I’ve seen some extremely mixed views on Biomutant over the last week, and I can’t make my mind up about the game either way. To me, it looks like a decent open-world adventure, but it sounds like there are problems that get in the way. With that said, this game has been delayed a few times, so the state it launched in is likely deliberate, and it’s just that reviewers with low scores didn’t enjoy what they played. I know we’re all meant to be machines who don’t judge based on what we prefer in games, but that’s never the case. That’s why this article is going up, because you really should just judge the game for yourself.
Think back to when Death Stranding launched. The game had so much anticipation around it that it was hard to breathe on launch day. When it finally did get into our hands, the community was split every which way. Some people enjoy the walking and running and delivering parcels. Others hate it. More still really like the story, while a small percentage didn’t even see it. That game was so divisive that it’s hard to say if it’s good or bad. That’s because it’s entirely based on your opinion and what you like.
I think Biomutant is the same. The game isn’t good or bad independently of what you prefer, it’s just a game. Once you play it, you’ll be able to make up your own mind on how you feel about it, and that’s what really matters. Some people love the exploration, and reviewers seem to damn the combat because it’s slow and feels dull. To me, this screams of a game that’s got a very specific set of mechanics, and not many reviewers enjoy those mechanics. I’ve also seen tonnes of players outside of press outlets telling the world how much they love the game. It’s extremely hard to say who is right.
That’s why you shouldn’t listen to anyone else. Go out and get a copy of the game for yourself, and then you can decide if you like it or not. Don’t let anyone else choose your opinion for you.