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Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Has A Resident Evil 2 Crossover Trailer

Now that’s a headline we never thought we’d type, but when you consider Capcom make both it makes sense.

Monster Hunter World’s Iceborne expansion will indeed have a crossover event in November as Leon and Claire make their way to the icy wilderness. They also aren’t coming alone. Zombies have also been seen dancing Thriller style in the trailer. It also features some fun nods to classic Resident Evil 2 moments, but with a cheeky Monster Hunter twist.

Leon and Claire are no strangers to Monster Hunting

Also and strangest of all, Mr X is also joining them for the crossover, but this time he appears in a benevolent capacity. Which makes a change. It will be bizarre to fight alongside an antagonist many of us have spent 21 years running away from. It’s been speculated that everyone’s favourite politely hatted Tyrant will be a palette swap for Palicos, hopefully with some of his own unique moves from the Resident Evil 2 remake thrown in.

Resident Evil seems an interesting choice for a crossover event; Monster Hunter often has its tongue firmly placed in its cheek, while Resident Evil 2 aimed to be a scary as possible, despite its obvious B-movie heritage.

Get down!

Monster Hunter World has crossed over with various other Capcom games in the past including Devil May Cry, Mega Man and Street Fighter. It’s also crossed over with other studio’s works such as Horizon, Assassin’s Creed and The Witcher.

Anyway we hope you enjoy as much as we did, and are as confused by it as we are!

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