-letter word has two references for players in the clue itself. When it comes to splashy, whales are known for surfacing by shooting into the air before crashing into the water, making a big splash. Furthermore, the word for a gambler is also known as a whale. This is because whales in gambling are players who usually have large sums of money. Additionally, when they gamble, they wager big amounts of their money in the hopes of winning massive sums at the casino.

Now players have all of the details they need to get the clue right in the crossword. It is a very obscure clue, similar to the Hawaii and Tennessee one from the NYT crossword. However, this is the one players can input to help solve this one and get further clues to the words around it.