The Learning Stones in Drova – Forsaken Kin are vital for players. The unique structures can be found throughout the game’s world. Because the world of Drova is big, they can be tricky to find. Furthermore, these allow players to earn Learning Points, which in turn, help to boost skills. Whether you want to level stats or other skills, getting more points is useful.
Players looking to find the eight different Learning Stones locations in Drova can read below. We provide the details to help you level up your stats straightforwardly. We also go over what the stones are, so players can decide if they are worth getting or not. Because Drova is a big game, finding them is no easy feat. Plus, getting those extra points to level up can be a good boost.
What Are Learning Stones in Drova – Forsaken Kin?
The eight Learning Stones are interactable structures in Drova that provide players with three Learning Points. While you can earn, a single Learning Point, these provide a boost to what you get. Therefore, by getting all of them, players can get an additional 24 points. Moreover, these points can be used to enhance your character’s skills. Or, boost stats like Strenght, Dexterity, etc.
However, because they provide an ample bonus, finding them is no easy feat. Furthermore, they are scattered around the world of Drova, making it a tough hunt to get them all. But, we have the details below on the locations for each stone. Some are in tougher places than others. Therefore, players need to be cautious of the areas that they are located in.
All 8 Learning Stones Locations in Drova – Forsaken Kin
There are eight Learning Stones in Drova that are all over the map. Some of them are close, while others are further away from each other. Additionally, many are off the beaten path to be discovered. However, we offer descriptions of what way players should go to find each of them. Below are the details for the locations:
Learning Stone #1
- Head south from the Woodcutter’s Camp location. Upon navigating down, you will see a large grey stone on a ledge covered in stone. This is the first Learning Stone, keep the look of it in mind as you continue to search for them.
Learning Stone #2
- After interacting with the first Learning Stone, head to the West. Players will come to a main road going from North to South. Furthermore, there will be a small totem with skulls, wood, and candles. Once you arrive here, head to the South. After traversing down, you will see a tree on the right, near the road, in a flat dirt area, progress through here. Keep an eye out to the south, you will see a path in between a rocky ledge and trees, go this way. Now take the pathway going counter-clockwise to the left. Afterward, head down to the bottom right to find the next Learning Stone.
Learning Stone #3
- Head back to the crossroads that runs North and South from the second stone. Now head North. There will be a split in the road, take the right path to a river. Cross this river and continue to go East. Slowly proceed to make your way North and follow the preset path as it goes right. Players will come across the marsh-looking biome, and proceed to head to the South. The third stone is just situated near some water from the marsh.
Learning Stone #4
- Head back to the Woodcutter’s Camp, but proceed to venture to the North. Use the river bank as a guiding point and keep progressing until you see a cave, proceed to enter it. There will be a dirt path that leads to the entrance of the cave, so keep on the lookout for it. Upon leaving the cave, proceed East until you come across ruins covered in overgrowth. From here, proceed to go to the South, you will pass a small body of water. Players will come across a rock structure with various enemies, and go Northwest, passing it. You will pass under a stone archway, this is the right track. Just to the top left of your screen is another cave entrance, go inside of it. Right in front of you is the fourth stone to interact with.
Learning Stone #5
- Start from the Woodcutter’s Camp and go West until you reach the Remnant’s Camp. Afterward, head South down the main stone path. To your right will be a dirt pathway with various tall trees on it, proceed this way. The Learning Stone will be an open area with many standing stones surrounding it and an enemy guarding it.
Learning Stone #6
- For this one, players need to head to the thick forest area on the left of the map called Forest Primeval. Start at the bottom right of the Forest Primeval and proceed into it. From here, continue West through the biome. Cross the water back onto the land and go North until you see a tight grouping of trees. Hidden underneath this canopy is the sixth Learning Stone to find.
Learning Stone #7
- Use the bottom right Forest Primeval entrance as a starting point. From here, take the stone path to the right side this time. You will come across a fork in the path going up and down, take the downward path. You will eventually come across the water as you head downwards. Once you do, proceed to travel to the bottom right and there will be a stone waiting for you on a tiny island in the water.
Learning Stone #8
- This last stone is located near Nemeton, using this area as a start, head East of it. Afterward, there will be various fall-looking trees. Once you see this, proceed to go Southeast through them. As you move, you will see a clearing with many enemies. In this clearing is the final stone to interact with.
That is everything to know about the locations of the Learning Stones in Drova – Forsaken Kin. The intriguing indie game houses many secrets. These stones are part of that. Finding them as soon as possible can give a big advantage early in the game. Whether you want to use them to boost stats or skills, they are vital. Furthermore, with them giving over 24 Learning Points total, its worthwhile to interact with them all.