If you’re a fan of video games, chances are you’ve at least heard of Telltale Games. This developer is known for their point-and-click adventure titles that put players in the middle of an epic good vs. evil story arc. Despite its ups and downs over the years, Telltale has produced some truly great titles. Hot on the heels of its latest investment funding round, here are five must-try titles from Telltale Games that you should check out today.
The Walking Dead: Season 1
This Telltale game is based on the beloved comic book series of the same name and follows Lee Everett, a man convicted of murder who is on his way to prison when the zombie apocalypse begins. The Walking Dead: Season 1 puts great emphasis on player choice with players having to make crucial decisions that may determine who lives or dies. Fans of both series or anyone who appreciates an excellent zombie story should definitely give this critically acclaimed game a try!
The Wolf Among Us
Based on the Fables comic book series, this game follows Bigby Wolf as he investigates a string of murders within Fabletown. Telltale’s The Wolf Among Us showcases their skill at crafting captivating narratives through its games. Plus, it boasts some great characters as well as top-notch voice acting from Troy Baker and Adam Harrington.
Batman: The Telltale Series
Fans of Batman should definitely check out Batman: The Telltale Series. Players step into Batman’s shoes as he attempts to solve a murder mystery and manage Bruce Wayne’s personal life. With stunning visuals and an original story that draws inspiration from classic comics while feeling fresh and new, Batman: The Telltale Series offers one of the finest interpretations of Joker we’ve seen in any medium.
Tales from the Borderlands
Tales from the Borderlands is set in Pandora, from the Borderlands series and follows two unlikely heroes as they search for a treasure trove of alien technology. Tales from the Borderlands is one of Telltale’s funniest games with its cast of colorful characters and clever writing that leads to some truly funny moments. Additionally, its cel-shaded art style accurately replicates the look and feel of Borderlands.
The Walking Dead: The Final Season
The Final Season is the latest entry in Telltale’s The Walking Dead franchise and concludes Clementine’s story that began back in 2012 with Season 1. In this final chapter of Clementine’s journey, players must make some difficult choices throughout her journey – an emotional rollercoaster ride you won’t want to miss. If you’ve been following Clementine since Season 1, this will be one game you won’t want to miss!
Telltale Games has created some amazing video games over the years. If you’re searching for something new to try, be sure to take a look at any (or all) of the five titles on this list – we guarantee that you won’t be disappointed!